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1. Can u explain the structure of bug life cycle?

2. Can you explain V model in manual testing?
3. Can you explain me the levels in V model manual?
4. Can you explain water fall model in manual testing?
5. Difference between bug,error,and defect?
6. Explain about MicroSoft Six Rules Standardfor User Interface testing?
7. Explain about use case document ?
8. Explain me the phases of STLC and explain each one briefly?
9. Give exact and appropriate definition of testing.
10.How many modes of recording are there ?
11.How to add objects to the Object Rpository?
12.How to arrive Testcase? and how to write Testcase in Email id? when we go for winrunner
and why we go for
13.How to carry out manual testing for a background process which does't have any user
interface ?
14.How to do regression testing, and can give one or two examples on that in the same
15.How to test the Microsoft Word 2003. What all the major areas to be tested, please explain.
16.How to write a testcase and bugreport?plz expln with an example.
17.How will you review the test case and how many types are there ?
18.Share a particular project where you have been able to learn enough skills to help with
testing? (more for the
19.The role of both QA & QC?

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