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1. what is a feature in a publication?

answer: Feature is an article that combines news and opinion. The writing style is "telling" (to tell a
story/story telling) such as short stories or novels. It can be said, this feature is a literary-style
journalistic work, especially from the aspect of language use, storyline, and "dramatization".
Feature usually uses "colorful words", ignoring the character of a concise and straightforward
journalistic language (to the point).
2. How do you write a feature in journalism
answer: -Lead Feature
The opening or lead is an important part of writing features. Creativity is dug up a lot to create
interesting leads and can lead readers to devour the entire writing. A lead can consist of only one
paragraph, it can also be composed of several paragraphs.
Leads in feature structure are used as a tool to provoke reader interest and attention. Every journalist
must have a high awareness of the need for leads. They must avoid making poor quality leads.
Leads are intended to: (1) attract readers to follow the writing material; (2) is a way to smooth the
story's caption.
For these two purposes, leads are developed into various types that the author is ready to choose for
certain desired effects. There are leads that are deliberately chosen to touch the reader. Some are
used to use to invite the imagination of readers to travel to distant places. There are also those who
are chosen just to reveal the contents of the entire article.
In short, lead making gives flexibility to the author and does not support the author with rules that
freeze creativity. Narrative style in writing, helps the author not to corner the reader with treats of
heavy and saturating materials. After presenting an interesting story at the beginning of the writing,
the author eased the discussion which was actually heavy because he had managed to attract the
reader's interest with the beginning of his writing.
Lead Type

Feature/documentary writing style, at the beginning of the sentence (lead) few convey facts, even at
the beginning of the script the writing style is more freely. Therefore, the key to attracting attention
to a feature work lies at the beginning of the script or the first paragraphs, namely Lead. While the
types can be:

Summary Lead

The beginning of the sentence by using a fact in the form of a conclusion from a series of events.

Lead Tells Storytelling

This lead is most liked by fiction writers, novels or short stories. The technique is to create an
atmosphere and let the listener become the main character. As a result, listeners will feel thirsty
when our story presents about someone who is thirsty in the desert, or a scary atmosphere when we
tell about something scary.

Deskriptif Lead

Creating images in the listener's mind or being able to awaken the Theatre of mind, a character.
This lead is suitable for features that display profiles/human interest


Transition serves to string events: telling us that we will move from one story to another.

Body (Body)

Creative work of writing contributes to the process of forming a subjective passion for the
development of writing material. the result of this hard work is the achievement of an original style
and the loading of certain lines of thought. The theme of the discussion merging in the blending of
the shape and style of the type and technique of writing that is typical of each writer. The writing
process requires hard work flipping through a stack of writing materials. Some authors are willing
to dwic on work that refers to the perseverance of dismantling materials. There are also writers who
flipped through looking at the notes and typing the contents of the notes. Writing and checking
information is done simultaneously.

Like other types of writing, the feature also has body development techniques with content
development techniques with certain characteristics. In the preparation of paragraphs/alinea, there
are 3 main things that must be considered: unity (unity), relationship (coherence), and emphasis
(emphasis). The three of them emphasize the results of writing that can be immediately accepted by
readers because of the smooth storytelling of the parts.

The three points of attention refer to the author's expertise in compiling the main theme or main
idea, choosing important materials and packaging them in such a way, creating a bridge that
connects one paragraph with another paragraph smoothly, easy to read and not rigidly. Next is the
closing, please accept it in the following article.

How to Write Feature Cover

The author has an important war. The author locks the writing with a conclusion or ending that
creates a deep and strong impression in the reader's mind, and fosters the reader's desire to continue
to use the ideas he receives from the author.

3. what is feature journalsm examples

answer:Example of Writing Features (quoted from Tempo) with the title From Bau-Bau Looking
for Healing:
Andini is still three months old. But at that age he had to travel on land and sea all night from
Bau-Bau City, Southeast Sulawesi to Makassar. The journey must have been getting tougher for the
poor baby because his head was getting bigger and bigger with hydrocephalus.

Met this afternoon in one of the rooms at the Celebes FM Voice Radio office, Dini looked calm.
There is no sound. ‘She’s not fussy,’ Sabaruddin’s father said. Patiently telling the story, he and
his wife Mawar arrived in Makassar two days ago to seek treatment.

Since birth, he said, Andini's head does look bigger than the usual size of a newborn baby's head.
Now, his head is bigger than the size of an adult's head. His eyebrows were pulled upwards, and his
head veins also appeared and were clearly visible.

According to Mawar, the signs that Dini will be affected by the disease have been felt since she was
pregnant. ‘My stomach always hurts on the right,’ he said. However, when her fifth daughter was
born on December 28 last year and was proven to be hydrochepalus, this family had no money to
treat the baby.

In fact, hydrochepalus caused by the blockage of brain fluid in the baby's cranium is very
dangerous. Because, the fluid continues to be produced by the brain and fills the cranium.

It was only at the beginning of this month with the Public Health Insurance card he held, Dini was
taken to the Muna Regency Health Center, then referred to the Bau-Bau City General Hospital.
"From there we got a referral letter to Dr. Hospital. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar," said Sabar.

When he arrived at Wahidin Hospital two days ago, Dini was not accepted due to administrative
problems. "In the referral letter there is a parent's request. This is what is at issue," said Sabar.
Luckily, while there, he met Ida who offered help and a stay.

Ida is a member of Makassar City Peduli Community Suara Celebes FM. At Ida's house, Sabar and
family stayed two nights. "We are grateful that we met Mrs. Ida. Even though at that time, we had
planned to go to the port to just go home," said Sabar.

From here he was taken to the Celebes Radio office to be reported to prospective donors. After the
dissemination of information via radio, a neurosurgeon from Ratulangi Medical Centre named
Willy stated that he was willing to deal with Dini.

“This is in the name of humanity. Don't know which hospital it will be taken to later. But doctor
Willy said he was willing to form a team to handle Andini," said Humairah from Radio Celebes.
This afternoon Andini plans to be taken to Ratulangi Medical Centre.

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