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By: Ranema C. Garay

Cybercrime is a risky attack that can happen to a person or an organization.

Numerous instances exist when a cyber assault caused a firm or a person to suffer a

significant loss as a result of a data breach. In today's technologically advanced

world, computers are become the primary source of all information. Attacks on

computers and other electronic devices are a part of cybercrime. These cyber-

attacks could prove dangerous for the country. There have been numerous digital

attack cases in Philippines and around the world, which has pushed for increased

security measures. If not initially contained, these attacks are also having an impact

on the nation's economy.

On the 7th of December 2022, third batch BUGEMCO employees attended

the Cybercrime Prevention and Awareness webinar, which aims to generate

enthusiasm and improve knowledge and involvement in developing a strong

cybersecurity workforce. Ms. Kwinny Ramnyl Felisan, the BUGEMCO MFBO

Manager, started with opening remarks about cybercrime prevention and awareness,

followed by the introduction of the speaker by Mr. Dan Gil C. Gonzaga, the

cybercrime investigator, who talked about RA 10175, also known as the Cybercrime

Prevention Act of 2012, and the landscape of cyberthreats and prevention. He

discussed the statistics of the average number of hours that social media users

around the world spend using social media each day via any device, and the

Philippines has spent a lot of time on it.

 The preparation of a data privacy compliant organization in the Philippines

was highlighted by Mr. He also provided some advice on how to avoid phishing and
ransomware. Pineda, Justin Dave The necessity for data privacy compliance, where

to start, what to implement, and long-term strategy are the topics of debate.

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