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By-Laws of The Friends of Northside ISD Libraries

Article I. Name, Mission, Goals, & Objectives

Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be The Friends of Northside ISD Libraries.
Section 2. Mission
The mission of the organization is to promote and support the vital role of the school
library in the educational experience.
Section 3. Goals and Objectives
The goals and objectives of the organization are to:
1. Educate the community (parents, students, employees, residents) about library
services that impact reading, critical thinking, and lifelong learning essential to a
democratic society.
a. Sponsor district-wide literacy events.
b. Host an informational and educational website.
2. Support activities of the NISD libraries.
3. Advocate for school libraries at all levels (campus, district, city, state, nation).

Article II. Affiliation

The Friends of Northside ISD Libraries is an autonomous organization. The Friends of
Northside ISD Libraries shall maintain a supportive relationship with Northside ISD and its
Department of Library Services.

The Friends of Northside ISD Libraries shall maintain a working relationship with the
Northside Education Foundation and may use the Foundation as a depository for
organizational funds.

Article III. Membership

Membership in the Friends of Northside ISD Libraries shall be open to any interested
The annual dues for membership shall be determined by the officers of FONL. Dues
collected after June 1 shall cover the remainder of the current membership year and all the
following membership year.
Dues for Life Membership shall be $250 per person.

Article IV. Annual Membership Meeting

The membership meeting shall be held annually at a location and time determined by the
Officers. The agenda shall include an annual report to the membership by the Officers,
election of members of the Officers to open positions, and other appropriate items.

A quorum shall consist of the members present and shall include a majority of officers.
Article V. Officers
Section 1. Officer Positions
The officers shall include a Chair, a Vice-Chair, the Past-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2. Terms
The terms of each office are two years.

Section 3. Duties of the Chair

The Chair serves as chief elected officer of the organization and has the following
1. Presides at all meetings of the General Membership.
2. Keeps the other officers informed on the conditions and operations of the
3. Serves as the primary spokesperson for the organization to the public.
4. Promotes active participation in the organization.
5. Presents an organization report annually.
6. The Chair shall assume the Past-Chair position after their 2-year term as Chair

Section 4. Duties of the Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair serves as the Chair at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and has the
following responsibilities:
1. Reviews all relevant materials prior to the meetings of the General Membership.
2. Performs other duties as assigned by the Chair.
3. The Vice-Chair shall assume the Chair position after their 2-year term as Vice-Chair

Section 5. Duties of the Past-Chair

The Past-Chair provides corporate memory and ensures continuity.

Section 6. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary ensures the accurate and sufficient documentation of the organization’s
business and has the following responsibilities:
1. Records minutes of meetings and ensures their timely and appropriate availability,
including website posting.
2. Signs a copy of the final approved minutes and ensures that this copy is maintained
in the official organization records.
3. Maintains membership attendance records.
4. Ensures that proper notification is given for all meetings.
5. Ensures that an up-to-date copy of the By-laws is available at all meetings.
6. Manages the general correspondence of the organization, except for such
correspondence assigned to others.
7. Performs other duties assigned by the Chair.

Section 7. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer ensures the integrity of the fiscal affairs of the organization and has the
following responsibilities:
1. Serves as liaison to the Northside Education Foundation.
2. Reports organization expenditures and financial status at every regular meeting.
3. Performs other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Section 8 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall include the Officers and the Director of Library Services.

Section 9 Elections
Open Officer positions shall be filled by election at the Annual Membership Meeting.
Members may nominate others or themselves to open positions.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. The Officers may establish various standing committees (e.g., public relations,
membership, finance) and ad hoc committees (e.g., by-laws) and may define committee
composition, term of service, and purpose.

Section 2. The Chair shall appoint members of committees and shall designate committee

Article VII. Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at the Annual Membership Meeting by a majority vote of
members present.

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