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What is the most challenging aspect for Romania in its transition to a green economy?

The very term of green economy is one that has been debated and is still a clear cut concept with a
precise definition. It involves many assumptions, and works with many other concepts such as
sustainability, ecology, protecting the environment, just transition etc. Firstly, I am a big advocate of the
essential role that nature plays in our lives. I consider humans are part of the ecosystem, they are not
different from it or situated on a higher level. This is the first assumption that many make nowadays,
and I consider this to be the first challenge in creating a society where we have respect for everything
that surrounds us, namely: plants, lands, crops, rocks, crystals, seas and mountains etc. The first and
most obvious challenge is the level of consciousness at which many people are situated, especially in the
decision-making area: the consciousness of being separate from the whole of existence, instead of
considering ourselves a part of the whole and being grateful for we have been given the capacity to
reason and be self-aware.

Beside this idea that I just shared, an idea that may not be considered to the point of this question, I will
move on to an aspect that may be more widely accepted. One must be aware of the fact that in a green
economy, the word green is the one that should be on the first place. There are numerous financing
opportunities at the EU level, however, they are not being fully used due to a lack of institutional
capacity in our country. There is not a clear and well established regulation or guidelines, so that
businesses, citizens, organizations can easily access these money and implement their projects. At the
level of policy making, there are no easily accessible strategies, no guidelines, no framework, no clear
definition of what is means to develop a green economy (which can lead to conceptual
misunderstandings, which can further lead to obstacles in public policy making and implementing).

There may be a mentality amongst businesses and organizations that `what is green is not necessarily
profitable or it threatens profitability` which is why the lack of a clear institutional framework can cause
even more confusion.

7 Comparaţia între realitatea ultimă şi spaţiuleteric (akasha) pleacă de la faptulca în cosmologia indiană
spaţiul nu este conceputca un atributal materiei - rezumat la tridimensionalitatea percepţiei senzoriale -
cica element de bază alcosmosului, factor atotcuprinzator şi omniprezent, principiu al unităţii, suportal
existenţei materiale şi spirituale. În Chandogya-Upanishad (III, 12, 6 sqq.; 18, 1) Brahman este asimilat în
ordine obiectiva cu spaţiuleteric, iar în ordine subiectiva cu spaţiul spiritual din interiorul inimii

24. Eu sunt cel care are parte de toate sacrificiile şi numai eu sunt stăpânul lor; deoarece ei nu mă
recunosc aşa cum s2u5nt, aceştia se pierd

u5nt, aceştia se pierd. . Cei care slujesc zeilor merg la zei; cei care slujesc străbunilor merg la străbuni; la
demoni merg cei care sacrifică demonilor; dar cei ce-mi sacrifică, la mine vin

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