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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: Hey look It’s a cinemograph Producers Name: Jack Finch Contact
Number: 10656244

Location / Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures

Poole Park Rain could damage Delay with filming date Check weather forecasts and bring Planning to film on the 17th of May
equipment or effect area covers for shelter.
of filming
Poole Park Could drop equipment Effect on production and Keep a safe distance from the lake Planning to film on the 17th of May
into the lake pay for new camera when filming and be sensible with
Poole Park Camera could run out of Can halt filming time by Can bring a spare battery and Planning to film on the 17th of May
battery an hour or more time charging in port in case needing to
charge in café
Poole Park Public can walk in front Will delay filming waiting Film In a quiet location and early Planning to film on the 17th of May
of camera while filming for less people to be in the morning when less people are
area around.

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