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Fill in the blanks

a) The state of being a mother: M _ _ H E _ H O _ D
b) Very beautiful and attractive: G _ R _ E _ U S
c) having the ability for doing things well: C _ _ A B _ E
d) kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people: _ A R I N _
e) someone who is strict has certain rules that they expect people to listen and follow completely:
f) the act of giving up something that is valuable to you in order to help someone else:
g) to protect someone and provide the things that person needs: T _ _ E C _ RE OF (SOMEBODY)
h) to instruct or give someone knowledge of something: _ E A C _
2. Order the words to make sentences
3. Complete the sentences with the correct words

every day / gorgeous / caring / strict / documentary / take care / teach

a) My mom is a _____________________woman.
b) I never watch_____________________.
c) Jack is tired at school _____________________.
e) My brother is a very _____________________ person.
f) My teachers how to make a card for my mom.
g) I _____________________of my little brother when my mom is not at home.
h) I am so scared of Mr.Elliot, he is so _____________________.

chop / find / fish / build / survive / hunt / weekend/ canoe

a) Animals are friends. Please don’t ___________ them.

b) Uncle always takes me to ___________ in the lake every weekend.
c) How to ___________ in the wild?
d) Mom uses a knife to ___________ an apple.
e) I don’t have to go to school on the ___________.
f) Do you want to ___________ a snowman?
g) We go fishing on a ___________.
h) Dad will ___________ me when I come home late.

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