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Joshua S.

Geronimo Purposive Communication

1-YA-18 Medical Technology

Technology the evolution of systematic procedures for creating and

performing things across time.In Greece, the term technology was a
combination of the Greek words technē, which meant "art, craft," and logos,
which meant "word, speech."
Technology plays an important role in today's world; it is present
everywhere, even when we are not aware of it. As time passes, more technology
is developed and/or advanced. Technology has influenced many elements of life
over time. The way we lived in the past and how we live now are radically
different, owing to technological advancements. Changes in technology have an
impact on how we work, travel, communicate, and play. My friends and I grew
up with technology, and we have no idea what life would be like without it. It
might be difficult to observe how technology is used in society since it appears
to be normal. Cell phones today play an important part in society, and many
individuals own one. After observing my technology usage for a day, I
immediately realized that my phone was the device I utilized the most.
Multi-functional gadgets such as the wristwatch and smartphone have
been made possible by modern technology. Computers are becoming quicker,
more portable, and more powerful than they have ever been. Technology has
made our life easier, faster, better, and more enjoyable as a result of all of
these changes. There is no doubt that technology will continue to change our
lives in the future. In a few years, everyone may have access to self-driving
vehicles, and factory robots will be commonplace. Future technology will
undoubtedly alter our lives in incredible ways, but for now, we'll focus on the
numerous ways technology is already impacting our lives.
While technology has had some adverse effects on society as a whole, there
are likely to be more significant implications . Many people's lives have been
made simpler as a result of such influences, and many have been given the
resources, information, and tools they need to live a better life. Such effects
have had a significant impact on agriculture, transportation, communication,
and education in communities across the world. Mrs. Shirley is correct,
technology allows us to stay in touch with friends and family in real time, no
matter where we are. And in her speech she pointed out every good and bad
aspect of technology and how it affects the lives of people. And she addressed
every positive and negative element of technology, as well as how it impacts
people's lives, in her speech.

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