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The next Windows 10 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release

The next Windows 10 Long Term Servicing Channel

(LTSC) release

Updated by: Heather Poulsen

Windows 10 introduced Windows as a service, a method of continually providing new features and
capabilities through regular feature updates. Semi-Annual Channel versions of Windows, such as
version 1909, version 2004, and version 20H2, are released twice per year.

In addition to Semi-Annual Channel releases of Windows 10 Enterprise, we also developed a Long

Term Servicing Channel for Windows, known as Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, and an Internet of
Things (IoT) version known as Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. Each of these products was
designed to have a 10-year support lifecycle, as outlined in our lifecycle documentation.

What are we announcing today?

Today we are announcing that the next version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC and Windows 10 IoT
Enterprise LTSC will be released in the second half (H2) of calendar year 2021. Windows 10 Client
LTSC will change to a 5-year lifecycle, aligning with the changes to the next perpetual version of
Office. This change addresses the needs of the same regulated and restricted scenarios and devices.
Note that Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC is maintaining the 10-year support lifecycle;
this change is only being announced for Office LTSC and Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC. You can read
more about the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC announcement on the Windows IoT blog.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Why are you making this change to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC?

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC is meant for specialty devices and scenarios that simply cannot accept
changes or connect to the cloud, but still require a desktop experience: regulated devices that cannot
accept feature updates for years at a time, process control devices on the manufacturing floor that
never touch the internet, and specialty systems that must stay locked in time and require a long-term
support channel.

Through in-depth conversations with customers, we have found that many who previously installed
an LTSC version for information worker desktops have found that they do not require the full 10-year
lifecycle. With the fast and increasing pace of technological change, it is a challenge to get the up-to-
date experience customers expect when using a decade-old product. Where scenarios do require 10

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The next Windows 10 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release

years of support, we have found in our conversations that these needs are often better solved with
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC.

This change also aligns the Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC lifecycle with the recently announced Office
LTSC lifecycle for a more consistent customer experience and better planning.

You state that you are making this change to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC to align with
the changes to Office LTSC. Has your guidance changed on installing Office on Windows
10 Enterprise LTSC?

Our guidance has not changed: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC is designed for specialty devices, and
not information workers. However, if you find that you have a need for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC,
and you also need Office on that device, the right solution is Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC + Office
LTSC. For consistency for those customers, we are aligning the lifecycle of the two products.

What about the current versions of LTSC – Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2015/2016

We are not changing the lifecycle of the LTSC versions that have been previously released. This
change only impacts the next version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, scheduled to be released in the
second half of the 2021 calendar year.

What should I do if I need to install or upgrade to the next version, but I need the 10-
year lifecycle for my device?

We recommend that you reassess your decision to use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC and change to
Semi-Annual Channel releases of Windows where it is more appropriate. For your fixed function
devices, such as kiosk and point-of-sale devices, that need to continue using LTSC and are planning to
install or upgrade to the next version, consider moving to Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. Again,
we understand the needs for IoT/fixed purpose scenarios are different and there is no change to the
10-year support lifecycle for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC. For information on how to obtain
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, please reach out to your local IoT distributor.

Is there a difference in the Windows 10 operating system between Windows 10

Enterprise LTSC and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC?

The two operating systems are binary equivalents but are licensed differently. For information on
licensing Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, please reach out to your local IoT distributor.

Where can I find more information about Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC?

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The next Windows 10 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release

You can learn about the different Windows for IoT editions, and for which scenarios each edition is
optimized in the Windows for IoT documentation. You’ll also find tutorials, quick start guides, and
other helpful information. Check it out today!

When will Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC announce their release?

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC will be released in the second half of 2021. You can read more
about the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC announcement on the Windows IoT blog.

Continue the conversation. Find best practices. Visit the Windows Tech Community.

Stay informed. For the latest updates on new releases, tools, and resources, stay tuned to this blog and
follow us @MSWindowsITPro on Twitter.

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