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Nowadays, more and more people prefer buying something via the internet to

shopping at traditional markets or supermarkets. Nevertheless, in my opinion,

shopping online has both negative and positive aspects.

The first advantage of online shopping is that buyers save more time than other ways
of shopping. For example, to buy a motorbike, if you go to shops, you can spend all
day on asking about price and information of the product. Meanwhile, if you surf the
internet, you can get full information about the product in several clicks; especially, it
can be sent fully by the selling staff as soon as you visit their websites. In addition,
the price of product bought online is usually lower than that of one bought in shops.
There are now a great number of website supplying price comparing functions; as a
consequence, customers can choose the same products with the best price, so they
can save a large amount of not only time but also money. Lastly, people rarely buy
low- quality products if they read carefully feedbacks from previous customers.
Today, various websites public truly buyers’ comments about their goods, so
customers often choose products having the largest number of good comments.

On the other hand, people may buy low- quality products. Many online stores usually
hide bad characters of products, but they only show good sides aiming to attract
customers’ attention. For instance, once my friend visited a fashion website in which
a skirt that she was satisfied with was sold with a reasonable price. She decided to
buy it immediately; as a consequence, its length was so short that she could not wear
it when she went out. In addition, many people may waste their money on buying
unnecessary items because many shops usually recommend customers to buy one
more products through attractive advertisements. Especially, buyers’ private
information such as ID numbers or bank accounts can be stolen when websites are
attacked by hackers. Consequently, their money in bank account can be stolen or
their private lives can be annoyed.

Indeed, buying in the online shops has many benefits such as saving time, getting
lower prices and receiving high-quality product from reputable stores. Nevertheless,
this buying style have some disadvantages, and to avoid these negative points,
customers should find out carefully products, stores and payment methods.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the
Internet. This present both pros and cos, however, in my opinion, its benefits are
much more significant than the drawbacks.
On the one hand, shopping online brings consumers some disadvatages. Initially,
since people are unable to touch or to see the products they want to buy in reality, it
is always hard for them to examine the quality of these products. As a result, they
might purchase the items with poor quality. In addition to that, as consumers do not
feel happy with the items they had bought online, they tend to abandon these
products or don't use them at all. This is definitely a watse of money. Moreover,
buyings thing on the Internet often makes people confused since there are a great
number of shops on the Internet. To be specific, buyers might see the same products
in several shops, but the prices for these items can be very different, ranging from
reasonable to prohibitedly expensive price. Consequently, they will not know which
products they should purchase.

On the other hand, I am of opinion that shopping online brings people a number of
benefits. First, shopping online allows consumers to browse for products and
checking prices between these online shops . In this way, people can make a better
decision to buy what they like after taking prices, sizes and models into
consideration. From my experience, I used to buy an elegant dress at virtual shop,
which was cheaper compared to some shops near my houses.

Second, buyings things on the Internet helps people save a great deal of time. That
is to say, since people nowadays are often so caught up with work and study,
shopping online is a wise choice which doesn't require them to go the the stores .
With a click of mouse, they can buy the things they need and the shippers will deliver
their products to customers as soon as possible.

Third, since there is a high demand of buying things online, many people can realize
their dream of starting up their own business and achieve success in the long rub
This can be seen as a positive trend because it creates good job opportunities for
people and thereby help people to improve their income and well-being. This also
contributes to boosting the economy of a nation in generall.

In conclusion, although buyings things on the Internet exerts some adverse aspects,
the advantages can justify these.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the
Internet in online shopping. This present both pros and cos cons, however, in my
opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.
 The phrase “buy things on the Internet” is already used in the essay topic. Try to
shorten it by using a suitable buzzword, such as “online shopping”
 Words such as 'people' and 'ideas' have the potential to be vague. So, avoid saying
“people tend to” if possible.
 The second sentence in the introduction has too many commas. Break it into two
simple sentences if necessary.
On the one hand, shopping online online shopping brings to the consumers some
disadvatages. Initially, since people are unable to touch or to see the products they
want to buy in reality, it is always hard for them to examine the quality of these
products. As a result, they might purchase the items with poor quality. In addition to
that, as the consumers do not feel happy with the items they had bought online, they
tend to abandon these products or dont do not use them at all. This is definitely a
watse waste of money. Moreover, buyings thing on the Internet often makes people
confused since there are a great number of shops on the Internet. To be specific, the
buyers might see the same products in several shops, but the prices for these items
can be very different, ranging from reasonable to prohibitedly expensive price.
Consequently, they will not know which products they should purchase.
 The second sentence is too wordy, due to the fact that the words “people”, “they”,
and “them” all have been used despite being unnecessary. Since the main focus
here is the products, not the people using them, I suggest rewriting the whole
sentence into passive voice.
 Avoid using contraction (“don’t”) in an academic context.
 The ideas and sentence structures being used here are kinda repetitive. Regarding
of online shopping, there are many issues that are worth mentioning (shipment
delays, misleading online marketing, annoying advertises, etc)

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that shopping online online shopping brings
people a number of benefits. First, shopping online online shopping allows the
consumers to browse for products and checking comparing the prices between these
online shops. In this way, people can make a better decision to buy what they like
after taking prices, sizes and models of the products into consideration. To speak
From my experience, I used to buy an elegant dresses at virtual shops, which was
cheaper compared to that of some shops near my houses. Second, buyings things
on the Internet helps people save a great deal of time. That is to say, since people
nowadays are often so caught up with work and study, shopping online online
shopping is a wise choice which doesn’t does not require them to go the the stores.
With a click of mouse With just a click, they can buy the things they need and the
shippers will deliver their products to the customers as soon as possible. Third, since
there is a high demand of buying things online, many people can realize their dream
of starting up their own business and achieve success in the long rub run. This can
be seen as a positive trend because it creates good job opportunities for the people
and thereby help people to improve their income and well-being. This also
contributes to boosting the economy of a nation in generall.
 While the second body paragraph is very long (216 words!), its quaility doesn’t
appear much better than the first one. Try to write only 70 words, you will definitely
see an improvement.
 Many idioms are introduced in this paragraph: “a great deal of time”, “in the long run”,
“to be caught up”, “to take in consideration”, “with just a click”. However, the attempt
to use them isn’t really succesful, due to some spelling mistakes.
 The vocabulary is kinda limitted here. However, there are a variety of connectives
(“on the one hand”, , “first”, “in this way”, “thereby”, etc).

In conclusion, although buyings things on the Internet exerts some adverse aspects,
the advantages can justify these.
 Too short and unconvincing. Need to give more emphasis.

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