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Motor Cycle Drivers/Pillions

A person driving a motor cycle or who is a pillion on such motor cycle:

● Shall wear a protective helmet that is the correct size for the person and
that has been designed and constructed for use by a person driving or
riding on a motor cycle (regulation 221 [1])
● A protective helmet may be fitted with ear flaps, detachable peak, visor
and lower face cover (regulation 274 [1])
● Where the protective helmet has no means for attaching a visor, the
wearer of the helmet shall ensure that the front edge of the helmet
does not prevent the wearing of goggles (regulation 274 [2])
● The protective helmet shall be held in place on the wearer’s head by
means of a retention system, which is secured under the lower jaw
(regulation 274 [3])
● A retention system may include a chin strap which shall be fitted with a
device to adjust and maintain tension in the strap (regulation 274 [4])
● A person driving a motor cycle on a road shall wear a high visibility
safety vest (regulation 221 [5])

Pedal Cycle Riders/Pillions

A person riding a pedal cycle or who is a pillion or passenger on a pedal cycle:

● Shall wear a protective helmet which is the correct size for the person,
and that has been designed for use by a person riding a pedal cycle
(regulation 221 [2])
● The chinstrap of such helmet shall be fastened at all times while the
person is riding the pedal cycle or the pillion or passenger is being
transported on the pedal cycle (regulation 221 [2])
● A pedal cycle shall not be used to transport a pillion or passenger unless
the pedal cycle has an additional seat (regulation 221 [3])

Prohibited Activities

Regulation 223 of the new Road Traffic Act outlines the prohibitions for the
use of bicycles and motor cycles.

It is prohibited for the rider of a pedal cycle:

● To ride without holding the handlebars of the bicycle with at least one
● To allow himself to be towed by another vehicle
● To tow or push objects which hamper his cycling or endanger other
road users
● Except in special cases, proceed more than two abreast on a road. A
person who rides a bicycle on a road shall proceed single file where
circumstances so require.

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