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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : MTs. Sulamul Istiqomah
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan baik untuk pilihan ganda maupun jawaban
2. Pergunakan pensil yang lunak atau ballpoint untuk mengisi pada lembar jawaban.
3. Tulislah pada lembarjawaban dengan jelas: Nama, Nomor Peserta, tanggal UM, dan Mata Pelajaran.
4. Apabila menjawab dengan jawaban yang keliru/salah, dan ingin memperbaikinya, maka hapuslah
jawaban yang keliru itu dengan karet penghapus pensil, kemudian berilah tanda silang pada kotak
jawaban sesuai dengan jawaban yang benar.
5. Apabila keliru mengerjakan dengan ballpoint, garislah dengan dua garis mendatar pada jawaban yang
keliru itu, kemudian silang pada jawaban lain sesuai dengan jawaban yang benar
6. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
7. Awali dengan membaca Basmallah dan akhiri dengan Hamdallah.

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan memberikan silang pada huruf a,b,c atau d
pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.

This following dialogue is for question number 1

1. Porter : ….
Nadia : No, thanks, I can bring it myself
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Can you help me to carry it?
b. May I help you with your baggage, miss?
c. Would you mind helping me, miss?
d. Here, help me and I’ll carry it.?

This following dialogue is for question number 2

Sinta : Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. Any recommendation?
Nurul : Why don’t you buy some clothes with her favorite color?
Sinta : ….
Nurul : I think so
Sinta : Ok, I will buy it
2. Ryan : The government plans to raise the electricity bill next month.
Hani : …. It will increase the amount of poor people.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I agree with you
b. I totally disagree
c. I don’t disagree
d. I agree
This following dialogue is for question number 3
Agus : Hi Nur, let me introduce you to my friend, Ilham. This is Nur, Nur this is Ilham.
Nur : ….
Ilham : Nice to meet you too.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I am in the kitchen
b. I am fine thank you
c. May you introduce yourself?
d. Hello, Ilham. Nice to meet you

This following dialogue is for question number 4

Teacher : Hey Ali, ………! It is not good for your health
Student : Ok. Thank you, Sir
4. To complete the dialogue, the suitable prohibition is…
a. Don’t put your sandal on the floor
b. Don’t eat while standing
c. Don’t eat behind me
d. Don’t take anything

This following dialogue is for question number 5

Rizky : Agus, do you have any plan to do in evening?
Agus : No, I don’t. Why?
Rizky : I have received the money from my parents, …
Agus : That will be a good idea. We can eat the meet ball, can’t we?
Rizky : Right, so, How shall we go?
Agus : We shall go by my car.

5. What is the most suitable sentence to complete the dialogue above?

a. How about having a dinner?
b. I will wait for you in my office
c. I will go to the market
d. Stay away from me!

This following dialogue is for question number 6

Renny : Excuse me dad. Can you show me how to use this electric blender?
Dady : Yes, please. Let me show you. Are you ready?
Renny : Yes I am ready.
Dady : Wow. It is so eassy.
Dady : .... (6).
Renny : Yes I do. Thanks dady. I got it
: First, plug the cable in to the socket. Insert the fruits. Turn it on
6. To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ....
a. You don’t understand it
b. It is still difficult for you
c. I will ask you once more
d. Do you know what to do?
7. Pick up zone Adi Soemarmo Airport PT. Angkasa Pura II

a. At an arrival gate
b. At a check in counter
c. At a boarding gate
d. At a ticket counter

8. What does the sign mean ?

a. No trespassing !.
b. Don’t enter !.
c. Don’t climb the fence !.
d. Don’t lean on the fence !.

9. What does the notice mean ?

Heavy Traffic on Sudirman Street
a. It gives warning about an accident in heavy traffic
b. It forbids drivers from entering the free way on Sudirman Street
c. It allows drivers to enter the free way from Sudirman Street.
d. It informs drivers, so that they can choose a better route.
This following text is for question number 10-12

Dear Miss Anisa,

Happy Birthday, we wish you all the best in the world.We have a surprise for you,
so please don’t go anywhere. After the school is over. Wait for us in front of class 7e.
Please be there.
With love,
Your student of class 7e

10. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text above?
a. To remind Miss Anisa about her birthday.
b. To give a surprise for their lovely teacher.
c. To congratulate their teacher on her birthday.
d. To ask their teacher to wait for them after school.

11. What will the sender likely to do after sending the text?
a. Congratulating their teacher.
b. Making a secret birthday party.
c. Preparing the surprise for the teacher soon.
d. Meeting their teacher after school in her office.
12. “ We have a surprise for you”.
The underlined word refers to....
a. The student
b. Miss. Anisa
c. The writer
d. The reader
This following text is for question number 13-15


 Virus and malware removal
 Computer repair
 Backup and restore
 Wireless network
 Computer upgrades
 Home servers
 Data recovery
 Installations

13. The text above is addressed to ...

a. all of the readers.
b. all of the costumers.
c. the people who served computer.
d. the people who used the computer.

14. What specialist is the text about?

a. Making computer. c. Installing computer.
b. Model of computer. d. Service on all computers.

15. The closest meaning of the word “service” is....

a. Buy c. give
b. Help d. earn

This following text is for question number 16-18

Skin Cream
Indications : For minor burns, insect bites, and minor cuts. Helps prevent infection.
Direction : Apply a thin layer on the affected area three times a day. Do not use it for
more than two weeks.
Caution : Do not use on deep wounds. For external use only.
Keep out of children's reach. Consult a doctor if irritation occurs.
Net weight : 5 gram
Expiration : January 2010

16. We can find the text in ...

a. Cosmetic label
b. Skin cream shop
c. Skin cream advertisement
d. Cosmetic cream shop
17. What is the purpose of the text?
a. giving us information about all materials in the product
b. warning the reader to be more careful when buy product
c. informing the measurement of nutrition in the product
d. giving the information about the content of the product in detail
18. We can use this product before….
a. January 2011
b. February 2010
c. December 2010
d. January 2022

This following text is for question number 19-21


To : All students of SMP Merdeka

Due to many students get dengue fever, the students are hoped to clean the classrooms, garden, school
yard, and laboratories. The program will be held on Friday, 27 th May 2018 Please the students bring the
cleaning equipments from home

19. To whom is the announcement above ?

a. The headmaster of SMP Merdeka
b. The teachers of SMP Merdeka
c. The students of SMP Merdeka
d. Mr. Bambang

20. Who makes the announcement ?

a. The headmaster c. The student
b. The teacher d. The student’s parents

21. Why should the students clean the school ?

a. The headmaster orders them to clean it.
b. Many students get dengue fever
c. Most of the teachers have dengue fever
d. The school is never cleaned

The Song below is for question No. 22-23

22. The theme of the song is ………
a. Let’s go to the storm
b. Don’t go anyway because storm
c. The power of self is getting all around
d. Showing your true self is empowering
23. The Synonym of the italicized word is…
“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight”
a. Light
b. Shine
c. Thunder
d. Shadow

The text for No. 24-26

I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw Elephants for the first time. Elephant is very big animal I've ever
seen. It has trunks are used as a tool to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, to swat flies, and to draw in
the dirt. Elephants eat roots, grasses, fruit, and bark, and they eat a lot of these things. I like Elephant
very much.
24. What is the title of the text?
a. Elephant
b. My Animal
c. My Favorite animal
d. Pet animal

25. What is the main idea of the text ?

a. Picnic
b. Went to the zoo
c. Elephant is writer favorite animal
d. Elephant is a big animal

26. There are the elephant’s food, except...

a. grass c. fruit
b. meat. d. bark

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.

Orang Utans or Pongo pygmaeus belong to the Primate order. The Orang Utan spends most of its
time in trees. Each evening it builds a new treetop nest. They are extinct because of habitat lost and
hunters keep on killing, owning, and exporting Orang Utans. They only live on the island of Borneo and
in the northern corner of the island of Sumatra.
Orang Utans are characterized by rough, long, reddish-brown fur. Male Orang Utans are about 95
cm in length and about 77 kg in weight. Females are smaller, reaching about 78 cm in height and
weighing only about 37 kg. The male has puffy cheeks and a hanging throat-pouch. This pouch contains
air sacks that help produce a groaning, bubbling call, which can be heard at least 1 km away.
Half of the Orang Utan’s diet consist of fruit, but they also eat young leaves, soft inner bark,
termites, and eggs.

27. The text mainly informs us about .....

a. Borneo island
b. orang utans
c. mammals
d. Primates
28. What is the male’s throat-pouch for?
a. Keeping food for the babies
b. Digesting their food after chewing it.
c. Attracting an adult otangutan
d. Producing a loud groaning, bubbling call
29. “ builds a new treetop nest” (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to .....
a. orangutans
b. young leaves
c. termites
d. eggs

The following text is for questions 30 to 32.

- ½ kg beef
- Shallot, garlic,

- Salt
- Vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons of fried onion
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

- Boil beef in 8 cups of water for 20 minutes
- Cut half cooked beef into slices, re-boiled.
- Saute the crushed seasonings
- Stir in sauteed seasonings, simmer until the meat is tender
- Serve hot with lemon juice, fried onions and chili sauce.

30. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

a. to describe cooking stuffs in making Beef Soup
b. to give instruction about how to make Beef Soup
c. to persuade people to make Beef Soup
d. to amuse the reader in making Beef Soup

31. What shoud we do after slicing the beef?

a. Boil the beef
b. Re-boil the beef
c. Saute the seasomings
d. Stir in sauteed seasonings

32. “....simmer until the meat is tender”.

The underlined word can be best replaced by .....
a. kind
b. edible
c. tough
d. half cooked
The following text is for questions 33 to 35

I like cooking timlo. Timlo is a traditional food. It is from Solo, Central Java. It is kind of food
which is served in a bowl. It is because timlo is food with broth. The ingredients very so thet every
one including me likes it.

Timlo is served and eaten when it’s warm Timlo I usually make comprises of rice, chicken
meat, meatball, mushroom, potato chips, egg and carrot. Except the rice, all ingredients are cut
into small pieces. They are poured with hot broth. The broth is made of chicken meat which is
boiled. The broth is also cooked with many traditional spices. Usually I also add sohun (transparent
bean flour vermicelli) in the timlo. Because I like spicy taste I always eat timlo with chili sauce.

33. The following are the ingredients the writer uses to make timlo, except ….
a. meatball
b. peanut
c. mushroom
d. egg

34. Why does the writer add chili sauce to eat timlo ?
a. He likes spicy taste
b. He has a lot of chilies
c. Timlo is perfectly eaten in spicy taste
d. He does not like timlo

35. “They are poured with hot broth.” What does the word “they” refer to ?
a. Rice
b. All ingredients
c. Broth
d. The writer

The following text is for questions 36 to 38

Last Summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places. I went to an airport and was going
to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball
Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It
had become world-famous as the center of film industry. Four major film companies States. It had
become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film industry. Four major film
companies Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO, and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want
to leave but I had to.
After that, I went to New York City. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of
Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing.
The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.

36. How long did the writer stay in Cleveland ?

a. One night
b. One day
c. Two days
d. Three days
37. The following companies have major studios in Hollywood, except …
a. Warner bros
b. Paramount
c. Columbia
d. Lions Gate
38. What did the writer do in New York ?
a. Visiting the Statue of Liberty
b. Visiting the center of the film industry
c. Watching basketball matches
d. Visiting Hollywood

Text for question 39-42

One hot day, an ant was seeking foar some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To
reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell
unintentionally into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove
quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant
moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it
in this way.
Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and
the dove flew away quickly from this net.

39. What does the text tell us about?

a. The dove and a hunter
b. The goodness of the ant
c. The ant and the dove
d. The helpful dove
40. What did the ant do to help the dove from a hunter?
a. she threw out his net
b. she quickly bit him on the heel
c. she bit the net
d. she trapped the hunter

41. “… the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.” (Last paragraph).
The word “dropped” has the closest meaning with ….
a. Lifted
b. Pulled
c. felled
d. Pushed

42. From the text, we can learn that ….

a. One good turn deserves another.
b. Don’t stick one’s nose into.
c. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
d. Goodness needs a reward.

The following text is for questions 43 and 45

Rafflesia is the world's largest, the heaviest, the rarest and the one of the most stinkiest flowers in the world. It
grows to 1 metre wide and weighs about 10 kgs.
Rafflesia, a native of rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo in the Indonesian Archipelago, is the largest flower in the
world. Interestingly Rafflesia is a parasitic plant without any leaves, stems and roots (It has only nutrient-absorbing
threads to absorb nutrients from the host on which it lives) but for the largest flower.
Rafflesia is a huge speckled five-petaled flower with a diameter up to 106 cm, and weighing up to 10 kg . Rafflesia
flower has a small life of 5-7 days. Rafflesias have their stamens and pistils fused together in a central column,
producing a corona, or crown, in the shape of a ring. The reddishbrown colors of the petals, are sprinkled with
white freckles. The smell attracts the carrion flies and then pollination occurs. After 9 months of maturation,
Rafflesia plant opens into a cabbage-sized bud. The sexual organs are located beneath the rim of the disk.

1. “Rafflesia is a largest flower in the world” the synonym of the underline word is ..
a. huge
b. tiny
c. fragrant
d. small

2. The pollination …… after the flies come

a. opens
b. lives
c. happens
d. has

3. The carrion smell of the flower attracts the flies to come ... the flower.
a. onto
b. into
c. inside
d. forward

II. Essay
Fill in the blank with the correct answers!

4. Complete the dialogue using the expresion in the table!

- Congratulations - Thank you

- heard - Very proud

Ferdi : Alda, ………. You joined the English speech last Tuesday.
Alda : I did, and I won it. I won the first place.
Ferdi : Really ? ………… !
Alda : ……….. I practiced and hard for the contest. And everything paid off.
Ferdi : I’m ………….. of you. My friend.
Alda : Thanks. Ferdi. Come on, Let’s celebrate it. I’ll treat you lunch in the cafetaria.
Ferdi : That sounds great. Thanks, Alda

5. How to Make Fried Rice

- Add - Stir - Crush - Add

Ingredients :
- a plate of rice
- I red chill pepper, chopped
- a pinch of salt
- I clove of garlic, chopped
- I clove of chopped onion
- 2 tablespoons of margarine
- 2 tablespoons of soya sauce

Cooking Steps :
……. the red pepper, garlic, and onion until they are very fine.
……. the salt and margarine over low heat for two minutes.
……. the rice and soya sauce.
…… until it is well mixed and the rice is hot.

6. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

was – an – teacher – Fatih – by – award – given - the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7. Please describe this picture…


A Burst Of Nature
NatraBurstTM is a powerful food source
Consisting of a wide variety of premium
ingredients, which work together to provide
a variety of health benefits. Each serving
contains the equivalent of more than 6
vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value
of 4.000+. Additionally, NatraBurstTM
help support lean muscle mass with its
concentration of high quality protein

a) What is the product that is being advertised above ?

b) What is the benefit of buyying the product in the advertisement above ?

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