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Writing your Persuasive Essay

Learning Goals: I can write complete sentences that communicate their meaning clearly
and accurately.

I can use a distinctive voice that supports the purpose and the audience of my paper.

I can use appropriate words and phrases to make my writing clear and meaningful.

The assignment....

Your assignment is to write a short persuasive essay on one of the provided topics. You
will follow a number of steps to create your essay. Please note that the steps are
important to developing a complete essay and are required before your final copy will be
accepted. These steps include:

 Developing a topic sentence and thesis about one of the provided topics
 Complete an essay planner to develop your ideas and evidence
 Write a rough copy of your essay
 Edit your rough copy
 Have a peer edit your work
 Create and submit a final copy

The Topics...

You are required to choose one of the following topics for your essay. If you have an
alternate topic you would like to pursue you may email the teacher for
permission before you begin.

 Are men and women equally emotional?

 Are printed books best than e-readers?
 Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered?
 Are parents responsible for childhood obesity?
 Do you think that college should free?
 Do you think that beauty standards be more inclusive?

Success Criteria: I have written a rough draft of my essay.

             I have a clear argument and strong reasons to support my

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