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Pictorial presentation of the Case Formulation

Presenting Complaints

 Aggression Throwing and hitting things

 Disturbed sleeping and eating pattern

 Obsessions and compulsions Grandiosity

 No compliance in follow up sessions

Predisposing Factors Perpetuating Factors

 Astraphobia  Lack of adherence to medication

 Death of his grandfather  Age, His temperament

 No follow up sessions


 Clinical Interview

 Mental Status Examination

 Visual Analogy , RISB

 House Tree Person , YBOCS

Precipitating factors Protective Factors

 Lack of family support  High motivation

 Marriage of his elder broth  Dream to spend happy time with family

 Regular exercise

Management plan

 Rapport building

 Psychotherapy

 Anger management

 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

 Family Therapy

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