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How does technology affect family life?

Technology has affected every part of family life.The time spent on the computer,
watching tv or in mobile phone is about 8 hours a day.

But technology has not only disadvantages, Internet can help in a lot of things just
-The net can be very educational;
-Using it improves computer skills and helps with school work;
-The net doesnt isolate; it brings new communities together;

-It´s not face to face;
-Internet can be very expensive;
-The internet can be dangerous -especially chat rooms
-Teenagers dont get enough exercise.

5,3 bilhões de usuários da internet no mundo

With new apps popping up every day, it can be a challenge to figure out which social
media platforms will be most valuable for investing your time and money. Should
you go all in on industry stalwarts like Instagram and Facebook? Or should you target
younger audiences who consistently use Snapchat and TikTok? Which are the best
social media platforms in terms of functionality across web and mobile devices?

Questions like these follow small businesses and corporate marketing teams alike. To help
you decide which social networking platforms will be right for your brand, we’ve listed our
top picks for the social media sites you should prioritize in 2023.

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