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Coppi © 208 by A. Gary, ‘Ming hac ‘Manauctared in th United Sate of Areca The Diaing Room opened oa January 27,182 at Playwrights Horizons ia New York Cty. It was presented by Playwrights Horiaus, Andee Bishop, managing dretor, su dete by Davi Trainer. Sets wero by Loren Sharman, costumes by Deborah Shaw, and lighting by France Aronson, The east Included Leis dBanzo, Joa Shea, W. Mey, Pippa Pearthee, Aza MeDonongh, nd Remak Ramsay. Casting Suggestions: [fa cast of scx ward, and there aco strong arguments fr win ‘us number, tho following easing ofthe voles as prose to be ‘yorkable and sox we acros—Puhd? aida, Bote Gap, Sea, and Me and across Chen Howard, Pychstest, Ted Pa, Bon, luis Jia, Pek and Guest syd acton: Arthur, Boy, Acitet, Bly, Nik, Prod, Tony, Stndth, snd Guest sat scm An Notas Cri Sade, Dra, Margery at, ket, la Anni Grac,Pegay, Nany, Saab, Ast are Hl, Ani, end Guest | Sly ues ag Wile Oa, ‘elo, Meg, Bertha and Guest The play takes place ina dining room, rather, many dining rooms, The samo dining rom farisue srees forall: loot, burnished, shining dining roo table; zo dats, eth arms, dither ond feo more, armless, along each side; several ode ional matching chair, placed #9 a1 10 difice the walle of the room. Upriege somewhere, a siddboad, posbly with a miror ‘vert Upsiage, Loft, « swinging door leads to the pantry ond Iutchen. Upsage, Right an arcaeay Toads tothe front hal ond ‘he rout of the howse. But we should see no details jrom these ‘other rooms. Boh entrances should be masked in such away as tomiggedt a limbo outside the dining room. There should bo a good, hordood floor, powsibly parquet, ‘covered wth a good, worm oriental rug ‘A sons ofthe cold murounds the room. I might almost sem to bo surrounded by a veloc covered low-song chain, on brass stanchions, as ft were on day somo rauscum, many years irom now. ‘Since there are no walls tothe dining room, windows should be suggested through lighting. The implcatin should be that there are large French doors, Downstage, and maybe sindotce long another all. Since the play takes place during the course of day, the Hight should change accord. The play require cat of se-thece men, these women—ond oi Tur Dasne Roose eee ir secers caly acet eee nner ena ri i ed a ies aru errs math ee mu afeee mae es means EATEN asa emg comganmee tates mae, Seen Some ere eS Se Fervent areca evi eanarmmmiae iii siremcatrly meni ana See Sa Siinnemeooneay Easseiseecent Te eae soi deaeubege acon me Acneariis Ses Ceara ee are Kcoetaie ato tse sgt tn con tra me bo Sots Peo ii oi ACT ONE ACT ONE. (eo on ae he dring rom ou a He Sy ong i, Vote from Of Hg Then women Ss at ar mae opt eo Bath Scorers) scr 0d nig, cemar 8y cast You sot rome were dvd etch te Taran ae cen: Fy. scar: Frock doo, lovely pis, Somang cbs, Do you ihe gwdeangr can ed exw ago, iagle having + lng bay brea Sa ire ctor sop nt nfl cn Rasen Ate sore: Exel. You Snow hs 00m ater yom Bt ‘opts ding rom iets Se sof Se 3 ‘Taz Drone Roost comer: 0 did. ‘scr: Then hore wo ara Weleome home, (Posse) cuoner: What are they asking agata? cost: Make an ofr. I think they/l come down. (Avorter pause) ‘cxnovr: Trouble is, well nover nse this room: ‘scove: Ob, now ‘aur: Wo wort. The last two houses we Hod In, my wife ‘sc he dnng room table ta set the aad. soner: Ob, dear, cunaer: Maybo you'd better show me something snore conten porary. soxer: That means something farter out. How long hsve we {et tofind you a home? cen: One day cect; And how long will he corporation keep you her, after ‘you've fouad b> ‘cance Sie months toa yeas scree: Ob, then deitely we should lok farther ont. (She ‘pens the Hitchen door) You oan look at the Kitchen at we Teave, cxnsvr: You shone have shown me thi rst, ‘cost: I thought twas something to go by. ‘eumer: Youve spatled everything ele. ‘snesr: Oh, no. Well fad yom something we've got all day ‘Bat was lovely roam? 4 ~ mm The Ging tom, rola / E67 ‘Tm Doane Boone cexnant: Lets 99, oT by (They both ext though the Hitchen door a a brother comes fa rom the hal, follooed by his aster Both are middle-aged. His name is Arthur, hor Sally) suuex: Yor. room: Notice how we gravitate ight to hit rm, sour: Thaw it ancton: You sure Mother doen't want thie sulin Florida? sax: She hardly bas room for what she's got. She wants us to ‘ake turns, Without etn rset: Well ust have to duets hen, nxt; Vales one of es wants something ana one of ws doer arn: Weave to doi today. sauix: Do you think thats enovgh Hime to divide wp a whsle "house? ssmaon: 1 have to got buck Sul. (He looks in the sideboard) ‘Well deaw lots and then gp throvgh the rooms taking tar. (Hite brings out dite spoon) Fes. Well ase tis sale spoon. (Ge shits jrom hana fo hand behind hls back then elds ‘ou to fats) Take your pick. Yu get the span, you get the ‘Sng ros, suxex: You meaa you went to start here? tum: Got to start somewhere, (Golly looks ot his fats. Annie, @ maid comes out from the Iitcen fst the table for brecifas. Shoes place wat a ei ‘her end nd two eff xpy, sith aoucers Sally end Arthur 1h no notice of her. Anne then aaces) ‘ssutx: (Not choosing) You mean you want the dining 00m? 5 “Tu Dose Roose anon: Yeah satzx: What happened to the stu you ad? ‘aston: Jane took Te was pat ofthe seterent, satay If you win, where wll you put ‘crm: That’ my problem, Sa sane: [thought you hed a tiny apartment, am: Yn a lacs ‘aur: Tmeun, your childzen won't wast, sason: Probably net ‘guns Then where on earth. P anmun: Come on, Sel. Choose. (He holds out his fits agin, ‘She ster to choose. Ante comes ta from the bichon, bring. ‘hg the morulag pope. She pu ot the head ofthe lab, ss “Artur lwers is hand) You doa want sstty: Ofcourse T wast i, ‘acm: I mean, you aeady have a pefetly good dining room. sate: Nota good as this, ‘Aran: You mean you want two dis rooms? ‘uct: give oro stu to Debbie, ran: To Debbie? SauLr: She's cur olst ei Arion: Does Dobbie want a dining room? saut3: She might. anon: Ia condominiun? sa1ty: She might, -aezen: Tn Denver? ‘Dur Duos Roose seat: She ust might, Ants. “Taft cones from the gi te ets comfy ot he ‘oud of tho tbl nels his tupaparinprtanly) nase: (Shing the 1poon behind back ages, Then hld- gout hs ts) dnt want Bight. Which band? (Satya to choos, then stops) ata Are yo plang to pot tn storage? sono Tight. saci checked on that Tht costa am ang etn: So ose hippog ito Denver, (He Ps outs fits) sum: (Cling chen) Good morang, Amie susax: (Alnst picking a hand, then stepping) 1 now shat ‘wil happen it you wi. acca: What? tater: Youll ead wp sing ane ellg 8? ‘ost, Tat what wl happen, I wil sk oud fr whl youl end up cling faire dele. (Annie comes ut wth «sl sro erage eon tom) een Tas sanately amazed youd sy that sscza: I dnt watt gh, Ata ance: Nether do Maybe we should defer the ning wos. (ite tat for dr, ight) sxx: (Following hi) Maybe we should “Bat: Good moning aS ‘asm; Good mori, Ana. 7 ‘Tax Divove Roose un: Selling the ding oem? Is at whet you tld Motier Taare ™ sexe: (Following him out) I told hee Td give you the plan i ‘an have the dining oom ras ‘snson: TT bo lucy 21 ep this spoon, ‘urn Tl give you the plano and the coffe tablet Leen wax: T gv you the piano Lean have (Arthar ond Sally ext ota the hit) ir Annie. — (Aan is mat to the ith door) ote: Ye si, army Dias my range ee yeeday mom some I steined se ‘orma: im sare you dil, Amie, Nooetiles, 1 dik ¥ ma Tv dase sal eo a oar: TL strani, sin "eran Seeds can wreak havoc wih the dlgetin, Annie. soar: Yes, erat: ‘They can take root, And grow. ‘some: Ys ss i sony, st (Annie goes out. Pathor drake ie orang juice carefully and Ms Se cer it i oT heal ot ugh Be emu: Daddy. var: Yes, god mening, Lizie Bo, ‘rm: Daddy, could Chase and me 8 ‘Tum Doawe Roos. acme: Chalo and 1. com... Chalo and T come ont snd st with you while you "have belfast? arm: You caaily may, Helse, 1 be dled to have he plane of your copay, proved ‘Yippel ‘se: Il, protdd you st quay, witont lenin bak In Sour cas abd don ght rage cam (Coling int tohon) Ha sy we cal armen: Lad you my, sett, (The Git comes out aorngly, felled by «Mile boy) ‘amc (Rising her ftbor) Good moning, Dad. sor: (Rising hi 10) Morsng, Ded t seat, Annie binge ont the fathers Sinks“ Oe Pres mw te fe sore He you sams urn: Than yo, Anna soot: Youre weloae se, (Annie gow out The children wach he oer) von: Dad... scm: Heomn? sor: When do we got to have fresh oream on our sbredded ‘wheat? ‘caus When you grow up, thats when, ermine TI tell you one thing. If thers a war, no one get ‘ream. If there's wa, well all have to sete fo top of the bot, 9 ‘Tum Doane Reon cae: Moa sid se was tihng abot hang w et donee Tere wh you every it aon: Yea Your mother andar both hiking abot th “ad wae bot ong forward om yo dies Ioan ot up weight (Thay quel do) Then Tse vo ‘son why oe ela he's ple mee gtr orayeraag or Cou w ty tog, Dal? Cold you gett ms No, Chase, Not tight ec tonight woe gig aa ne iy Dot Te vy ac ou wl Lew ‘ee dove end tke ban cr gt shy, Da arama: Well, you jut ave to lar, soso ple, Half of life ‘ learing to inet people, ox: What's the other bal, Dad? (Pause The fatn fics him wth a stely gost) arn: Was thats ack? wor: No, Dad. erm: That was each, wast? ‘or: No, Dad Rolly. ‘armen: That sounded very much like smastguy wicerack to ‘me. And people who make omcks like that dost norully eat ‘nding rooms, ors I didat mean it ata rack, Dad, aren: Then wl guar t Wel yo on with ou breakfast (Annie comes in) saan: (fo Gl) Your caZs here, Liza Fr schol coms (Jumping up) OK. “Tee Dome Roose ‘aroun: (To Gil) Thank you, Annie cake yox, Annie... (Kiser father) Goodbye, Dada. armen: Goodbye, darling. Don't be late. Say good momsog to ‘he driver Sit lel tn th ea. Work hard Hun, Rus. Good bye. (Gel pres OF. Father returns toe paper Powe. Boy sits twatching hs fothor) or: Dad, can Isead the funios? ‘aru: Ctl, Cortalnly you may. (He carefully extocts the ‘econ section and hans # ois con Both read the son try ‘ng t0iitate the fshor in how he does Finally) This ‘won't mosa mich t0 you, but the goverument is systematically ‘ing Hs county. sor: Mist Kelly told us about the goverment ‘armen: Ob, relly. And who i Mise Kelly, pray tll? oe: Shes my teacher ‘ai: I daut remember any Miss Kelly. ot: Shes new, Dad. essen Lee, what hat sha been telling you? ov: She sald thar’ a depasson going on. art [0 ‘or: People allover the county ae standing in line for bread, ‘rar; 1508 or; So the goverment las to step in and do something (ong pause) acme: Ariel soa: (Coming ont of Kitchen) Yes, ‘ix Drow Root "on: Tver mach ke some mae cts, ease 100m: Ys (She goo) arn Yor tl Mis Kl sh’ wrong, sor Why? "ars: Tel yon exoiy why, the govenmont kaos on son many, ove wl ent twa hd fo on ‘rant to we thro wot be aye send fo eppet sch things private sche od if moon vapor pete fehouls, then Min Kely wl be stnlng on to beers flog with every ee You tl Mit aly at f yon ‘ea (Amis come in end pose cee) Thank yous Amio (Father return to hs paper. Ame has retreated tothe itchen, ‘Boy reeds his fumes for a moment) or Dad ‘sums (Reading) Haman? ow: Could we leave a lt exslie today? aren: Well leave when we alays lev, ‘bor: But i abnays late, Dad sree: Noasente, or; Iam, Dad. Yesterday I had to walk lato aserbly while le Were sl singing the yan, ‘atu: A mite orto late. vor: Everyone looked atm, Dad. ‘rare: You tell everyone to cancentrate on that hy ov: Least, Dad ‘varnm: Tes that now stoplight on Rishmond Aven, It alles ‘on ting or: Its not just the new stoplight, Dad. SometinesT come tn ‘Tom Denso Roone ste ere ce ya sete sm pt nln rare eae = \ ey gt Sateen Mate an a eee . : Hiarenhe wn toase Beedyeemcmec aus sves Sietrpcpeneacste is hate ciepae ses ‘tn loeg ater yee forgaten Mn Kal you wl 0 er eagirmis mit mires Ste eee ek ce on sea peng in (ne anaes ven ot he es a sere st (Char jmp wp) son a ep vasa: I ako kzow poople who ras to pash fa the mother's ‘ait (Charite does 10) cor; Thank you, dear ‘astm: And, fall, Low peopl who are quik to give thelr ‘mother the seand ston of the arang paper. ‘xasem: Ob! Here, Mum. suormmn: Thank you, dat ‘az Doene Roone aru: Now, Chari, take a moment, if you woul, jst to lok ‘at your lovely mother, bathed in the moray sunlight, and efile in he dining rom table, ors: Ob, Russell {Chart Took at he mother) ‘armen: Lodk at hor, Chai, and then ask youself carefully ‘Which is worth our ultimate attention? Your mother? Or Mise Kelly? som: Who e Mis Kelly? armen: Novr mind, daa. Which, Chalo? ‘oun: My mother vars: Good, Chania Fina. (He get up, aking Iie sation of ‘the paper) And now, I tink you and T should make a tp up stalls before wo sy goodbye and are on ont way (Mother see actly, Father and son laos the room. Annie ners carying eff sorr) orm: Good morning, Anais nour: Good morning, Mix ‘orm: Tll ime TH have poached eggs thie morsing, plas, ‘Ania avon: Yes, Mis (She goer ott) (Mother sts sipping ove, reading her section of the paper A goungish womtcall her Ellocomes out of the Hichon. Her Pore sled th pape \e nk tas She fe petra tee fin fo opr Tange eel hon Motor pg no etn Sic Ken ned oregon re igi) nowano: Hey! “ue Dose Roost reise: Oconp thought you bad gone smowano: I orgt my bifesn. .. Wats gong on? saiat Thaw toga th teem paper dons. swarms In bar? sume: Wher eb owaso: Youre ging type? spam: Ofcourse Tn ging fs snow no? A ht table? asses Why nt? sowatn: Yous going to st here, banging «fypewster on my “els ling room oP sme Why nol? owhto: Hoss as dated fr that’s wl sam: (Sighing) Ob Howard smowano: Lucky I came back, Nest thing you now, you'll bo 7 Yeading the dog off our Lowestoft china. ‘um: Is got mbber pads under i. 1 checked. (Gets up, goer ‘to sidoboord) And 1 get something ose, f you want. (She takes out couple of place mate) soeizo: You're not ging to wie tho place matsP eu I thooght Iwosld, Yes. owas: Those are good placo mats, raz: Wo havent used them inten year, rowan: Thos ae extrenely god plice mt Ei, Mather thon ly rum: A gt (She ps th plae mats back in he sidebord mga eins fd ep of ht pat eaten ht 15 ‘Tue Daxnve Roose cexvfully) TH we thes, then. Mind fT we thee? We put pots on them, We can cereaily pu a typewriter, aca ee arr erate ets tert ee ee menos deg te sor bell n the tet rn of hr oo roman: 1 wonder f saying might ve happencd to ‘Ponchod eggs, Annie, a es of sone: Irma cooking two mos, Mrs, Deora: Two more? ‘oom: Tho Bet one ld of the plate while she was but the toast. m “ene orn: (Standing up) Is he dining aga, Anaio? oe: No, Mis. ‘orn: Tell me tho rth, some I dow thinks, Mee, ‘Momma: 1 beter go 9... A 0 ‘poached eggs. (She stots forthe Kitchen) Honsly, Annie, ‘loan. soa: Yes, Mes. (Mother goes out ito the ltchon. Ana clears the mothers an fathers places, lacing a glass ond plate for the nest scene. ‘Annie ext) ‘mim (To Howard, ‘ianding at tia 7 taatching) Dont you have a plane to catch? Hes ind of bard to work when your husband is hovering over you Tike a el copter 6 ‘Tum Drense Home ‘nowano: Well fs od of hard to leave when your wife 575. ‘ematically mutating te ding room table ‘zm: Ibe cael, Howard Teva Now goodbye (She begins to hut and peck on the tppeoriter. Howard sats ‘ut then stops) mowaso: Could you please work somewhero else? xu: Tike to now wher, plese. ‘owano: Whats wrong with th kitchen table? uum: It does’ work, Howard: Last time the Kids got peanut Dotter allover my fotnots, ‘mowano: Til sc up the bridge table inthe Living room, usa: Ta jut have to move whenever you and the boys wanted to watch a footall game, ‘owas: You mean, your gong to Teave all that staf shore? stm: Thought I woul, Yes. ‘owsno: All tha bit? Allover the dining room? sm: I's term paper, Howard. fs cru fr my degre, swowaso: You mean youte going t0 commandesr the dining ‘orm for the et of the er 1a I Jot sts hee, Howard, Is never used mowaro: Whet if we watt gve a dinner pay? ‘rum: Siace whan have we given a dinner party? owano: What i€ we want to ave afew people over, for Chris. ale? scum: We an ot in the itehon. mowano: OB, Jou, ssn: Everybody does thse days. a ‘Tux Dasve Roose -nowamo: That doom make right, "umm Lat me get this done, Howard! Lt me get a good grade, sand my Masts degree, and « good job, so I ean be out of haere every day ‘nowaro: Fioo! What th bell Thea why don't I tam i ito a tool room everynight? (He stoma out) (Ble doggedty returns to her work angrily tng and pecking (on the typewriter. Graco enters from the Right she att du, ft, end bogs to work om har grocery li Caray, gil of fourtcon eter sleepy @ moment ltr) ‘aroun: Why did you ell Mise to wake me up, Mother? ‘once: Let me fst Gish the grocery st. an, Saturday, Mother, ‘emacs: (Fling the te with floureh) So... There, (Puts down thelist) 1 know is Saturday, dating and T apologize, Bot rometbing has come vp, and 1 want yoa to make « ite eckson, ‘anor: What decison? ccc: Start your breakfast dear, No oe can thik on an empty ‘omach, (Carolyn its of the table) Now. Goess who tle phoned thi moming? cso: Wha? ‘anon: Your Aunt Maths ‘arora: Ob, Hove her enac: S0 do I. But the poor thing hart got enough to da, 30 ‘the wae on he telephea at the crack of daa carorane: What did she want? ‘eux: Well now, her's the thing: dis got an exta tet for the theatre nigh, and she wate you to jon her 8 “Tra Downe Roos ‘canon: Soe! csace: Now walt i Tve fithed, dear tld her i was your ‘decision, of cours, but I Uhought you ad otber plans cexnoxn: What other pana? cuca: Now think, dating, Tot there something rather special going on in your life tis evening? (Pause) coaanmt Ob, enact: Arn ight ora night? casouns: (Grinly) Dancing school zzz: Shit. (She begins t gthor up her matesal) ‘race: Not dancing schol, sweotheart. The fst session of the Junior Arsumblies, Which are big step beyond dancing sebool sux: (ant work inthis plac! Tes ikea tab! (She goes out {nto the kitchen) ace: F tala Anat Matha youd call her ight back, 99 she could drum up someone ols. ‘canouse: I thought it wae my decision. race; It is, sweetheart. Of coms, ‘aoa; Thea like to soe «play with Aunt Matha (Pose) cemsex: Caray, X wonder if ye being just litle mpulive this morning. You don't even know what the plays canoe What it then? nace; Well, it happens to be a vary tay play called Saint oan. ‘ora Ob, we road that in sco! want t go all he more 8 ‘Taw Dasave Roane ‘cue: Its the soad company, sweetheart It doen't oven bave Katharine Corel, ‘anor: a sl ke to 9. ‘uc: To some enles play? With your maiden sunt? ‘nou: She's my favorite person nace: Well, theo, gp, fs that portant to you ‘earori: (Getting up) IT eal her sight now, (She lat forthe ‘door) ace; Carelyn «(Caray stop) You retire, of course, that ‘on the fis Juaior Assembly, everyone gets acquainted. cosoce: Really? couce: Oh, heavens, yoo. I starts the whole thing off on the Hight foot. ‘nots: Tid oe tht, ‘once: Ob, yes 185 Ike the fist day of schol. Onoe you miss ‘ou never eatch yp. ceanaisee Ob, gosh ‘csc: Yon se? You soe why we shoulda make hasty detsons (Pose) ‘anos: Then maybe I wont go ata, ‘race: What do you mean? ‘not: Maybe Ti skip all he Junior Asteblis exace: OD, Carolyn, ‘cosoven: I dont lke dancing schol anyway. ‘emer: Don be ly. ‘anon: I dont yo never liked i. Yim bigger than bal the “Tw Des Roont boys, nd I never know what to say, and Tn a terible dance. {ast your [spent half the Se tn the adi ron ‘sce: Thats nonrense, ‘anoun: Is tru, Mother. T hate daaeing school dont know ‘hy Ihave t go. Saint Joan wonldat goto dancag echo! In ‘smlon year! ‘exact: Yos, and lok what happened to Saint Joa! cote I dant care. Tve made up my mind. (Pes) ‘exc: Your Annt Martha seems to hive caused a litle trouble ‘around here this mozaing. como: Maybe. ‘cce: Your Aunt Martha seem to have opened up a whole ca of wor, conotsn: Yin glad she did, ‘crac: Allright And how do you propose to spend your other ‘Saturday nights? T mean, when therés 0 Aunt Marth, Ard no Saint Joan? And ell your fends are laving the He of ‘hee fo at Junior Assambs? ‘canaries I do something. ‘cc: Such as what? Hanglog around ere? Listening to that ‘Supld “HW Parada"? Bethoring the maids when weve plat ing to have a party? (Aa, « mold, comes out of tha Kishen, ste ot he table, e- — {in to pots some flat ler wth aeiler cath) canoxs: Fl do something, Motbes ‘exces (Poking up Corey's breakfast dishes) Wel, youve ob- ‘lousy aot ll enough to snake an intligent decison. canon: I knew you would let me deca ‘Da Deese Roose cance: (Whedon er) Alaigh, tha! Dekel cessanme: Th to “emi: But etme tell you a very sor story before you do, ‘Abost your dear Aunt Martha, Who alo mde «lila deck fiom when she wor aboot your age. Sho docod- you breathe « word of thi sang you-ehe decided sh was {nove with her sing master. And m0 to drew everthing ‘up, tnd van off wth hen To Taos, Now Mico, Where your Inter bad to tack er down and deg her back But wet toons, Czlyal Stead bom... ovetnulated And fm he oy abe raat oj ha Workaday wa. Now thre seis Ine aul Sothink about whe Tn ordering rca And dcide. (She goer ou, coring Carls gle tnd plate) (Age poles the oor Carolyn stand thinks, She ces) cunt Te dosed, Moder nse’ ovens (Brom the Hichen) Good. I hape youve came to ‘your snus csnours (Getting wp) Te dodidd to talk to Aut Marthe (She gos ot) caxcns (Bursting rough the kitchen door) Youve got dete appulntment. Carly! Youve got dg louse not=no, EP petl slp the dng lesan, bat-OshyalOxrlyad (She rusher out through the Ballas Michal comes tough {he htchen bout teece) ‘oo: Michal! You ward me on fy sik scare: I wnt to. (Rouse He comes litle lower nto the room. Agee returns her pelising) son: Your mother ai you was sk ths nonin. socuntas Twas Kas. "Tx Davexe Roane cat 8 ck you could goto acho, oc: Lam, Aggie! I ypehucked! Twicl oar: Then ys gel sght straight back to bed (Ue dee) ‘sacs: How com you dit do my room yet? sone: Bacanso I thought you wat seeping cant: Ie jut been yng there, Ag, Wating one: Well, 1 got mare to do now, since Ia eft. T got the si ‘ver, and the dows lavatory and ll the beds besides (Ue comes farther) cunts My mother say you want to lave ws (Pouce, Sh polishes) soem: When did she say tht? Dectuna: Last Thuy. On your day of, When she was coke tng dianr, Sho sd now thers «aan, you're Tooking fr job swith more money. (Pause. Agee polite) Te that tuo, Ag? cot: Maybe. ‘Coming father in) Money i everything, Assi. ser: Listen to im now (ou canbe sch as King and sl be miserable. Look ‘at my Unele Pal Hes sch as Croesus and yot e's drinking mel ito oblivion, sceam: What do yo know about al that? sorta: Ulow @ lot T eat dinner here tn the ding room ‘now. Tlisten. And I now that my Uncle Paul is drinking him ‘lf ato cblivion. And Ms, Williams has 2 tipped uters cet: Hore, now. You stop that tlk, 3 ‘Tem Drerve Rooxe uta: Well fs tru, Ag. And it proves that saney it ‘eryting. So you dat have to leave us, (Poise. She works He dots around the table) cer; 1s uot as the mony, dai. ocraas ‘Thea what, Ag? (No answer) Dost you like us ‘yma? ‘ccats Ob, Michael. aureus: Dont you lke oar family? soon Ob, Mikey... seman: Are you sll mad at me for peeking t yon in the ‘bathtub? " ‘Ave: Thats enough now. counts Then what iit, Ag? How came youe ar leaving? (Pouse) ++ (Pause) 1 done want to 80 domestic socau: Thats becouse Ida Tet and you have tno mich to do, ae om: No, asin’ scans: (Siting down near her) Tl help yoo, Age 1 sweat Tt ‘make my own bed, snd pick up aly towel Titty to be much ‘mare carefol when I pect cous: (Loughing) Lard love you lad, ‘Tur Doone Roone acsunt: No, no, really. T wil. And TH tell my parents otto have so many’ dianer pate, Ag, Il tll than to ive you ‘are te off ol thom wo give yo all day Sanday cane: No, dala? No, saacast: Tm serio, Ag coe: To, daca 1 know, (Tio men come in jrom the Right, an architect and a praspea- tice buyer) omer: OK. Late mesrue i ot then, (The arhtect hs alg ret tape metre and rl ef Bue- Pp The oi nol Be Stet reading te fre and receding tem fa sal ae Bons sh nf te) ‘sacar Whea wil yon be going then, Ag? ‘cee: As soon a8 your mother nds someone ele, ‘ocuarss She cant find anyone, Age ‘vate: Sho wil sho wil cae Sh he cn. Thy kop showing up wh ges ad yed bet ae scarce: (Reading messiement, wring. then down) \S"Theeny-two feet, stn, oni: Fine room, sseuener: Big oom, Doenamn: So you got to stay, Ag. You cant jst lave poop kn tha lurch, spar Look thes French dors nurs: Yn looking, Ym alu thinking, About best loss (They ease more) 5 ‘Tue Dewwe Rooxe {ost suppose... we atrted with « clean dats. Suppose we ‘pen this gp berg slam a basin in hee, break through here td her, blast ou tis, throw out hat, and wat do we have? ‘svcrmarasr: Fs uot gute sur, svcumct: Well, wo doa’ ve a lag oom anne, That's "vit we dst have omen evematmsm: But where would we et? svcmamcr: Hore. Right here, Look. Kim puting in on eatiog ‘ate, Tres the frdgo, the coking uals, Cusnart, butcher block table, chrome cals. See? Look at the space. ‘The dow. Wie cooks, Kids set the table, you stack the dishes, All sight hnee, Demosaay t work. Ta Your own home. evant: Hr, anenmrecr: Now, les review your diy. You come down to ‘beakiat, everybody’ fring bir or her own thing. (He goa ‘out through the hal, ‘through the ltchen door) gs, comfakes, Po-Tarts, whatever. You eat, chat, read the ‘PEPE, say goodbye, come fa hereto go to work. Do you have ‘Pure or a recepona? sects: No, no. Tim josta ube sis aver: (Boghming to move oround the room) Wel, you ‘come in hereto the reception room, mayo adjst the maga ines on a table, here, maybe add your newspaper to the ple, then you go through @sotndprook door into your ace. Yo ‘orm Qa your strep canola ere, maybe selet © book from a wall unit here, and then eae bind your desk module here, You read, you ston to musi, Soou-buzz—a patiot anives. You tum of tho music, put aside-your book, aad buzz him in Brough the soundproof dos. He fps on the couch here (Ue creates the couch uith two Uptoge choir), tall you his dream, you look out tho window hora, he leaves, you wate ‘him up, buze inthe net, Soon fs Hine for lunch, You go in 8 ‘Tae Dosoee Roone Iherg ave Inch with the wife or ne ofthe Ks, and maybe stm bark in hoe fora aap. More buzzes, more pati ad ‘soon its tne to go infor a good, easy, cooperative sapper ‘with your fly. evermarust: But not the dining room, vcnmicr: No. Notin the dain roam, evesmarane: This oom ha such tone. avcurmec: So does a church, That dosnt seen we have to live att ‘pvamamnen: Mom, ‘avcrtacr: Lock, Law whereof I speck: 1 grew up ia 0010 Tike this revetuarnst: Oh yo? vcore: Ob, wre This is home tt to mo. evar: Realy. sms: Oh, Cod you My ft st Ja cnr fist te vemams: (Begining fo look out the window) Minna, ascarac: And my mother st hore. And my ster here, And ‘at right here. (Ie its) Ob it all comes back eveimasmsr (With aigh) Do yon want to tell me aboot? ‘vcmncr, Te was toraze, that’ all Thore endless meas, walt ‘ng to begin, wating forthe dessert, waiting to be excised 20 they couldn ean on yo anyanore. ssvcamaranen: (Almost by rote) Wat i that bad? Abcam: Man, ie was brutal [remember one tine T cue to the table witout washing ny hands, and my fair (Ze stops) evamaras: Goon. “Tum Doeses Roone cet; stay til you go aay forthe samen. snc (Mecsing wih of French dtr) Eight fe, two (Mich gts op ond comer Dosestag, loos out through ho Phy ah wc ot Ug rh ts sx You gi et mano ce on, Ag? soem: Maybe ars Tht gy yoo tld me bout fom cash? sow: Mayba. “uew yar wll Yo havee yet yearn ET sveneacr: Hold itight rom. sacsart: Willow core back oes? sa: Oy my yo sero You wont, Ag sec: Li sy ‘wncsus Youll never come back, Ag. TU never seo you agai! ra Ae you again avconcr: (Now ‘the width) Twelve feet (Now meaning ) feet, four ver: (Holling out her ams) Come hee, Mike sacra: No, vat: Come hare and give Aggie «big hugt sercatsas No, Why should TP No. cnt: Justa squeeze, fr old Wn kel 6 ‘Tas Dose Roont Dscnust: Not (Squaring he shoulders) Go hag your own Kids, ‘Agnes. Tve got work to da. Ive gota whole atk of hen ‘atk to do, Tr missing & whole day of school. (He runs out 0 the room) acca: Michael! (She resumes the tat ices poling the last ow pices of sscumpcr: (Reeling én is tpe with professional zeal) OX "There's your dining room, Dectr. seven: (Who payor) Thre tis, lightroom. . comme om. vais: Oae ofthe aon we bought the hose occ: Ad one ofthe resins we shoul conde bring, ep. sveaarmr: Breaking i opt sncmor: Now bear with me: What sy we tum ths rn ato an afc for yo, and «wang roan for your pins? revemainst: I tought we planned to open up those mals ron onthe thd Sor scant: Hold om. Reus. (He Bega fo sped lrg Bu vi ot om tet anchor cls hi toe Iearre nd centerpiece gts has fish poling by no. ancomect: Big room ‘She gathers up her sor ond poling stuff ond lanes) The ‘pation trast the psyehatst, does’ ha? Why cast the pry ‘histrist ast the ect? (He begins co setch onthe blue rit, with a grease penal) Now, here's the ground plan of your hooss. Herds what youve stuck with, for the tower, ‘and her, with thes approcinate dimeasins, is your ding evcmaraer 286 “avec (Drang ith his grate penil) Now suppose « «« a “Tue Dove Roose sncrmact: (Snapping ou of geting up) Nover mind. The rin Doct ts tne to ge ts r. (St Dh {e'oll ph plan) Tel you fey, Tm not terete fn tsi weed wth any toe als rooms, Tom do that ‘my deep (Pay comer aut of the Riche, carey a Trge {yo wth paper plates, npn, at, end far for 0 ‘hires Bethy prt. She bis fo et he table) What | Svat th chant fo gti here ee pes up your whela ‘Found ot! Now what do you ty? sveamaramr Uae to think about sncrmrast: OX. Fine. Take your tine, (He starts out) Tell you ‘hat Tl send you my bil fo tho work ve dane so fe. ssveumarasr: Good. And Tilsend you mine (They ae out Pay, means, slang sting the Birth ale Sh vr hon ge th dra, ih a eosr: All ght, Chien! Wee seady! (Shed almoct Bouled ‘ouer by 0 moling, shrieking mob of eden coming i tee brat te itay port Thay scam, el enble ver ‘hates, grab for favor, wrote, whatever. Peggy claps her Danae ) Chlsen, cles, childeon! (Thay subside ‘aifle) This isa dining eoom| Thi e not the monkey house it the 2ool (They all start imitating monkays. Peggy shouts ‘hem down) All ght, then TE just have to tll Roberta in the itchen fo put away all the ie eeam and cake. (The noise subsides, Thre 8 silence) Good. Thats auch better. Now T want everyone to leave the tabla.» «quietly, quietly (The ehideen begin to leave) Ando into the al, ad thea come back therein the right way, Tha it. Go out. Tum Sound. And come ia, Come inst if you were your mommies fd daddier coming into lovely dinaer pasty. (Chilton ‘ome back x mach more dacorouiy, unconsciously poredying their parents) No, wo. Let Winkie go Sst, since ifs herbi Gay and she's the Inetss..« Thats i Good. Good. You st » | i | st the head ofthe tbl, Winkle Sous next to Wink esboald be boy, dl oy = Thats t You Very good (Chien are making concerted Affort 10 be ental though thre are ccaona subvarce reg ge) No nt we i “See faaiy. We wafold them and tuck thon ‘eroding And ene pt ono parts A ummuz sor: (Noned Brewster) Can the boys wear ther hats Inthe house? ric: Ye they can, Bor, Eee pec cose i ute ogc Cons te lr on henge (Chon explode “Rag Yipes” Fegy haf Sea hoe toon) iden hed ect ef he ssommn tine now: (Nomed Billy. Pointing toward the hull) ‘There's my Daddy. swccr: (Quily) Where Bly? (Ted comes On from the hal ‘he tiesto be casual) Ob, Hl san: BL (Waves f won) Hi, Bill, (Perty attty continues, the children opening focor. Pegey ‘nd Ted move Downstage to get exay from the noise) -oce: What being you ees? ‘rs Have to pick ap Bil. eocrs I thought Jody was pleking him up. sp: She asked me to, eco: Yui te ealy. We haven't even had our cake, ‘rp: Sh told me t be ealy. (A tl ht calls fom the table) ‘a unrrus cts (Named Sondea. Fusing with foor) I cant get mine to work. ea ‘Tex Doone Rooxe ‘cox: Help her, Bowater, Tite boys are supposed to help it tle gels ‘mp: Wheres Frank? -uooxs Paying gol. Wheve elas? 22: On Winks birthday? ‘waox: Dont get me started Plas, ‘wnat (Call fom the head of the table) Can we have the Tee creum now, pase uccr: Th ¢ minnts, dear, Be ptint. Then you'll have some- ‘hing to look forward to, (The chiirenwhiporingly begin to count to sisty) ‘tap: Judy must have kaon he'd be playing gl ‘aor: Judy knows everything ‘rn: She knows about us at east, rece: About us? How? ‘mn She sid he could tll by the way wo behaved racy: Behaved? Where? ‘wp: At the Bramall’ diner party. ucox: We hardly spake to each ater, ‘10; Thats how she could tll (The chives counting has turned into chon: “We want ice ‘youn! We wane tov oes") mcr: They want ie eroum. (She starts forthe Kitchen) ‘im: (Holding her arm) She says shel ight tooth and nal, ‘Proce: ight what? We havea' done anything. ‘rp: She says she want o nip iin tho ud. i k | k ‘Tom Domes Roose ‘mane: Soe ere, fe reat mor: All right, childzen, You win. (Cheers from children) "Now Roberta is very buyin the kitchen bocase she alm hat 2 diane pasty tonight So who would ike to elp bring things ut? (Hnds wp, opus: "Mel Me?) All ight Tl you what. Billy, you ge the fee cre, and, Sandia you brig out the ‘ake (ay! Yippee") Careful, careful Walk, don't ren And be polite € Roberts becuase sls working very lat, And Bremter and Winks, youll hae ater eet (Sane ‘do end Bily go out into tho Wtshon) Fo astancs, Browse, ‘when Bily nd Sandra vappoar though that doo, what wil you dor (Long pause) amor: Sg the sg, ‘ct: Coed, Browser, Now be very quet and watch tht dor, and ar soon as they ame ont, dat laging, (The chidrer ‘watch the dor. Peggy hurls back to Ted) wit do we aot ‘nm: Sh sys she's thinking of telling he fuer, ae Hes ator? ‘mp: He'd re me. Tnmedinty. sacar: What if he dd? ‘tap: 8 be out ofa ob, Peasy. amor: You could get anther ‘en: Where? Dog what? (The dicig rom door opens. Bly ond Sendra come out care fully corgi coke plettr and on tco oeam bout. Eeeryona Sorts sintng) oor: (Helping them alone) Happy birthday to you... « ‘Happy birdy t yon «Happy birthday, dear Winkie, a ‘Ta Dose Roose Ihapoy bithday to you. (Wiskis has been slaging “Hoppy Tisthday to Me.” Billy puts the cake doen infront of Wine, ‘whe takes 2 desp brouth to blow out the candles) No, 20, ‘evechear, Walt, Always walt Before you blow out the cane ‘les, yon have to make a wish, And Mummy bas to make a ‘wish, Sea? Mummy i putttg her wedcg ring around one of ‘the canes. Now we both clase our eyes and make a wish, ‘woos Ki could ave suzcx: No, 90, Don't tall Never tell a wish. If yo do, i writ ‘ome ta. llrght. Now blow. (Winkie Bote out the ent ‘lax. The children cheer) Now, Wie, wonld you cut the fake and give everyone « plo, please. And, Brewster, you ‘pss the icecream. (The cildren organize thee food a2 Peggy jine Ted, Down stage, There tea Kind of cooing hum of eileen eating which pciuates their dclogue) ‘mv; What di you wish for? eects Won tl ‘re: Do yo think wil ome toe? ico: No (Powe) ‘ap: She'd make iso mesy, For everyone, cor: Judy. ‘00: Shed make impel coy: So would Frank, ‘re: [thought he did't care mors Hed are iit were mes. (Peuse) an: We could Inve twa. ‘rm: You'd have Winkie got Bill in the summer, ‘aver: In Syracuse mp; At least wed be fee, (Thay look ot thet heen) razor: Winkie, wipe your mouth, pleas. (She goer to Winkie) ‘rm: Bly. sox: What? ‘2p: Would you come here @ minute, please? (ily does, Ted takes him ave) Do you have to got tho bathroom? mmr: No. ‘np: Then det do that, please, ‘muse: Dont do what? ‘tn: You kuow what, Now go back and enjoy the party. (Billy ‘etme tos sat Ted rejoins Pegey) Soy. roo: I grow up here sen: Who dd? ‘Ta Deseo Rooxe ‘asovs Tj pick up stakor mo: T know, ance: Ten, thse where Hoe, ‘am: Ne to, (Foci er) Wet jut have to behave ou wales the. y recor: Ob, Ted. ‘mp: Be good lite culdre, racor: Ob, T ant sland i. (She tokes Me hand and preses oto t er ips) ‘1: And if we're sonted net to each tte, wel have fo make a ‘conscious ert. viocr: Ob, we woat be seated next to each other, Judy will ee to that. sen: For a whl, anyray. oacr: For qite «while (The oildon oe getting not. Winkie comes up) ‘wow: Bvaryon' faished, Muy. senor: Thank yon, eoatbesr, ‘wow: And eres your ring. From the cake. exer: Good for you, dating! I forgot al about it (She puts the ‘lag back en) ‘mp: Time to go, thea? wacr: ve planned some games. mp; Want eto say? moor: It would help, sp: Then TL tay. ‘Tae Doane Roose ‘macy: (To chien) Tato the Living room nov, children. For some games. smawsren: What games? ‘moor: Oh ll Leds of game! Binds Blo. Pin the Ta on ‘the Donkey. ‘amas: Yippsd! Yay! (Ce chon rly, OF egey bees ting the mass ‘Back on the troy ) nal ‘rx: Il got them stated, nner: Would you? While I propitlate Raborta. ‘an Fb the donkey. yecox: Ob, top. sep: be he ass, oaor: Stop or TM serearn. (lets about toss har, ver the tray, when Winkle appears at ‘he door. They break exoy) ‘wpa: Como on, Mummy! Wer waiting! | -roor: Weve coming, awe. (ne spear tt the hall Ted and Peay go OF seaye a8 tes fom tho hall tt about egy Te us othe hood of th table and bls Yo read the paper ‘mal, Dor, comes ot of the Kio ond ben (0 ple ‘appears tn the dooneay from the hal. He 1s about thirteen or foursen) es (Penting, frightened) Campa ‘exsorariam: (Looking up, over his paper) Which one are out a “Dae Dose Rooxe ore: Tin Nik, Cramp ‘cuuessuen: And what do you wast? ce: To have Inch with you, Gratp, ‘ouorarumn: Thea youte Ite, Doce: I went down othe eb, ‘cuorasen: Who sad heat the ub? yw aways eat there ‘cuomesriee: Lately ve boen coming home. ce: My peontr My parents tex Yel ‘cusorarua: Don't know half the people at the eb aayanote, Tather be here. At my ovn table, Dor takes eae of me, dant you, Dosa? ona: Ye, ‘caworaram: (To Nick) Well, you tracked me down, ayy. “That shows some coterprise. (Indlcwes a place) Bring him some lun, Dare ona: Yes, se. (She goee out) ace: (Siting opposte im at the other end of the table) "Thank you, Gra. 4 > ‘cusearin: And you're Nick, eh? we: Yas am ‘romp: You th ne who wat go Ep ism cx: No that's Mary. Thafs my cousin, ‘cusmrarmen: You the one who wants the antomobil? Says be ‘ant goto college withont an ators? ce: No, hat ay Brother Tony, Gramp. 8 ‘Tae Dauno Roe ‘quvorariam: What do you want thea? dace: Ob, Tdont relly want. « « eusoramen: Everyone who site dawn with me wants some ‘hing, Unually ie money. Do you want money? ace: Yossi ‘eunnrarmm: For what? sex: My education, Geamp ‘crosoransm: edvetion, ch? Thats @ good thing, Or can be. ‘Doesnt have tobe. Can be a bed thing, Where do you want to "beeing? ore: Sant Luke's Schoo, in Lehield, Connection ‘speanan: Nover Board of ace: I an exellat Boarding school for boys, ‘exscoraran: sit Catholis? dace: I doit this, Gump. ‘ensprasie Sounds Cathalio to me, sce I thik ifs high Bptcopalan, Gump. enusorarmms Then ts expensive. sex: My parents tink Rs a atate school, ramp. | emvovarmme Ah, Your prets thik | scx: They've dieusod all ee boarding schools, and decided that tier the ost. zuvearina: They decided, eh? ace: Yo, ‘eusrarmm: And then they decided you should got your ‘ranafathes to pay fort 2 ‘Ta Downer Roose ces Ys, (Dora has returned, and sta place mat and «pte for Nick) ‘cusmeavin: Another one leaving the ust, Dora ona: Yos, se; (She waits by the sidebeord) causmraria: And taking sploco ofthe neste, oma: Ye, (Powe) eussearmten: Why dont you stay home? rack: Mer cousoretnan: You ace: Ob. Because T want to boson mys susorarsam: You want to what? acc: T went to brouden my horns, My horizons need bron ‘ning, ‘cuswrsrm: Le, ack: And TU meet intresting ner finde, ‘austearman: Don't you have any interesting frends he? roe: Ob, su, Gram, ‘ousorsrm: I do. have interesting fends right here, I now ‘2 1an who makes boats dn his basement oe Bat ‘cusoexrim: I now a man who plays golf with hia wie, ‘ce: But 1M meet diferent types, Gramp. From all over the ‘entry, Now York... Cabfomia. «= ‘cusurasmens Why would you want ta met anyone from New "Yosh? ” ese ‘Tum Deco Roose cx: Well, theyre mare sophisticated, Gramop. They buf me xasoramie: They/l what? sce; My other anys I need ug up. ‘exuxorarium: Do yon think he needs bling up, Daca? oma: No, cquxorarmen: (To Nick) Dora doen't think you need buflag ‘sp. I dont think you need bullag up, Youll have to give nt ter reasons dyer: Um, Wel They have advanced Latin there cusrarmn; [se And? ice: And an indoor hockey rink uusoramiom: Ye, Aud? nce: And beau grounds and surroundings ‘ausmrari: Dor‘t we? Don't we have besutifl srroundigs? ‘Why do we have to go avy to have bons neroundinget Dace: I don't Snow, Gram. AILT kaow is everyn's gong away theve days ‘aumrarions: Everyone's going away? Hear that, Dor? Every: anes gong away. ioe: (Desperately) An awful To of people are ging away! (Passe) sanovaraaan Tdi go ase. ce: Tso, Gram ‘munorarimn: Dida oven go to Country Day. Wost tothe old PS. gBdown on Huron Stost ore: Yes, Gram. « ‘Tam Drawo Rooxe ‘cwroesrin: Didat aih, other. Father died, and Thad to go Yo work, Had fo mapport my mother soce: Thaow that, ramp. cexuscoranmzs: My fathr didat go to school st ll. Lard (Greek st the plow. ace: You tld us, ramp. cxasorsrmn: Ys, wall dda do to bay. Wit high ‘Epscopal boarding school, and an inor hockey sake act: But your a slimade man, Gump, exuxoraren: Ob that what Tan? Ad what are you? Dost “ju want to a slimade? Or do you wast ober people a Znako you? Unimn? Ham? What you att nyt at? rece: (Squad) 1 doit now. usprarmen: Everyone wants t gp away. Me? T wat away wiz. Took two vacations in my es Fist vocation, tok & ‘woo of rom work to amy your geendnatbee, Wort to Hot Spang Virgin, Bou ts bls Soom vacation 2s Ain with or ganda. Hate he pac, Ko 1 ‘ould Miserable eds Toot tuakload of shred whest ‘ong, Came back when ran out Back otis blo (Pane) ‘They all evng wx, Dom. Ssterog Ihe birds ona Ye, ouvorsrans: Wee small potatoes thee das oma Ys, ors: This on want to go 10 ono of tose fancy New England boarding ods le waste t psy fe hockey dos with tat crowd fem Log Island and Paden ll come bone ting wih ars in hs mouth We wat sundentand a word; Dore ona: Ye, ‘Tu Drone Roost ‘cuusoravio: And we wou s2e auch of him, Dora, Hell go viking In New York and Baltiore. Hell dak liquor in the ffternoon and get mised wp with women who wear Kt. ‘nd trousers and whose oaly thought Is tho next dance. And The wente moto pay for tall Art ght? rece: No, Cramp! No, I dont I don't want to gl Really! 1 ‘ever wanted to gol EWwant to stay home with allo yu (Pee) ‘auswrarmm: Fish your green, Theyre good for your lower ote, i ' i | (Phy oat silenty. From the fight, «mon nomad Pal enters ids he midshites a wea oon sie He saris ee Jelly examining the ding rom chairs along the lf el, | yore, tring thom pale dwn, toting het strength) ‘eerarina: (Fooly, with @ sigh, to Mk) No. You go “Youle got to go {send you to Sait Whoo’ aud Bt to Diss Whase's and young Andy to whatevrstrcaled. And Mary can goto Eucopo ths smmer, and Tony ea have et, sod Ge all ao and dandy. (He get souly ois foo. Nick et up) Go ay yore al of yo. Lar fenvel so the wo. Its bound to Bappen Al you kw ‘ws ging tobe sting here wen you get bac? Fi tell you soll he sitng right in that chin Some Th al, soa Josh gentleman Is going to bo alt right ate abl Saye he sine hing to he grand, Aad your grandson wil be ‘aca the plo! (Stree the door, sop, fre) And sae tothe of Sat wont be aba ching, othe, Wil, Dor? ‘pom: No, sr (He ext Dore stots clearing off Nick stand ba ‘the dining room) Well, go on. Huy. Being him his chock ‘nk before he fall asexp. (Mok hursice Of, Right, Dora goes Of wth plate, Left, Paul e- [gre to check the table. A woman, abort forty, cll her Merge, [ppocrs the hall doom. She watcher Pout) Tae Doone Roose aseamt: What do you think? ‘seus (Working over a chair) You in trouble set: Ob, doa. Uno ‘aut: Ws Becoming wnglned. arcear: I know the fesling aun: Connig apart atthe sons, seancene: Do you think fe hopeless? aets Let me check the table, (He cracls under the table) f | | | seancort: Tt shakes very badly. Thad a few fends over the ‘other night, and every time wo tied to cat our chickes, our ‘water give started tking fontiely. and the chairs ‘reaked and groaned. Ke was Uke having diner at Pape au: (Taking out «pocket knife) Yim chocking the joints here, eanoome: I all voy sd, How things ma down aud fall past, T used to tell my husband-my erhusband~we have such Jovely old ings. We should ail ther, we should was ther, swe should keep them up. But of courve 1 coulis do every” thing, and he woulda’ do anything, std now hate you are fo sve us the coup de grdce, aus (Stil ender table) Hey, ook at hi eve: What? avs Look under her, seancrat I dont dare, aos Km seo, Lok, ‘wansmmy: Walt tT put on my gars (She pute om her eles, tehich are hanging from a chain around her neck; the Sh bnendsdown dscreoty) Wherce Ica se Av Under hore Look This support See ow loge this sb 4“ ‘Taw Dosoio Rooxe eancome: Tosa’ quite... Walt Tees) ace: Come on, anor: Al ight. (Sheers wader the tabla) Pao: Sea? Look a ths support. (She gete down on her anor: L,I wiggles ike road (They ore both crng round under the tebe note} ‘cs (Growling around her) And look over hore. Tl have to ‘pat elle new poe in over Ree. Se? Thi i gone eanoner: (ooking) Tso. aus (Gracling back) And... ezeuse me pleat. . «this ‘pdestal lor, Probably needs anew dome. it have seam Rout and pat in another nena: Do yo thik race: Ob, sue, In fst, your whole dining room nesds to be screwed, rglued, ad renewed, (His litle fle. He comes (ut fom under) eancen: Hanon, (She te till undo the table) aun; Whats the matter? anos: Ive never boon under table before. arn: Ob, yeah? Deano: It'll just... wood under here, st It? aon) That all ii snore; (Pouctooted) T mean, you'd think a dlning room table ‘ios something spel. Bot it soit, undereath It all jost ‘ood We josta couple of big wide. - boards ‘Tam Dreso Roose Dance: (Peering) What's ths, howe? acts Whats what? saancare: Well, youl have to come ick ander here to see. ‘Thor's sone weltag ees, burted lato the wood. sas (Crating ander) Where? uaowrnes Hight here, (She reade corefly) “Presa Pur ‘re. Wilkes Bare, Pa 2638." ‘mace: (Under the table) Ob, thas the manfactare’s mark, seancame: 1898? acu: That what it ays. uascunt: But that’s uot soak. ans Notif twas made fn. 2858, ances: Thats not old at all Te not even an antique, (Pause) Te jose. . «Ameria. ‘acts These a Tot of tho around. They sed to crank thom outs the end of tho nineteenth ecatury. eons: Now arnt T dumb? For years, wave boa thinking ‘story vakable, ‘navn: Well i a sous Te wellemade, 18s solid service ‘able copy Based on the Engh. seanoart: Wel, TL be darned. You Tear something every day {hey are both siting side by side under the able She Tooke thin) You Inorr aot eboatfuritre, dot you? as Fn bogiming to. uascant: Boganing to. Yl et your father was « cabluotmaler orsomebing. aun: My fathor was 8 Banker 6 ‘Tw Doses Roont eon: A Banker? ace: And Twas a stockbroker Until. got into thin eacene: 1 doit belive i aur: Sure I decided I wanted to see what I was dolog. And ‘ouch ind oe the verlts So ook up easpetry. Ddewoaer: 1 em amazed, T mean, T know some stockbrokers (Embarrassed pause, She Laks at ho srt) Is this the su post thats bad uuns That the one, anon: What if you puta nal ia here? av: Not a nal. A sere. ‘ascent: (Crating over hin) All ight. And anothor ane over ‘here, Ora est some household cement ‘aur: Wal they have these poy glues now -suncany; All ight, Aad maybe erm a matebook or something ‘a here Pans Not a matchbook, searonet: A wedge then. A wooden wedge acu: Good ides. eancent: See? I can do it to, (I Kor ftom, sho has gotten ‘ory close to him physicaly. They both suddenly reli it fand move coy, crawling ott from under the tle on eithor ‘ie, ond brushing shemaoles of) So. Well Wil you be tak- tng he table away? Or ean you fx It bere? ‘uous Tenn fc tere you want. cancer: That might make more sense. My husband used toa Toe weiten estates. Materials and abot a ‘Tae Dow Roost aot: Ti wate oe up. ‘apporeIhelped, On the Iabos, ave: Fe never worked that way... ascent I should lear I shouldbe eo alles. ace: OX. Why not? ancenr: Basdes ifs not an antique, IT make a mistake, its ‘not the end of the word st? aus Not a al eaxcuess When could we start? sen: Today. Now, f you want, arcane: Then were @ partneship,are't we We should have 1 dink, to celebrate, paces OK. (From Oftage, Big, we hoa oles singing the Fhankgcing Inga. “Come, Ye Thankful Poop, Come") ances Whit we bave? Something mappy? Like a martini act: No, I gave than up with tho stock matket. How about 2 ‘beer? ance Fin idea, Good solid beer. IF Te got i (Chey go Off two the Kitchen, os Nancy, fa her tities, comes out, carling tack of plates and a caring hfe and fork. She ‘alle back over her shoulder) NANOY T¥6 go he plates, Mis Deel. Youve oe your ads ll with eae turkey. (She sets the plates and crcing tone at the hood of the table and calls toward the hal) Wes ready everybody Gone en iat (The singing continucs as family begins to come into the dine {ag rom to celebrate Thankagiing diner. The oldet sm, Si a ‘Tax Dose Roone ‘at, has his mother on is arm. Sho isa eery eogue, coy ot od Jey) roams «Now; Mother, I want you to st next to me and, Fred, you sit on Mother loft and, Bes, you sit opposite bor ‘where she can see you, and Naney and Bath hold vp that end he tabl and ther wo ar. (Gon cater a cornet ‘doen. The to sons ps in hr mothers cha. fer mo neo he old lady stn wp agin, ks around dtractedly) ‘Wins he mater, Mother? ‘xo ants Tn not quite sur wher a, roam: (Expoutealy; orm around her; seating her agate) “Youte hore, Mother. In your own dining ream. This is your ‘uble, aa bere are your chats, and bere isthe china you got ‘on your tip to Englang, and her’ the svershndled earving lelfe hiah Father used 0 os, xp nave: Ob, yee... (Genial laughter, a Maing: “he’s kt ‘ie tred 18s been o lng day. ° The old lady got up gain) But who are these people? Tin aot quite sure who these people az, (She bogie fo onder around the om) sroxse: (Following her around) Tes me, Mother: Sent Ye ‘son. And heres Fred, and Beo, and Naney, and Beth, We all her, Mother. aver: (Going into the Kitchen) TIL get te turkey. That might help her fens sreanr: Yes (To old lady) Mes. Drill i here, Mother. Right fn the kitchen, where she's always been. And your grand ‘duldren. AI! your grandchildren wore here. Don't you 1e- member? They ate Est, at the childs table, and nw they're out in back playing touch footal, You watched them, Mother (He idlectes che French doors) = (She site down again at the other en of foun navy: Ob, yot ‘the table) ” ‘Tax Deis Roe (enc comes cu from he Ktchn crying lage pater. ‘pit hod hs fro eoup) aemnes sears And look, Mother Han’s Naney wth eh Pat ight ovr thre, Naney «So, Mothn? Tak ‘ata bd? Ad Te ung fo save It to ay Fate il synapse a Ine oficousg) " om ua (Sari ou ft the garden) Js a bys roam (At he serpent) Aa ed wl have th dss to Ig, Ped?and Dat gt th tbe nd Hen es {wh to Ropes nore, am gh oat (Gent group luge) sur Sa st for Me Dsl soir T vay do, Noy Mo. Dil ie the soxod jolt aor: Til very lo, at thik Tito go ma um: (Paty ocr You we bons, Mate. Youve lived here fifty-two years, se Fly four, ner: Forever. srcan: Ben, pass this plato down to Mother... xo aor: (Geng up) Thank yu bot ely do ‘hk asin ge aimed y ance: Uhh. seam: Ob, dese scour: (Going to her) Moths. ‘xp rape: Wil somoane dive me home, please I live at Kigh toon Summer Stoo with my mother aid iter. ‘went: What wil we do? 2 “Tue Dowve Roose ream (Going to old lady) 1s not there now, Mother. Dost you remember? We drove down. Theresa big buling there ‘x tare: (Holding out her hond) Thask you very much for ‘asking mo... Thank you for having me to your house. (She Dogin 0 go around the table, thanking people) ‘aap: Mother Tia Frl Your soa! (up tape: Ist shat nice? Thank you. Twe ad a perfectly lovely fine. Thank you... Thank yow xo much (She shakes hands wth Nancy) Its been absoltey lovely... Thauk you, scar: Se ist gag We edt sng her whenever she rope. Frol Ben. Quy. Over bere oxo rom: (Wondering drat aro Now Tc Sod my love Where would my gives be I ent go ont without ny Bower ot What song? Tea emenber any ofthe songs. saan: Sure you can. Come on Haun, (ie sods ote The Oth yo i hr pray ‘pot a0 ren: Hemnnmt ‘ap ae Voted ny gloves need ny at rear: (Shing “hs the lei sprng. ont (Jolin tn) "Neath the wil ee Sar end pied heard Kn sng, Singot hea ize > Thay sng in pleasant, omaensh cory harmony, Th od lay ps fag or han Hato Th ter somo ‘ema athe ate)

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