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Applying Blockchain in Industry 4.

0 Applications

Nader Mohamed Jameela Al-Jaroodi

Middleware Technologies Lab. Department of Engineering
Pittsburgh, PA Robert Morris University
USA Moon Township, PA, USA

Abstract—by adopting the vision of Industry 4.0, many industrial and within its components. These benefits make manufacturers
sectors are eyeing the potential for advancing their systems to achieve more competitive and more flexible in producing new and
higher productivity, cost-effectiveness, reliability, quality, and enhanced products. In addition, it facilitates the introduction of
flexibility. One important sector that can greatly benefit from adopting customizable manufacturing facilities for more agile product
Industry 4.0 principles and technologies is the manufacturing industry.
This will help create the smart manufacturing era where advanced
development and introduction to the market.
technologies and systems in Industry 4.0 will enhance the different
processes within the manufacturing value chain and increase efficiency
and profitability. However, Industry 4.0 requires effective integration of Cloud
many technologies and systems and seamless operations across all Manufacturing
components. This creates many challenges when creating applications Factory
for smart manufacturing including security, trust, traceability,
reliability, and agreement automation within the manufacturing value Fog Fog
chain. Several of these challenges can be addressed using blockchain. Smart
This paper discusses how blockchain can support smart Fog Manufacturing
Selling Agent
manufacturing applications in manufacturing. In addition, the paper Logistics Network
proposes a middleware approach for utilizing blockchain services and
capabilities to enable more secure, trustable, traceable, reliable, and Fog
autonomous smart manufacturing applications. This approach will
offer many advantages to secure and establish good trust among Energy Supplier
involved parties in the manufacturing value chain. In addition, this will Consumer Agent
enable a verity of new applications to realize the promising benefits of Material Supplier Storage Facility
Industry 4.0 for smart manufacturing.
Fig. 1. A smart manufacturing network utilizes technologies like
manufacturing CPS, industrial IoT, cloud manufacturing, fog
Keywords- Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Blockchain, manufacturing, manufacturing data analytics, and communication.
Middleware, Service-Oriented Middleware

I. INTRODUCTION Although Industry 4.0 technologies can offer many

advantages for the manufacturing sector, there are some
New technologies such as cloud computing, fog computing, challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize these
Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), cyber- benefits. These challenges are mainly related to the
physical systems (CPS), and data analytics opened the door for connectivity and information exchange among different
many opportunities for new businesses and new business machines, units, locations and across the various firms and
models. At the same time, these technologies offer many entities involved in the manufacturing value chain. Some of
advantages to enhance automation, productivity, cost- these challenges are security, trust, reliability, traceability, and
effectiveness, reliability, quality, and flexibility of different better integration of the value chain [3].
business and industrial sectors. With these potential benefits,
the forth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, started [1] aiming In the meantime, blockchain was introduced and initially
to enhance different industrial sectors including manufacturing. used to provide a platform to enable and support the use of
digital currency such as Bitcoin [4]. However, it was found that
The main principle of smart manufacturing within the blockchain is applicable and useful for many other applications
context of Industry 4.0 is that by enabling connectivity among including manufacturing applications [5]. The main advantage
various manufacturing units, facilities, machinery, suppliers of blockchain is that it enables a group of entities to reach an
and retailers as well as other manufacturing supporting agreement on a certain activity and register that agreement
industries, we form a valuable smart manufacturing network without the need for a regulatory authority. Their agreed upon
through the entire manufacturing value chain [2]. This will help activities are registered, secured and shared among all parties
automate, autonomize and optimize operations thus increasing using blockchain. Blockchain incorporates techniques from
flexibility, increasing safety and productivity leading to reduce peer-to-peer networks and cryptography to support a distributed
costs and increased profitability. This smart manufacturing shared ledger among a group of entities or users (organizations,
network (see Fig. 1) changes the manufacturing business firms, individuals, robotics, autonomous cars, smart devices,
models and enables the interactions throughout the value chain software agents, etc.) such that all involved agree on its content,

978-1-7281-0554-3/19/$31.00©2019 IEEE

all transactions are secure and cannot be altered after being 5. Enhance response times for more accurate control of
appended to the chain. Furthermore, the nature of block chain processes.
allows for creating traceable irreversible audit trails, 6. Collect and store real-time data across all areas of the
measurable components, and access to detailed information manufacturing plant continuously.
regarding transactions recorded in the chain, thus it permits for 7. Elevate analysis capabilities using the collected data and
detailed validations, tracking and measurements. advanced data analytics models.
This paper discusses the benefits of using blockchain for 8. Introduce intelligent algorithms using available data to
Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing and discusses how it can allow the system to make autonomous decisions.
address some important challenges of smart manufacturing. 9. Reduce the reliance on humans for monitoring and
The paper also purposes a middleware approach to utilize decision making.
blockchain for smart manufacturing applications based on a 10. Provide better maintenance and repair operations based
service-oriented middleware specifically designed for smart on predictive analysis of operational data.
manufacturing called Man4Ware [6]. Using blockchain as part
of a middleware platform that integrates different aspects of 11. Create safer and more comfortable working
manufacturing with other value chain components can provide
many advantages to secure such applications and establish trust 12. Enable the creation and utilization of new business
among the involved parties in the value chain. In addition, this models in manufacturing.
approach enables many new applications capable to realize the 13. Facilitate the integration of different technologies,
benefits of Industry 4.0 for the manufacturing sector. models, sectors, and organizations in the manufacturing
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
provides background information about Industry 4.0 smart The success of Industry 4.0 is mainly based on the
manufacturing. Section III discusses information about revolutionary innovations in various technologies in hardware
blockchain and how blockchain is beneficial for Industry 4.0 and software. It is enabled by the collective advancements in
applications. Section IV purposes Man4Ware, the developed several ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
middleware approach to apply blockchain to support smart fields like:
manufacturing applications. The benefits of this approach are 1. Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), to enable connecting
discussed in Section V, while Section VI concludes the paper. different manufacturing machines and devices in a
network [10].
2. Internet of Service (IoS), to enable providing services for
Industry 4.0 or as it also sometimes called smart manufacturing-related systems and organizations via the
manufacturing or Industrial IoT (IIoT) aims to facilitate better Internet. These services can be used by their owners and
performance, lower costs, and higher quality in various fields by other manufacturing systems that may need them [11].
of industry. In some context, it is also referred to as the creation 3. Manufacturing Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), to
of the smart factory. To achieve Industry 4.0, various facilitate useful interactions between the cyber world and
components and systems such as CPS, IoT, the cloud and the physical manufacturing world such as machines and
cognitive computing must be integrated to collaborate towards robots, by providing continuous monitoring and control
a common goal [7]. It is also considered the fourth generation services [12].
of the industrial revolution in terms of the evolution of
4. Cloud Manufacturing: to provide on demand scalable
mechanization and automation of manufacturing. The concept
computation, data storage, and advanced smart services
is promising; however, there are pressing issues that currently
for different manufacturing-related applications [13].
impede its effective development such as integration and
flexibility [8]. To consider a factory or system as Industry 4.0 5. Fog Manufacturing: to provide low latency support, real-
it must include interoperability, technical assistance, time control, location awareness, better mobility and
information transparency, and decentralized decision making security support, and streaming support for
[9]. Putting it all together, with Industry 4.0 we allow humans, manufacturing applications [14].
advanced manufacturing hardware, and sophisticated software, 6. Manufacturing Data Analytics, to offer intelligent
to collaborate effectively to optimize operations and decisions based on gathered manufacturing data for
autonomize manufacturing processes. As a result it is possible enhancing manufacturing processes [15].
to offer advanced capabilities to: The concept of Industry 4.0 is generally based on six design
principles. These principles offer a general framework to the
1. Automate more tasks using customizable and adaptive
main requirements of Industry 4.0 and are discussed here with
devices and machines.
specific references to smart manufacturing.
2. Incorporate new manufacturing processes, and
technologies. 1. Interoperability: the ability of different manufacturing
3. Reduce human interaction with the machines via digital CPS, machines, robots, and workers to connect and
sensing, controls and automated decisions. communicate via a network such as IoT and IoS.
4. Improve measurement and monitoring procedures using 2. Service Oriented: the ability to present the functions of
precision devices. the manufacturing processes as a set of services. These
services should be accessible over the IoS by other

systems. These services can be provided both internally activities. The blocks that store the transactions are usually
within the same manufacturing unit and externally timestamped, encrypted and replicated on multiple sites, and
beyond the manufacturing unit’s borders. cannot be altered. For example, several floor shop supervisors
3. Decentralization: the ability of different manufacturing in a factory could negotiate and establish a specific procedure
systems to make decisions on their own. This requires for implementation in specific conditions (e.g. specific safety
avoiding the use of centralized controls. Although, or risk management procedures). In this case, the supervisors
manufacturing systems can benefit from other facilities are the entities and the procedure after being accepted by all
and systems like cloud manufacturing and fog becomes the transaction. Upon agreement, the transaction gets
manufacturing, they still need to be able to make their appended to the blockchain, which includes having it time
own decisions locally to effectively continue their stamped, encrypted, and replicated in multiple locations. As a
operations. result, it becomes available for all the supervisors, however
4. Real-time Capability: the ability to immediately collect none of them can alter it.
and analyze manufacturing data such that the right actions Since entities can collaboratively produce and link new
can be conducted timely. This enables accurate controls blocks to the blockchain, it becomes easy to create detailed
of machines operations and timely adjustments. In ledgers of transactions and activities. In addition, since no one
addition it facilitates the discovery of erroneous can alter registered transactions, it is also possible to establish
observations including possible manufacturing machine trust and rely on the blockchain to validate and audit activities.
faults, wrong workers-machines interactions, and Moreover, this shared history offers high levels of traceability
declines in production quality and reliability. of any and all recorded transactions and transparency that
5. Modularity: the flexibility of changing, expanding, and allows everyone involved to view these transactions. Yet, it also
enhancing individual modules to fit new requirements in provides assurances that these records (or blocks) have not been
the existing manufacturing processes or to build new altered by anyone in the group who created it or anyone else,
processes. for that matter. The logical links created between the
6. Virtualization: the ability to monitor manufacturing transactions are agreed upon by the group; yet, they are
processes such that virtual copies (digital twins) can be irreversible, thus making it impossible to change. Furthermore,
created for these processes. These virtual copies can be using encryption to record all blocks further protects the data
utilized as simulation and measurement environments for and only allow authorized entities to access it.
future enhancements of manufacturing processes. An important feature introduced in blockchain is the
enabling of two or more entities to securely record an
Achieving these principles is the key to a successful
agreement of certain actions over a public network such as the
implementation and deployment of useful and highly beneficial
Internet without including a third party like an authorization
smart manufacturing applications. Thus, it is important to
entity or government office. The involved entities may or may
consider the specifics of these principles in the design of these
not know each other and may not trust each other. Yet, they can
applications and find suitable techniques and technologies that
still make the agreement, document it and have that transaction
can facilitate the seamless integration across all smart
record appended to the chain. Hence, the record of the
manufacturing applications components.
agreement after it is appended to the chain cannot be altered,
III. BLOCKCHAIN FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 canceled, or denied by any of the entities involved. A process
called “mining” is used to guarantee the validity and
Blockchain is a growing distributed list of linked records, consistency of the conducted agreements appended to the chain.
named blocks, which are connected and secured using This important feature was not available before introducing
encryption algorithms [16]. One of the strong advocates of blockchain. Therefore, blockchain is the main enabler of the
blockchain and its viability in the general business and Internet of Transactions [18][19], which is needed to support
industrial domain is IBM, as they are investing heavily in the many smart manufacturing applications. This feature can
field and working on various blockchain enhancements and greatly reduce the time needed to complete and register a
applications [17]. There are two keys to the effectiveness of this business agreement between the manufacturers and their
list: one is the required consensus among participating entities suppliers. Smart contracts can be produced, agreed on and
to add a block; and the links that are created from one block to appended to the blockchain. Thus they become binding without
the next, thus making it difficult to change any block after it is having to go through a formal registration process. Another
added to the list. Hence, we get the name “blockchain” as it example is negotiated contracts with subcontractors, who will
builds a virtual chain of data blocks. An entity in this context supply specific parts or prefabricated components. In the same
represents any actors involved in a transaction to be validated manner, exact specifications of these components, pricing and
and recorded. It can be a person, a group of people, an delivery information can be negotiated and finalized by the
organization, or a compute component (robot, smart device, entities involved then appended to the blockchain.
sensor, control device, software agent, etc.). A transaction is the
record of the activity being performed. This list (or chain) There following are some of the various features and
represents a protected online registry for stating some agreed capabilities that blockchain offers. Some of these are
on and conducted transactions among different entities. The fundamental to the applications smart manufacturing.
recorded transactions are usually generated as a result of certain
activities such as financial, business, industrial, or system

A. Digital Identities done faster, at lower cost, yet still carry the authenticity and
A government issued identification like a driver’s license or credibility of regular contracts.
passport is generally adequate to prove our identity when D. Micro-Controls
conducting official activities like using airports to travel,
opening a bank account, or buying a car. Blockchain offers a Another area where blockchain features can positively
digital equivalent that can be used to identify not only people impact smart manufacturing is the ability to facilitate micro-
but also different entities like organizations [20]. This feature metering, micro-measurements and dynamic adjustments at
enables authenticating the identities of people and entities fine grain details. The ability to securely record events and
involved in any industrial activities over a public network. In activities without the need for third party confirmations and
addition, a digital identity can be expanded to include property, external assurances, will increase the amount of recorded data
possessions and objects. Therefore, machines, sensing and and activities and will allow organizations to build detailed
actuating devices, software agents and any other entities ledgers of their activities and processes. These can be easily
involved in the manufacturing process can be issues a digital analyzed to provide measurements and quality controls at any
identity. These digital identities can be issued by a level of detail. In addition, it allows for accurate records that
governmental organization in a way like issuing driver’s can be easily used as audit trails and evaluation factors of a
licenses, passports, company registrations, and property titles. manufacturer’s activities, market position, and financial
This feature had already been under consideration in many standing to name a few examples [24]. In smart manufacturing,
countries and many are working on the methodologies and this will allow for continuous recording of processes and
logistics of creating, managing and protecting digital identities. activities performed within the smart manufacturing facility
and across the whole value chain. Data on safety incidents for
B. Distributed Security example can be collected continuously and with fine details in
One of the key success factors of blockchain is its ability to blockchain. This will guarantee the authenticity of the data,
protect the data and transactions recorded in the shared ledger ensure its validity and create an unalterable record. This data
using a compartmentalized and distributed approach [21]. This can then be mined to analyze incidents, implications, responses
protection is not only done through simple encryptions that hide and any other information recorded. The analysis will lead to
and protect individual transactions. It also includes high levels better understanding of these incidents, the identification of
of replications and chained series of encryptions or digital trends and sources of problems and eventually using this
signatures that make it impossible to alter any record that has information to create better safety processes and improve
already been appended to the chain. Every newly added operations.
transaction, after being validated by the participating entities, is IV. MIDDLEWARE APPROACH FOR APPLYING
linked with the chain of previous transactions, thus no one
record can be altered in any way. In addition, relying on the
verified digital identities and that each transaction is recorded In this section, we discuss our approach in integrating
with a full agreement among all entities involved, it becomes blockchain in a middleware framework to provide solutions for
practically impossible for any of these entities to later deny many Industry 4.0 challenges and to enable smooth
being involved or in agreement [22]. The approach used allows implementation and integration of Industry 4.0 systems. Smart
for better protection of transactions, lower risks of exposure in manufacturing applications usually involve distributed
case of security breaches, and higher confidence levels in the resources and services available on different technologies such
validity of the recorded transactions. as manufacturing CPS, cloud manufacturing, fog
manufacturing, and other hardware and software based
C. Smart Contracts systems. These resources and services may belonging to one
The recording, validation and security features of large manufacturing firm or multiple related firms that are
blockchain in the addition to the digital identity support enable linked together to support a desired value-chain. smart
what is known as smart contracts [23]. Smart contracts permit manufacturing applications cannot operate effectively without
the conducting of credible contracts over a public network a suitable and flexible development and execution environment
without a third party. A smart contract is trackable, secure and supporting their operations, as well as good mechanisms
unalterable. Blockchain-based smart contracts have the supporting the integration of all distributed resources and
prospective to advance many industrial sectors in different services. Man4Ware [6] can be used as the supporting
ways. One of these advancements is by automating agreement development and execution framework and to provide the
processes between companies and their partners and between integration mechanisms for these applications. Man4Ware is a
companies and their customers in the Industry 4.0 context. This service-oriented middleware (SOM) [25] [26] designed to
will considerably reduce the administrative costs and create a develop, execute, and support distributed services for smart
more efficient model to initiate, negotiate and finalize contracts manufacturing applications. It offers the essential services to
without the need to rely on third party registrations or heavy provision the development of the proposed model for smart
documentation. Many areas of agreements across the smart manufacturing. It can be used to integrate the different
manufacturing value chain can be conducted using smart technologies needed for complete smart manufacturing
contracts. Agreements with suppliers, transportation and solutions that include various components like industrial IoT,
warehousing services providers, distributers and subcontractors manufacturing CPS, fog manufacturing, and cloud
can be negotiated and recorded as smart contracts. These can be manufacturing as shown in Fig. 2.

and traceable records and source for verifying the correctness
Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Applications of these transactions. Now, smart manufacturing applications
can be built using the available services defined in Man4Ware.
Man4Ware These applications can engage their local broker to perform a
certain transaction with one or more entities integrated with the
application (these may be within the same organization or
Fog Cloud
Manufacturing Other System
Manufacturing Manufacturing external) that can provide the needed service. The local broker
CPS Services Services
Services Services service will identify and connect the required entities services.
Then, the application will use these services to work with the
entities on negotiating, validating and finalizing the desired
transaction. When the transaction is formalized and agreed
upon the blockchain services will append it to the ledger. The
Fig. 2. Man4Ware integrates different technologies to enable smart manufacturing blockchain service in Man4Ware will support the entire process
and encrypt and append the finalized transaction to the chain
and replicate and distribute it among the participating entities.
Man4Ware views all resources in the smart manufacturing
Man4Ware can also offer services to mine the blockchain to
environment including sensors, actuators, and IoT devices as
find specific transactions and support analysis and micro-
services that can be requested and deployed by other services
control services on the chain’s content for authorized services
in smart manufacturing applications. For example, it can view
in the smart manufacturing applications.
all manufacturing CPS resources in a smart factory as services
with standard interfaces that can be accessed uniformly by other Other smart manufacturing applications can use smart
services and applications. Man4Ware also offers essential contracts services to automate negotiation and agreement
services such as broker, invocation, location-based, and basic processes needed by the applications. Thus, instead of building
security services. The broker services are responsible for other detailed codes for such negotiation and agreement, the
IoT, fog computing, and cloud computing services blockchain services of Man4Ware can be used for this task. All
advertisement, discovery, and registration. There are two kinds finalized contracts are also encrypted and appended to the
of broker services in Man4Ware: a global broker service blockchain for secure and reliable storage and mining. In
available on the cloud and local broker services offered on each addition, based on the features built into blockchain, all entities
fog node or local compute nodes. The global broker is used to involved will have to accept the smart contract before being
cover the whole environment and the local brokers offer fast appended and will not be able to modify or deny it later.
brokering services for the local compute and fog nodes they Moreover, other blockchain based services can be added to
reside on. The invocation services provide support for local and extend the functionality and offer the applications a wider set
remote service calls. Moreover, the main functions of the of blockchain services through the same framework. Services
security services in Man4Ware are to integrate different for auditing, micro-measurement, dynamic controls and
security mechanisms among all local compute and fog nodes, pricing, building trust models are examples that can be used by
IoT devices, and cloud systems and confirm that the essential smart manufacturing applications.
security measures are applied properly. Different kinds of smart
manufacturing applications can be developed utilizing the V. DISCUSSION
services of Man4Ware along with the application specific Integrating service-oriented middleware like Man4Ware
services needed. and blockchain capabilities in one platform can provide a
Man4Ware is a service-oriented middleware, thus its powerful environment for implementing and operating many
capabilities can be easily extended by adding more core smart manufacturing applications that integrate multiple
services and creating the capabilities to support additional manufacturing and value chain entities. The features of
advanced applications services. Man4Ware is extended to cover Man4Ware provide a flexible and extensible environment to
a key set of blockchain services that are becoming increasingly implement and operate smart manufacturing applications.
useful for smart manufacturing applications, services that While this can form an Internet of Services environment for
provide blockchain functionality (see Fig. 3). These Man4Ware smart manufacturing applications, blockchain enriches this
services can be integrated to form new advanced services environment with the Internet of Transactions features. This
within these applications. For example, if Man4Ware is to Internet of Transactions can establish a more secure, trusted,
integrate an application spanning multiple manufacturing firms and controlled environment to build and operate smart
to exchange information and perform various shared manufacturing applications. Service calls can be associated
transactions, then Man4Ware services will enable exchanging with transactions that are authenticated and recorded by
the data and collaborate to complete he required transactions blockchain facilities. These service calls/transactions can
correctly and safely. These services can be linked with other represent different smart manufacturing activities such as
distributed ledger services to build verifiable and immutable material orders, payments, manufacturing procedures,
transaction logs. In addition, other integrated blockchain machines configuration activities, safety incidents activities,
services related to digital identities can be used to authenticate research and development data, monitoring activities, storage
these transactions. The distributed ledgers created and logs, shipment orders, and energy-related orders.
maintained through Man4Ware services can be used as trusted

Industry 4.0 (Smart
Maintenance Manufacturing)
Logistics Application Planning Application
Applications Layer

Broker Services Invocation Services

Micro-Controls Distributed Ledger

Smart Contract Services Services Services
Man4Ware Layer

Digital Identity Distributed Security

Authentication Services
Services Services

Fog Infrastructure Layer

Manufacturing CPS Cloud Manufacturing

Fig. 3. Man4Ware services with blockchain capabilities.

This can significantly enhance the development process of products development and manufacturing, and create more
smart manufacturing applications. In addition, it can build new adaptive and customized product creations.
types of applications to support new business models and
business ideas in smart manufacturing. One of these models is
providing detailed interactive monitoring services for VI. CONCLUSION
manufacturing machines to provide smart and cost-effective When the Industry 4.0 vision began to take hold, various
maintenance information to prevent long unscheduled smart manufacturing applications were foreseen to achieve that
shutdowns for these machines. With blockchain features, the vision. Unfortunately, the high complexity of these applications
data collected can be safely shared with authorized entities and due to the various working parts make it hard to achieve the
protected from tampering. In addition, the same services can be vision. These parts include CPS, robotics, machines, smart
augmented with the capabilities to trigger smart contracts for devices, compute nodes, fog and cloud commuting services and
the required maintenance work and create the necessary several others. The integration process becomes difficult and
workload, scheduling and payment transactions. Another coordination to create a harmonious application becomes hard
example is using blockchain services to safely create a shared to achieve. Furthermore, smart manufacturing applications
historical record of energy consumption across multiple usually need to integrate several systems and components that
facilities and with other similar manufacturing facilities. The may not always be owned by a single entity. Thus, sharing data
data can be shared as aggregated and anonymized sets to and securing interactions to protect all parties involved is also
facilitate large scale energy use analysis across all an important issue. Moreover, a lot of interactions between
manufacturers to detect faults and areas of energy waste. multiple entities and organizations across the manufacturing
value chain need to be supported adequately to create cost
Man4Ware and possibly more service-oriented middleware effective and efficient processes. Middleware solutions and
platforms simplify and streamline smart manufacturing blockchain features come in as useful method to provide a
applications, while blockchain helps add value to these development and execution environment to address several of
applications. Value gained in terms of security, traceability, these difficulties. In this paper, we proposed Man4Ware with
trustworthiness, distribution through the shared ledger. Many the additional blockchain services. As a service-oriented
advancements are possible based on the use of these two middleware, Man4Ware abstracts components, devices and
technologies. Powerful smart manufacturing applications will software functionalities as services accessible to smart
become more feasible to build and deploy based on better cost manufacturing applications via the Man4Ware core services. In
effectiveness and higher return to investment. In addition, addition, the added blockchain services in Man4Ware will
blockchain will make it possible to achieve inter-organizational further enhance the environment and facilitate more secure,
collaboration as it will help establish trust, validate transactions, traceable and immutable features in smart manufacturing
secure data and enforce non-repudiation. All these capabilities applications. As a result, developing smart manufacturing
will help new business models appear, create efficient smart applications aligning with the Industry 4.0 vision with the
manufacturing processes, support flexibility and agility in support of Man4Ware will create ample opportunities for
advanced and smart features. The next step is to further enhance

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