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Present Perfect Simple


+ Sb + TO HAVE (present) have/has + Vb Past Participle ( III rd form) irregular verbs / -ed regular verbs

e.g. We have been here for an hour. ( Suntem aici de o ora.)

- Sb + TO HAVE (present) have/has + not + Vb Past Participle (III rd form) irregular verbs / -ed regular

e.g. We haven’t / have not been here for an hour. (Nu suntem aici de o ora.)

? TO HAVE (present) have/has + Sb + Vb Past Participle (IIIrd form) irregular verbs / -ed regular verbs

e.g. Have we been here for an hour? (Suntem noi aici de o ora?)


I. The result of a past event is still felt at the present time

e.g. Jazz has had an enormous influence on American music. (Jazz-ul are o influenta enorma
in muzica Americana.)

II. the event is completed in the near past, close to the present moment. (adverbs of recent time – just
(abia), not yet (nu inca), lately (recent, in ultimul timp), recently, in recent years (in ultimii ani), etc.

e.g. I’ve just been to a jazz concert. (Abia am fost la un concert de jazz.)

Several jazz bands have visited my town recently. (Cateva trupe de jazz mi-au vizitat recent

II. The event extends over a period of time lasting up to the present moment.

For + a period of time ( for three months, for a year, for two weeks)

Since + a point in time (since Christmas, since 1999, since highschool)

e.g. Jazz has been popular in the US since the 1950s. (Jazz-ul este popular in US din 1950.)

IV. an event has happened once or more than once within the speaker’s experience

Never, before, always, it’s the first/second/third time

e.g. I’ve never been to Paris.

American composers have always drawn on traditional influences and popular culture.

To become, became, become

To get, got, got( British English)

To go, went, gone

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