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Dear Sir,

As Per planed and tri party agreed pre-UAT schedule of Finance module. Demonstration of sub Module
General Account -> electricity Bill has been started in forenoon session at 11:00 Am



SC Soren Sanjeev Kumar Kali Prashnna
Ghanshyam Sharma Amit Ghosh Neeraj
Debopriya Mukherjee
T. K. Mukherjee
Satya Prakash

1. Kali Prashnna started demonstration of electricity module which covers

a. Electricty Charges with provision of location wise unit consumption along with account
b. Duty Charges for the same

However it has been highlighted by Mr. Ghanshyam Sharma that we required one user form
that will be filled by UCIL electricity department. In this regard, he brought Jharkhand
electricity department physical bill copy and required provision for generating duplicate bill
told that I required same form. The form is having lot of fields which are legally challenging
(Like arrear calculation that is in sole responsibility of Jharkhand electricity department).
UCIL People was not able to conclude their requirement in the morning session and
following that Shri T.K Mukherjee sir instructed to call electrical department personnel
(UCIL) for their view and freeze the requirement in afternoon session.

Mr. Staya Prakash from UCIL electricity Dept. attended meeting in afternoon session and
raise some legal issue in the arrear calculation and duplicate electricity bill generation. He
highlighted that the Electricity bill has arrers field of Rs. 280 crores which he can’t insert.
Hence it is yet to be finalized the requirements by UCIL accounts and electricity dept.
Subsequently, our pre-UAT demonstration has been stacked there.

2. In afternoon session I request UCIL General Account personnel for further demonstration of
other activities under General Account module, but they denied due to their other official work.
We are not able to conclude General Accounts pre-UAT today as per schedule.

In view of above, It is requested

A. To freeze the requirement for electricity bill payment to Jharkhand Electricity Board. Kindly,
draft the requirements as per account’s activities as this activity is part of General Accounts.
B. To provide dedicated team for pre-UAT activities of SCM and Finance from UCIL so that we can
stick with our scheduled and complete the pre-UATt as per schedule.

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