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NIM : 041905523


1. Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the
letter numbered 1-3.

1. Solution / Ucapan salam

2. Content of the letter/ Paragraf isi
3. Signature / Tanda tangan

2. Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the
letter above.

1. Ada penyingkatan dalam surat (Thank u), yang mana seharusnya dalam surat resmi
tidak boleh seperti itu.
2. Terdapat kata Tanya di dalam surat, ini terkesan tidak formal.
3. Tidak menggunakan format yang baku.

3. You ordered some cookies online and received an expired one. Please write a body letter
Please write a body letter in approximately 100-200 words that explains your
disappointment and you are asking for a refund/exchange

Dear seller,

I ordered two cans of cookies from your online shop on May 4 and paid them at the same

This was not the first time I bought cookies from online shop, but it was the first time
from your shop. I learned that your shop is quite well-known and has a high rating.
But when the cookies finally arrived this morning, I was very disappointed to see that
they are actually have been expired. The expiry date is clearly printed on each lid of the
cans: February-2022
I don't understand how a reputable shop like yours could send customers expired
products. I don't think you did it intentionally, but I am quite disappointed about this

I demand a replacement of these cookies immediately. If you cannot send me the

replacements please arrange refund of the money I have paid, immediately.

I hope I will receive your reply as soon as possible.

4. You initiate a fundraising event after a natural disaster and there is one person who
donated a large amount of money. Write a thank you email about the donation in
approximately 50-100 words.

Assalamualaikun Wr.wb

Previously introduced I was the organizing committee for donations for flood victims in
Rose City. I am sending this message to thank you for contributing to this donation event.
We as the organizers are very grateful for the money you gave to the flood victims of
Rose City. In this regard, we will make good use of the funds you have given and
conveyed to the victims of the flood disaster in Mawar City. May the good that Suadara
has done be reciprocated with something more by Allah Almighty. Thank you again for
entrusting the donation to us. May relatives and family always be healthy.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

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