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Frédéric François Chopin was on of the most important pianists and composers of the

romantic period. He was born in 1st march in Poland, and we past away in October 17,
1849 in Paris.

He started learning music when we was really young with his sister. But it didn’t took

long for him to star having lessons with a professional pianist teacher, who recognised

his talent very soon. When he was the age of 7, we wrote his first composition, intituled

by Polonaise in G Minor.

but Chopin’s recognisant happened when he did a recital in Warsaw.

Chopin become famous by doing, presentation, recitals, and by giving lessons to others,
giving his compositions to editors.
Unfraternally, Chopin died in October 17, 1849 in Paris.

With tuberculosis with only 40 years.

Chopin made un uncountable amout of compositions but The maiority of chopin’s

creations were for piano, he alwys demonstrated one preference for the piano.

To sum up we can all agree that chopin was an important pianist and composer and
witout his pieces we couldn’t hav

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