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Home Assignment 16th March 2020 – 14th April 2020

Std- II
Note: 10 Marks for each subject

*NOTE- Complete your assignment in Rough Note book

* Write the answers in Basic English Grammar Text book
Page No- 5, 6, 8 , 9 and 19

* 1. Write and learn both the poems
a) The Swing
b) What is pink?
* 2. Read the chapters and learn the word meanings
1. Bukka learns a lesson - Page No. 123
2. Wise King Solomon - Page No. 123
3. The King and the spider- Page No. 124
*3. Learn the Opposites of the chapters

1. Bukka Learns A Lesson

1. remember x forget 6. floating x sinking
2. elder x younger 7. crying x laughing
3. juniors x seniors 8. danger x safety
4. teach x learn 9. big x small
5. huge x tiny 10. friend x enemy

2. Wise King Solomon 3. The King and the spider

1. far x near 1. won x lost

2. wide x narrow 2. wise x foolish
3. difficult x easy 3. brave x coward
4. artificial x real 4. king x cruel
5. remembered x forgot 5. small x big
6. opened x closed 6. enemy x friend
7. wise x foolish 7. confident x uncertain
8. answered x questioned 8. united x divided
9. gathered x scattered 9. continued x discontinued
10. unnoticed x noticed

1. वर्णमालाललखें
2. लिनती (१ – २०) तक अंकों एवंशब्दों में ललखें |
3. ददनों के नाम ललखें |
4. महीनों के नाम ललखें |
5. पशुओं के नाम
दस जंिली एवं दस पालतू जानवरों के नाम ललखें |

1. ‘प्यारा भारत’ कलवता का मौलखक एवं लललखत अभ्यास करें |
2. ‘लिलिया औरहाथी’ पाठ से बीस कठठन शब्द ललखें |
3. पुस्तक में ददए िए शब्द – ज्ञान ललखें |
4. पाठ से दकन्ही दस शब्दों को लेकर वाक्य बनाएं |

1. Draw the beads for :-( Use your ruler to draw the lines)

*Example :- 4015

1. 345 6. 7812
2. 4012 7. 5364
3. 6158 8. 9876
4. 7439 9. 4321
5. 2456 10. 5283


4 0 1 5

2. Solve it in the Maths Textbook

Page nos. 5 to 7, 12 to 14, 28, 29, 31 to 39

1. Stick pictures of:-
1. Vegetables (any 5)
2. Pulses (any 5)
3. Dairy Products (any 3)
4. Fruits (any 3)
5. Animal products (any 3)
6. Cereals(any 3)

2. Draw and label the diagrams of:-

1. Energy-giving food (any 2)
2. Body-building food (any 2)
3. Protective food (any 2)
4. Tent
5. Igloo
6. Hut
7. House-boat
8. Any three things made up of leather
9. Example- belt , shoes, jacket

* Write the answers and learn ( in G.K Text book)
Page No- 1 to 7
Page No- 9 to 18


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