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Nuremberg trials were trials held

from 1945-1949 for war crimes of

Nazi officials

63% of Jewish population in Europe

were killed

91% of Jewish population in Poland Hitler hated Jews and any other
were killed persons that did not fit his
description of the perfect race (aryan
Yom ha-Shoah is the Holocaust race)
remembrance day which was
established in 1951 Hitler used the power of words to
convince mass crowds, he was very
Around 3 million of 9 million Jewish Aftermath?
persuasive and an effective
people survived communicator

H.T = The Holocaust had a big impact The holocaust happened through a
on the survivors, many had lifetime progression of actions called stages
trauma and PTSD, many were left of isolation
with physical disabilities, many did 1) Stripping of rights
not have homes to return to, many 2) segregation
lost family and people they loved, and Why and how did it happen?
3) concentration
to this day survivors and the descents 4) extermination
struggle with the pain of their past.
Needed a scapegoat to blame all of
Germany’s problems on
Jewish people or anyone who had
H.T = The Holocaust signified the
Jewish decent
mass extermination of people based
People with mental health issues or on their religion and other ethno-
disabilities racial factors. It showed what
genocide looked like on the largest
Communists were targeted scale.

Anyone in the LGBTQ+ community The Holocaust

Anyone who was a Jehovah witness Who was involved/affected?

Nuremberg Laws: Stripped of

Anyone who opposed Hitler German citizenship, not allowed to
practice their religion, banned from
H.T = It was symbolic of the Anti- schools, fired from jobs, forced to
Semitism around the world, Jewish carry IDs, etc…
people were already facing hardships
and racism around the world Ghettos were made to isolate Jews
from society until they could be sent
to concentration camps

Concentration camps were slave

What happened during the labor camps built on railroad lines for
The Holocaust took place in
Holocaust(stages of isolation)? easy transportation
Germany, Poland, the Soviet Union,
Czechoslovakia, Romania, and
Death factories were Nazi
Hungary in WW2 between 1939-1945
extermination camps with the sole
There were 256 ghettos in Poland, the purpose of mass murder known as
Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, the “final solution”
Romania, and Hungary between
1939-1945. All these countries
excluding Soviet Union were under When and where did events and
Nazi control other important things happen?

Auschwitz-Birkenau was the biggest

extermination camp from 1940 to
1945 where up to 8000 were gassed
each day

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