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There are several perceptual or attribution errors that prevail in the current scenario:

1. Halo Effect: Faiza's prospective groom's family judged her negatively based on her physical
appearance and low family status, which suggests the halo effect. They might have formed
an overall impression of Faiza based on a single trait, i.e., her physical appearance and
family status.

2. Fundamental Attribution Error: The prospective groom's family might have made the
fundamental attribution error by assuming that Faiza's physical appearance and low family
status are solely due to her personal qualities and not due to the circumstances or the
system's biases.

3. Self-Serving Bias: Faiza and her family rejected the prospective bride based on their family
status, which suggests a self-serving bias. They might have made an attribution that favors
themselves and blames the prospective bride's family for the mismatch in their social

4. Stereotyping: The conversation suggests that Faiza and her family might be stereotyping
the prospective bride based on her family status and appearance without considering her
other qualities and abilities.

Overall, these perceptual or attribution errors indicate how biases and prejudices prevail in
our society and influence our judgments and decisions.

2. Yes, the Johari window can help Faiza in this scenario. The Johari window is a psychological tool
used to improve communication and relationships by increasing self-awareness and mutual
understanding between individuals. It consists of four quadrants, representing different aspects of
an individual's personality:

1. Open Area: Things that are known to oneself and to others.

2. Blind Spot: Things that are not known to oneself but are known to others.

3. Hidden Area: Things that are known to oneself but not to others.

4. Unknown Area: Things that are not known to oneself and to others.

In this scenario, Faiza's behavior suggests that she might have some hidden biases and prejudices that
she is not aware of, and which might be affecting her judgments and decisions. The Johari window can
help Faiza increase her self-awareness and discover her hidden biases by:

1. Soliciting feedback from others: Faiza can ask Saleema and other trusted friends or family
members to provide honest and constructive feedback about her behavior and attitudes, and
how they might be perceived by others.

2. Sharing her own experiences and emotions: By opening up and sharing her experiences and
emotions with others, Faiza can gain insights into her own personality and values, and how they
might affect her interactions with others.
3. Reflecting on her own thoughts and feelings: Faiza can use self-reflection techniques like
journaling or meditation to explore her own thoughts and feelings and identify any biases or
prejudices that might be hidden from her awareness.

By using the Johari window to increase her self-awareness and discover her hidden biases, Faiza can
become more open-minded, empathetic, and effective in her interactions with others, and avoid
making unfair judgments or decisions based on social status, appearance, or other external factors.

3. The current scenario reflects cognitive dissonance. Sidra is experiencing conflicting thoughts and
emotions about her job. On one hand, she enjoys her work and the benefits that come with it. On
the other hand, she is distressed by the authoritative and abusive behavior of her boss. This conflict
is causing her discomfort and tension as she tries to reconcile these opposing beliefs and feelings

There are a few suggestions that I can provide to Sidra in order to resolve her dissonance state:
1. Communicate with the boss: It is important for Sidra to communicate with her boss about the
impact of his behavior on her and her colleagues. She can do this in a professional and non-
confrontational way, and share how his behavior is affecting productivity and morale.
2. Seek support: Sidra can seek support from her colleagues, HR department, or a professional
counselor. Talking about her experiences with someone who can empathize and provide
guidance can help her cope with the situation.
3. Focus on the positives: Sidra can focus on the aspects of her job that she enjoys and find
meaning in, such as interesting projects or opportunities for growth. This can help her find
motivation and satisfaction despite the challenging work environment.
4. Explore other job opportunities: While Sidra has decided not to leave her job due to the benefits
and interesting work, she can still explore other job opportunities that offer similar benefits and
work that aligns with her interests. This can give her a sense of agency and control over her
career path.
Overall, it is important for Sidra to prioritize her well-being and find ways to manage her dissonance
state, whether through communication, support, focusing on the positives, or exploring other job

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