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Recycling is the way forward to prevent finite resources of the earth from depleting at a faster

rate. However, an increasing number of people in numerous countries are not taking the
individual initiative to help in this cause.

Much of this is because the vast majority of the population is unaware of this alarming issue due
to the lack of awareness schemes by government bodies. On a daily basis, many countries
consume a massive amount of water bottles, which end up either in the water bodies or just adds
to the existing litter of the country. For instance, a report by the UN recycling department states
that third-world countries with huge populations, like Pakistan, are posing a great threat to the
environment. Serious steps, if not taken now, can have far worse consequences in the long run.

In order to cope with this problem, many suggestions are to tackle with this issue at the grass
root level. This can be achieved by setting up recycling machines near commercial areas and
regions with high population densities. These can be conveniently used by the people passing by
it as a means of recycling bin, where on a daily basis, both paper and plastic bottles can be
recycled. Some countries have adopted this, and fruitful results with fewer production of new
plastic bottles and paper have been observed. As a result, lesser depletion of natural resources
occurs. Moreover, the UN has proposed to allocate a certain amount of budget for developing
nations to tackle this issue by using effective advertisement methods, such as online ads with the
motto Now or Never, to raise awareness among them for the need for recycling.

To conclude, this issue cannot be solved by a single party, instead, a collaboration of both the
government and the people can yield the best results.

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