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ّ ‫ الخا‬2020 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
2020 ‫ أيلول‬22 ‫الثالثاء‬ ‫فرعا االجتماع واالقتصاد واآلداب واألنسانيات‬ ‫المديريّــة العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
‫مشروع أسس تصحيح مادة الكيمياء‬

Exercise 1 (10 points) Quinoa  

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Answer Mark
Quinoa can be considered as a complete source of proteins since it contains
1.1 0.5
significant amounts of two amino acids such as lysine and isoleucine.
The nutrient benefit of quinoa is maintained during boiling since this later does not
1.2 0.5
affect the quality of quinoa's fatty acids.
It is recommended, for a person having a heart disease to consume quinoa more than
1.3 wheat because quinoa is higher in fat content and can provide valuable amounts of 1
heart-healthy fats like monounsaturated fat (oleic acid).
2.1 The carbohydrate present in quinoa is cellulose 0.5
2.2 c. Polysaccharides 0.5
-It has favorable action on the digestive transit.
2.3 - It prevents the formation of indigestible bulk. 0.5
- It reduces the risk of cancer of colon.
In the molecule of a saturated fatty acid all carbon-carbon bonds are single covalent, while
3 in the molecule of unsaturated fatty acid there is one or more double covalent bond between 1.5
two atoms of carbon. The two acids are carboxylic acids.
Vitamin E is a liposoluble vitamin.
4.1 0.75
4.2 An antioxidant prevents the oxidative rancidity of fats and oils. 0.75
Magnesium and phosphorous are macro-minerals which are needed by the body in
amounts greater than 100mg/day.
5.1 Iron and zinc are trace minerals which are needed by the body in amounts less than 1.5
20 mg/day.

Energy value = E proteins + E carbohydrates+ E fats

5.2 2
= (8 x 4) + (34 x 4) + (4 x 9) = 204 Kcal

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Exercise 2 (10 points) Cefoprim 500mg 

Answer Mark
of Q
1.1 The active ingredient of Cefoprim is: Cefpodoxime 0.5
It is a drug used to treat infections of the lungs (e.g. Pneumonia), ears, throat, nasal
1.2 1
sinuses, urinary tract, skin, bones and joints.
1.3 Two side effects of Cefoprim: rash, vomiting (allergic reaction, nausea, diarrhea ) 1
1.4 Cefoprim is not effective in case of flu because it will not work for viral infections. 1
A broad spectrum antibiotic is effective against a wide variety of microorganisms
2.1 1
while narrow spectrum antibiotic is effective against specific microorganism.
A broad spectrum antibiotic might kill some beneficial bacteria such as the
2.2 1
intestinal floras.
3.1 An anti-inflammatory drug is a substance that reduces or eliminates inflammation. 0.5
3.2 Cortisone belongs to the class of steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. 0.5
Bacteria resistance is the capacity of bacteria to fight against therapeutic effect of an
4.1 1
The mechanisms are :
- Production of enzymes which render the antibiotic inactive.
4.2 - Modify the permeability to an antibiotic. 1.5
- Change the structure of their site of action.
- Acquire a state of tolerance.
Answer : c
5 Each day → 500 mg (2 Tablets) 1
14 days → 2x14= 28 tablets

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