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The concept of abundance in Christian life
refers to the belief that God has provided all
that we need, both spiritually and physically.
Christians believe that through faith in Jesus
Christ, they have access to God's grace and
blessings, which include abundance in all
areas of life.

In the Bible, there are many verses that speak

of God's abundance and provision for His
people. For example, in Psalm 23, it states,
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
This verse reminds us that God is always with
us and provides for our needs. In John 10:10,
Jesus says, "I came that they may have life
and have it abundantly." This verse
emphasizes the abundance of life that Jesus
offers to those who follow Him.
In addition to spiritual abundance, Christians
also believe that God provides for their
physical needs. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus
teaches about the importance of not
worrying about our physical needs, as God
will provide for them. He reminds us that God
cares for the birds and flowers, and He will
take care of us as well.

Overall, the concept of abundance in

Christian life is about trusting in God's
provision and blessings. Christians believe
that through faith in Jesus Christ, they have
access to God's grace and blessings, which
include abundance in all areas of life. By
living a life of faith and trust in God,
Christians can experience the abundance
that God has promised to provide.
Finish this book, read one chapter a day and
start changing your life with Jesus, and you
will surely have a abundant life.
Hello, my name is Laurencio D Labastida Jr,
but you can call me Junlee, I am 33 years old
and grew up in a poor family. I have six
siblings and I am the eldest. I was not able to
finish my education because of financial
difficulties as my parents were a jeepney
driver and my mother a laundress.

Despite the hardships in life, I chose to stay

positive and not let my weaknesses and lack
of support from family and friends bring me
down. I realized that life is short and can be
taken away at any time, so I am always
grateful to God.

I want to tell you that despite the difficulties

and challenges in our lives, we can still
experience the blessings of God no matter
who we are and what our circumstances are.
Whatever your aspirations are, whatever your
current situation may be, I believe that
before we even fight, God has already given
us victory.
That's why I wrote this book, because I
believe that you can experience happiness
now because you are loved by God and that
is what I want to convey in this book.

How you can experience and accept His

blessings, finish this book.

My ABUNDANT message
About the author

Abundant Living: Unlocking the Secrets of a

Fulfilled Life" - The unfulfilled life story of

The Power of Abundance: Transforming Your

Mindset for Success - 10 steps to become

Creating an Abundant Life: Practical

Strategies for Prosperity - The story of Joseph
in the Bible, who saved Egypt from severe
Abundance Now: Harnessing the Law of
Attraction for a Richer Life - How the law of
attraction works.

The Abundant Mindset: Achieving Prosperity

and Happiness in All Areas of Life -
Discovering the real happiness in life.

Abundant Prayers
Abundant Living: Unlocking the Secrets of a
Fulfilled Life" - The unfulfilled life story of

Let me share the story of Jack.

Once there was a young man named Jack

who had always felt unfulfilled in his life.
Despite having a good job and a
comfortable home, he couldn't shake the
feeling that something was missing. He felt
stuck in a rut and couldn't seem to find the
happiness and fulfillment he craved.

One day, Jack decided to take a sabbatical

from his job and travel to India. It was there
that he met an old wise man who taught him
about the secrets of a fulfilled life. The wise
man told Jack that the key to a fulfilled life is
to understand and embrace abundance. He
explained that true abundance is not about
material wealth, but rather it's about having
a deep understanding that there is more than
enough of everything to go around.
The wise man helped Jack to recognize and
overcome his limiting beliefs that were
holding him back from experiencing true
abundance in his life. He taught Jack the
power of gratitude and how to cultivate it in
his daily life.

Jack returned home from his trip a changed

man. He felt a new sense of purpose and
clarity in his life. He quit his job and started
his own business, using the knowledge he had
gained from the wise man. He felt truly
fulfilled and happy for the first time in his

As he continued to practice the principles of

abundance and gratitude, Jack's business
flourished, and he was able to achieve
financial success. But more importantly, he
found true fulfillment and happiness in his
life. He knew he had unlocked the secrets of
a fulfilled life, and he felt truly blessed to
have had the opportunity to learn from the
wise man.
The story of Jack serves as an inspiration to
anyone who feels unfulfilled in life. It shows
that true abundance and fulfillment can be
achieved by understanding and embracing
the principles of abundance and gratitude,
and by recognizing and overcoming limiting
The Power of Abundance: Transforming Your
Mindset for Success

Do you know the story of JK Rowling the

author of the Harry Potter series?

Rowling struggled for years as a single

mother living on government assistance
before completing the first Harry Potter book.
Despite facing rejection from numerous
publishers, she persisted and eventually
found success with the series, becoming one
of the most successful authors of all time. Her
story shows that with determination,
perseverance, and a belief in oneself, it is
possible to overcome obstacles and achieve
great success.

Let me give you some tips on how to change

your mindset for success.
There are several steps you can take to
transform your mindset for success:

Set specific and measurable goals:

Clearly define what you want to achieve, and
create a plan to reach those goals.

Develop a positive attitude:

Believe in yourself and your abilities, and
focus on the benefits of achieving your goals
rather than the obstacles that may be in your

Practice visualization:
Imagine yourself successfully achieving your
goals, and see yourself in your mind's eye
taking the necessary steps to get there.

Take action:
Don't just sit and wait for success to come to
you, take the necessary steps to make it

Learn from failures:

Instead of getting discouraged, see failures as
opportunities for learning and growth.
Surround yourself with supportive people:
Surround yourself with people who will encourage and
support you in your journey towards success.

Be persistent:
Successful people never give up. Even when facing
roadblocks and setbacks, they keep pushing forward
towards their goals.

Stay focused:
Eliminate distractions and stay focused on your goals.

Be adaptable:
Be ready to change your approach when things don’t
go as planned.

Celebrate your successes:

Take time to recognize and celebrate your
achievements, no matter how small they may be.

One Bible verse that pertains to transforming

your mindset for success is Philippians 4:13 "I
can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." This verse reminds us that with
God's strength and guidance, we can
overcome any obstacle and achieve success in
all areas of our lives.
Remember, the key to success is not just to
have a positive mindset but to consistently
take actions that align with your goals and

Another verse is Proverbs 23:7 "As a man

thinketh in his heart, so is he." This verse
emphasizes the importance of having the right
mindset, and the impact it has on our lives and
how we think.

It's important to note that, being a Christian is

not just about having the right mindset but also
having the right heart and intention. Living
according to the teachings of the Bible and
allowing your faith to guide you in your actions
and decisions is key to living a successful and
fulfilling life.
Creating an Abundant Life: Practical Strategies
for Prosperity - The story of Joseph in the Bible,
who saved Egypt from severe famine.

One story of prosperity that comes to mind is

the story of Joseph in the Bible, found in the
book of Genesis.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and

was taken to Egypt, where he was falsely
accused and thrown into prison. Despite these
difficult circumstances, Joseph remained faithful
to God and was able to interpret the Pharaoh's
dreams, which led to him being appointed as
the governor of Egypt.

Through his wisdom and leadership, he was able

to save Egypt from a severe famine and brought
prosperity to the land.
This story shows that even in the midst of
adversity, it is possible to rise above difficult
circumstances and achieve prosperity.

Joseph's unwavering faith in God, his wisdom,

and his ability to adapt and make the best of his
situation are all examples of how we can also
achieve prosperity in our own lives.

It also shows that Prosperity is not just about

having wealth and material possessions, but also
about being content, fulfilled and having peace
of mind.

It's important to keep in mind that prosperity is

not something that can be forced or rushed, but
it is something that grows over time through
hard work, perseverance, and a positive
attitude. Always remember to keep your focus
on what truly matters and to not be distracted
by the fleeting things of this world.
Remember that with God's guidance and
blessings, anything is possible. He can turn any
situation around for your good, as long as you
keep your faith in Him and His promises. As the
Bible says, "And my God will meet all your needs
according to the riches of his glory in Christ
Jesus." Philippians 4:19.
Be thankful and content with what you have,
work hard and be diligent, trust in God's
provision, and be a good steward of the
resources you have.

Be guided by wise counsel, live a righteous life

and always remember that true prosperity is not
just about material wealth but also about
finding joy and satisfaction in the things that
truly matter in life.
Abundance Now: Harnessing the Law of
Attraction for a Richer Life - How the law of
attraction works.

One inspiring story of the law of attraction is

that of Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah grew up in poverty and faced many

challenges early in her life, including sexual
abuse and discrimination.
Despite these hardships, she used the power of
her thoughts and visualization to manifest her
dreams and create the life she desired.

She began her career in media as a news

anchor, and later transitioned to hosting her
own talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show," which
became the highest-rated talk show in the
country and ran for 25 years.
Oprah also built a media empire, including her
own production company and magazine.
Through her hard work, determination and
positive thinking, Oprah was able to manifest
her dreams and become one of the most
successful and influential people in the world.

Her story shows that by focusing on your goals,

visualizing them and taking action, you can
manifest anything you desire and achieve great
success in life.

Oprah is an example of how the Law of

Attraction works. Her story encourages us to
believe in ourselves, to focus on our dreams, to
be determined and to put in the work to
manifest them.

Oprah's story also shows that manifesting your

dreams is not about getting rich overnight but
about consistently working towards your goals
and having faith that things will work out for the

Question, do you want an abundant life? Then,

manifest it. Think of it. Live with it.

Just like Oprah, you can attract the life you

really want. Choose it.
remember that while the law of attraction is a
powerful tool, it is not something that can be
used to manipulate or control others. The Bible
teaches us to love and treat others with
kindness and respect.

Therefore, it's important to use the law of

attraction in a way that aligns with God's will
and principles.
The Abundant Mindset: Achieving Prosperity
and Happiness in All Areas of Life

Is money Evil? What does the Bible

say about money?

Here's my explanation according to


The Bible does not say that money is the root

of all evil, but rather that "the love of money
is a root of all kinds of evil." (1 Timothy 6:10)

In other words, it is not money itself that is

evil, but the desire for money and the love of
it above all else that can lead to evil actions
and attitudes.

Money can be a useful tool for providing for

our needs and the needs of others, but when it
becomes the center of our lives and we put
our faith in it rather than in God, it can lead to
greed, selfishness, and other forms of evil.
It is important to remember that true riches
and prosperity come not from money but from
a relationship with God and having a heart of
generosity and service towards others. As the
Bible says in Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well."

Money itself is not evil, but the love of it can

lead to evil actions and attitudes. It is
important to use money in a way that aligns
with God's will and principles and to not put
our trust in it but in God who will provide for
our needs.

Can money buy happiness?

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Despite

being one of the wealthiest people in the
world, Gates has used his wealth to make a
positive impact on the lives of millions of
people through his philanthropic work.

Through the Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation, he and his wife have donated
billions of dollars to causes such as global
health, education, and poverty alleviation.
They have also been actively involved in the
foundation's work, personally visiting projects
and getting to know the people whose lives
have been positively impacted by their

Gates' story shows that money can indeed buy

happiness, but not in the traditional sense of
buying material possessions or luxuries for
oneself. Instead, true happiness comes from
using one's wealth to make a positive impact
on the lives of others. Gates' philanthropy
work has brought him a sense of fulfillment
and purpose, which is more valuable than any
material possessions.
This story also shows that using money in a
way that aligns with God's will and principles,
to help others and to make a positive impact
in the world, is one of the way that can bring
happiness and prosperity are not found in
material possessions or wealth, but rather in
the relationships we have with others and with
God, and in the sense of purpose and
fulfillment that comes from living a meaningful
and virtuous life.

The Bible teaches that true riches and

prosperity come from a relationship with God,
and from living a life of generosity and service
towards others.

In Matthew 6:33 Jesus said, "But seek first his

kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well."

To achieve true happiness and prosperity in

life, it is important to focus on what truly
matters: our relationships with God and
others, our health and well-being, and our
sense of purpose and fulfillment.
It is also important to be content with what we
have, to be grateful for the blessings in our
lives, and to not let the pursuit of material
wealth consume us.

In addition, it's important to have a balanced

life. Balance is the key to achieving happiness
and prosperity, it means to strike a balance
between your work, family, health, and
personal growth. This can be achieved by
setting priorities and taking time for the things
that matter most to you.
In conclusion, true happiness and prosperity in
life come from a relationship with God, living
a meaningful and virtuous life, being content
with what we have, having a balanced life and
focusing on what truly matters.

Remember that money and material

possessions are just tools, they are not the end
goal. The end goal is to find peace, joy and
fulfillment in life.
Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a
grateful heart, full of faith and trust in your
infinite wisdom and love.

I thank you for the blessings and abundance

that you have already bestowed upon my life. I
ask that you continue to bless me and guide
me towards prosperity and success.

I ask that you grant me the wisdom and

understanding to make wise decisions, the
courage to take risks, and the strength to
overcome any obstacles that may come my

I pray for abundance in all areas of my life,

including financial abundance, abundance in
relationships, abundance in health, and
abundance in joy and peace. I trust that you
will provide for all of my needs, and I give you
all the glory and honor for all that you will do
in my life.
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, who
taught us to pray for our daily bread and to
trust in your provision. Amen.

This prayer is an expression of gratitude and

trust in God's provision. It is also a request for
guidance, wisdom, and strength in all areas of
life, and an acknowledgement that true
abundance comes from God, not just in
material things but also in emotional and

This prayer also reminds us that having an

abundance mindset is important, which means
to be grateful, content, and open to receive
all the blessings that God has for us.

Yours truly,
Junlee D Labastida Jr

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