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Define Flow Chart

A graphical representation of how a computer program works concerning its function.

2. Enumerate and discuss flowchart symbol

 1. Flowline Symbol: Shows the process’ direction. Each flowline connects two blocks.
 2. Terminal Symbol: Indicates the beginning or end of a flowchart.
 3. Process: Represent a step in a process. This is the most common component of a flowchart.
 4. Decision Symbol: Shows a step that decides the next step in a process. This is commonly a
yes/no or true/false question.
 5. Input / Output Symbol: Indicates the process of inputting or outputting external data. This is
indicated by the shape of a parallelogram.
 6. Annotation / Comment Symbol: Indicates additional information regarding a step in a process.
 7. Predefined Process Symbol: Shows the named process which is defined elsewhere.
 8. On-page Connector symbols are pairs of on-page connectors used to replace long lines on a
flowchart page.
 9. Off-page Connector Symbol: An off-page connector is used when the target is on another
page. Read our flowchart connector guide for more information on how on-page and off-page
connectors work.
 10. Delay Symbol: Any delay period that is part of a process
 11. Alternate Process Symbol: An alternate to the normal process step. Flow lines to an alternate
process block are usually dashed.
 12. Data Symbol: Data input or output
 13. Document Symbol: A document‍
 14. Multi-document Symbol: Multiple documents
 15. Preparation Symbol: A preparation step
 16. Display Symbol: A machine display
 17. Manual Input Symbol: Data or information in a system
 18. Manual Operation Symbol: A process step that isn’t automated. Users will only need to drag
& drop components into the digital canvas.

3. What is variable

A variable is something that can be changed in the context of a math problem or experiment.

4. Rules in naming a variable (Programming)

 Variable names are case-sensitive. The name of the variable can be any legal identifier that is an
unbounded sequence of Unicode letters and digits beginning with a letter, dollar sign '$', or
underscore '_'. However, as a convention, variable names always start with a letter instead of '$'
or '_'.

 Also, by convention, the dollar sign is not used at all. Auto-generated names may contain dollar
signs, but variable names should always be free of dollar signs. Underscores have similar rules.
Although it is technically legal to start a variable name with '_', it is not recommended. Spaces
are not allowed.
 Subsequent characters can be letters, digits, dollar signs, or underscores. Convention (and
common sense) applies to this rule as well. When choosing names for variables, use whole words
instead of cryptic abbreviations. This makes the code easier to read and understand. In many
cases, this makes the code self-documenting. For example, fields named cadence, speed, and
gear are much more intuitive than abbreviations such as s, c, and g. Also, note that the name you
choose cannot contain keywords or reserved words.
 If the name you choose consists of only one word for her, write that word in lowercase. If it
consists of multiple words, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word. The names gear
ratio and current gear are prime examples of this convention. If the variable contains a constant
value. B. static final int NUM_GEARS = 6, with a slightly different convention, capitalizing each
letter and separating subsequent words with underscores. By convention, underscores are not
used anywhere else.

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