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-the social media are very usefull and awesome, actually all people use it for buy, find
love or friends, search information easeir, reserv...
The social media was created in 1997 by Andrew Weinreich,in this you could look at
the online profiles of your Friends and talk to them. Some examples of social media is
Facebook or Twitter, in this social medias you can talk to your friends and make new
I think the social medias are so usefull, because you can talk to meet new persons, you
can buy things like cloth or food, listen music, visit diferent places around the world…
When social media didnt exist, it was more difficult to meet your Friends top lay or buy
something that comes from Japan for example. So im trying to say that the social media
are improving our life to better but not at all.
Like all in the life, there are positive things and negative things. For example in that
case, thaks to social media the bulling is increasing in the world because you can stalk a
person by your phone or maybe strangers can take information about you like
In my opinion social media will improve to better and stop these wrong things and I
think will be an excelent resource to the people in general.

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