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Homework uploading instruction

1. Slide in “Documents” folder is just the summarization of the lecture on

the website, so please read the website lectures carefully so that you can
do the exercises.

2. Write out your solution for the problems in English. Grammar is not very
important, but English must be used.

3. You can type your solutions in Word or LaTeX, however, it might take a
lot of time. So, it is recommended that you take pictures of your work
and convert them into a completed PDF file.
The file will be named as follow: "Your name - Week name.pdf"
ex. "DuyHung-Week3.pdf"

4. Create yourself a folder named "Week 1/2/3…" (as I have created an

example folder named "Week 1" here) and upload the corresponding file
into it without notifying us. We will check it and you will receive the result
as soon as possible.

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