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Vocabulary to talk about weather and seasons

in Spanish
El tiempo = the weather
Las estaciones = the seasons

primavera = spring
verano = summer
otoño = fall (US), autumn (UK)
invierno = winter

pronóstico del tiempo = weather forecast

clima = climate
temperatura = temperature
grado = grade
humedad = humidity

fresco = chilly, cool

lluvioso = rainy
húmedo = humid, wet
seco = dry

calidez = warmth
calor = heat
calor sofocante = melting hot, stuffy
cálido = warm
caluroso = hot

frío = cold (noun and adjetive)

frío intenso = freezing cold

cielo despejado = cloudless sky

cielo cubierto = overcast sky

nublado = cloudy
parcialmente nublado = partly cloudy
soleado = sunny
mayormente soleado = mostly sunny

llovizna = drizzle
lluvia = rain
lluvioso = rainy
lloviendo = raining
chaparrón = downpour

Kevin García, February 2018. FInd out more on

tormenta = storm
tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm
relámpago, rayo = lightning
trueno = thunder
arco iris = rainbow

brisa = breeze
viento = wind
ventoso = windy
vientos variables = variable winds
vientos suaves = gentle winds

nieve = snow
nevado = snowy
nevando = snowing
aguanieve = sleet
helada = frost
helado, cubierto de escarcha = frosty

niebla = fog
nebuloso = foggy
neblina = mist
neblinoso = misty
bruma, con bruma = haze, hazy

Kevin García, February 2018. FInd out more on

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