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Having studied Physics at Excellence Level, along with Mathematics Chemistry and

Biology(Genetics), it soon became clear to me that Physics was my ideal career path, specifically
Astrophysics I had always considered science to be an intellectual playground. I plan for this career to be
long and high-yielding. I still cannot explain my sudden transformation, because I was not always like this
when I was an infant; out of the blue, I changed as a person.There was not an event or discussion in
particular that sparked something inside of me. I was immediately transfixed by a deep curiosity, and a
deep desire to be able to understand everything around me. My interest in science extends outside the
classroom. In order to further my knowledge and understand current ideas, I keep up-to-date with
astrophysics news through the magazine "All About Space". I enjoy “Nature”, the most famous physics
news publisher. If I could have an article there, it would be a holy grail for me. One of my biggest goals in
my lifetime would be to have my own article written with a contribution I made to science .
When I was just 15 years old I decided it was best to remove things insignificant to my studies
from my life. I wanted to learn about future career paths I could explore, and what it really meant to be an
astrophysicist. At such a young age, I was fortunate enough to have the privilege of traveling to the United
States of America. I flew to Washington, D.C. where upon arriving I was very excited. I had the chance to
participate as a volunteer and competitor for two consecutive years at the annual National Space Society
(2018-2019). I love sharing my passion for physics with others, this sparked me to be a volunteer at the
NSS. Besides working as a volunteer for the organization of the upcoming big event, I met new
extraordinary people. I met accredited individuals such as astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the CEO of the NSS
Geoffrey Notkin, and others. In my free time I would wander off to learn about as much as I could. I had a
great time visiting Washington, D.C. and New York. I especially enjoyed Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s space
museum and the academing meeting organized by NASA and SpaceX. I appreciated being surrounded
by like minded physicists. My experience there was life-changing, it opened new doors and it showed me
that this is definitely the career I would like to pursue. By subscribing to specialist journals and being a
member of various scientific societies and organisations. I was led to discover a beautiful society. ELI-NP
Magurele, which offers courses and resources in the current field, physics. Every summer their seminar
never ceases to impress me and fulfill my desire for knowledge. To date these experiences have laid the
foundation of my physics career.My excellent time-management skills enable me to balance strong
academic performance with a wide range of extra-curricular activities and responsibilities.I attend free
online courses,ESA open days,Oxford subscription courses and other seminars covering a wide range of
I think that these accomplishments reflect my character. I consider myself unique when it comes
to my most favourite trait, curiosity; if I don’t feed my curiosity with any kind of knowledge I become
anxious and depressed. This endeavor to achieve an ideal state of human knowledge and culture, many
would say, makes me different from others. I sometimes think that this is so special. I have a certain
passion for all things Italian because my family ancestry dates back there. At the moment, I'm in the
process of completing my TOEFL exam. I am doing this in order to improve communication and discipline
skills. I'm continuously developing, which will be helpful to me when I pursue a career in physics. There is
still so much to be learnt about our world, its laws, and its origins, and I am eager to be a part of this. My
experience gained, both in and out of the school, have enhanced and fed my curiosity and prepared me
intellectually and personally for a physics career.

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