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What vaccine do we have? – we are giving Pfizer, 2-dose vaccine with 3 weeks between the shots.
American made. Patients who already received the first shot of Moderna (which we had previously) will
receive the second shot of Moderna.(in 28 days)

Who can get the vaccine? – Everyone who is more 16

Have to be residents of New York State (not just New York City). If people live somewhere else, but work
in New York State, they can get the vaccine.

Are the vaccines free? – Yes. If a patient has insurance, they need to bring it and we will bill the
insurance, but for the patient it’s free.

Will the vaccine make my PCR or rapid test positive? – No. Antibody test will be positive, though. It
shows that the body is protected against the virus.

What side effects can there be? – Most commonly there’s pain or discomfort at the injection site and
general symptoms such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever and nausea. Tylenol or Advil
can be taken if they become very bothersome. There might be allergic reaction – in this case call 911

What if a patient gets infected with COVID between the two doses? – They should still get the second
dose on the scheduled day. If the scheduled day coincides with the quarantine, it can be pushed until
after quarantine finishes.


Appointments for the 1st dose are only made on the website:
Once a person receives the first dose, they will be allocated the day of the second dose (usually 28 days
after in case of Moderna or 21 days after in case of Pfizer, may be +/- 3 days) at the same location
(usually with the same time, but not always). They cannot get the second dose in another location – only
the same one. People are notified and reminded about their second dose place couple of days before.

If a patient cannot or doesn’t want to access the website, their name can be put on a waitlist. At the end
of each day there are some ampules of vaccine that end up not given and they need to be given urgently
otherwise they will go to waste, so managers call people from this waitlist asking them if they can come
within a couple of hours to receive the vaccine. Only people who are eligible can get the vaccine. You
can put their name, DOB and phone number to the waitlist (separate for each location):

There’s also a waitlist at the bottom of the CUC website’s vaccination page.
Q: How can I sign up for the vaccine? A: First ask if a person’s calling from a cell phone. If they do, text
them this via Dialpad:
“COVID-19 vaccine appointments are only made through our website. Please visit In case there are no available appointments right now, we
advise you to check this website regularly to check when they appear”.
Q: The website tells me there are no appointments in this and the next month. What can I do? A: In case
there are no available appointments right now, we advise you to check this website regularly to check
when they appear. The website gets updated several times a day.


1st dose: right upon registration a patient receives a confirmation e-mail. If they don’t have it/deleted it/
forgot it, you can check via Google Calendar of each individual location.
You need to log in to the location’s Gmail account (preferably via Incognito mode), go to Calendar, click
on the time slot and it will show name of the patient.
Login information for Google Calendars:
Middle Village: Password: Centers123
Ave U: Password: Centers123
Flatbush: Password: Centers123
Elton st.: Password: Centers123
Coney Island:
2nd dose: via eCW. Open the Patient Hub and you’ll see the next appointment.

Sometimes it isn’t there (I explained what you need to do)


1st dose: cannot be rescheduled. Only cancelled and made anew. Take down their name, DOB, time-day-
place of the apt and write to Ben.

2nd dose: the vaccine works optimal if it is given 28 days apart in case of Moderna or 21 days apart in
case of Pfizer. A small window of +/- 3 days is acceptable. If the window falls on Saturday-Sunday. We
are not giving vaccines these days. Anything beyond that, we cannot guarantee that the second dose will
be given, but we will try to accommodate. Explain to the patient: “We will try to accommodate but
cannot guarantee the dose after the window has closed”.
To reschedule, go to Resource Schedule:

Make sure the provider is Josef Schenker. Open that day’s schedule, search for the last name by Ctrl+F
and double click. Close the pop-up and change the day and time in this window:

Press OK on all pop-ups afterwards (if it asks for an e-mail, pick “Did not provide” and press OK).
Rarely you will see a second dose appointment in the Patient Hub, but won’t find it in the schedule for
that day. That means it was made by another provider and not Josef Schenker. You can check who made
the appointment by going to Progress Notes and then opening the schedule of that provider.

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