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1. Finish doing the task in the last slide of Slides(13).

1. In the word please, /p/ is pronounced as an aspirated voiceless stop because it’s at
the beginning of the word.
2. In the word beaten, /tn/ is pronounced as nasal release because the place of
articulation of both sounds is on the alveolar ridge, so we leave our tongue, and air
flows through the nasal cavity.
3. In the word stop, /p/ is pronounced as an unaspirated voiceless stop because it’s at
the end of the word.
4. In the word set, /e/ is pronounced as devoiced vowel because before it there is a
voiceless sound.
5. In the word ton, /t/ is pronounced as an aspirated voiceless stop because it’s at the
beginning of the word.
6. In the word god day, /d/ is pronounced as unxeploded because it’s at the end of the
word and it is followed by another affricative.

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