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Life science

Elisa Cuevas Ruiz 4c

1. Point out the name of the era and period for each one of the
following ancestral species: eoraptor dinosaur, ichthyosaurs,
dragonfly, scorpions, and frilled shark.

Eoraptor Ichthyosaur Dragonfly Scorpion Frilled

dinosaur s s shark
Era Mesozoi Mesozoic Late Paleozoi Cenozoi
c Paleozoic c c
Perio Triassic Triassic and Carboniferou Silurian Devonia
d Jurassic s n

2. Mention the habitat and regions of the world where the following
endangered species are located.

o Bluefin tuna

Bluefin tuna live mainly in the pelagic ecosystem of the North

Atlantic and its adjacent seas, especially in the Mediterranean
Sea. Geographically, its population is distributed throughout
the North Atlantic Ocean, above the equator to Norway and
from the western Mediterranean to Mexico.

o Mexican gray wolf

Mexican gray wolves are found in a variety of habitats,

including mountain forests and the deserts of Chihuahua and

The Mexican wolf was historically distributed from Arizona,

New Mexico and Texas in the United States. In Mexico it was
in Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Durango,
Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí and
Guanajuato, reaching Oaxaca.

o Jaguar

In Mexico, the jaguar is found from the southeast to the Rio

Grande in the Gulf and in the Sierra Madre Occidental on the
Pacific coast, to the borders with Belize and Guatemala.
Currently the states where the most important populations of
jaguar are found are Campeche, Chiapas and Quintana Roo.
3. Identify the actions of the last few years that have led to the
extinction of the three species mentioned above (at least one action
for each species) and analyze the difference between this type of
extinction and the one that has happened through natural selection
in remote times.

Bluefin tuna:

1. Overfishing: Overfishing of bluefin tuna has led to a decline in the

population of this species, placing it in danger of extinction.

2. Illegal fishing: Illegal and unregulated fishing of bluefin tuna is a

serious problem that has contributed to the decline of the
population of this species.

3. Climate change: Global warming and ocean acidification affect

bluefin tuna's habitat and migration patterns, which can affect their

Mexican gray wolf:

1. Hunting and extermination: The hunting of Mexican gray wolves,

largely by ranchers, was the main cause of their decline and

2. Habitat loss: The loss of their natural habitat due to human

development and agricultural expansion has also severely
affected Mexican gray wolves.

3. Diseases: Disease and inbreeding have also affected the health

and survival of Mexican gray wolves.


1. Habitat loss: Deforestation and degradation of jaguars' natural

habitat, largely due to agricultural expansion and urbanization, has
been the main cause of their decline.

2. Hunting and trafficking: The hunting and trafficking of jaguars and

their body parts has also contributed to the decline in the species'

3. Conflicts with humans: Jaguars are often hunted or eliminated due

to conflicts with humans, either to protect livestock or because
they are perceived as a threat.
Before, the extinction of animals was mainly caused by natural
factors such as natural disasters, diseases, and competition with
other species. However, today, most extinctions are due to human

4. Explain in detail how the extinction of each of the above species is

impacting or could impact other living beings and the environment.

Species in risk of extinction Impact in other species

Bluefin tuna The extinction of bluefin tuna would

have a significant impact on the
environment and other living things.
Biodiversity, fisheries, tourism and
water quality could be affected if the
bluefin tuna population declines or
disappears. And

Mexican gray wolf The extinction of Mexico's gray wolf

would have a significant impact on the
environment and other living things.
Their disappearance could affect the
population of other species, the
behavior of other species, the
regulation of ecosystems and the
culture of local communities.

Jaguar The extinction of the jaguar would have

a significant impact on the environment
and other living things. Their
disappearance could affect the
population of other species, the
behaviour of other species, the
dispersal of plant seeds and the culture
of local communities.

5. Write suggestions (one for each species) to avoid the extinction of

the species and explain the importance of this type of activities so
that human beings become aware of the risk we are in altering
biological processes.

Bluefin tuna: Overfishing is the main cause of decline in the bluefin tuna
population. To prevent extinction, conservation measures such as fishing
rates, end times, and juvenile fishing regulations can be implemented. It
is also important to promote sustainable aquaculture of bluefin tuna to
reduce pressure on wild stocks. The importance of these measures is
that it not only ensures the survival of Red Thuna, but also protects other
species that share its ecosystem and promotes sustainable and
responsible fishing industry practices.

Mexican gray wolf: Habitat fragmentation and illegal hunting are the
main threats to the Mexican gray wolf. To prevent extinction,
conservation measures such as the creation of protected areas and
wildlife corridors that combine fragmented areas can be implemented. It
is also important to promote education and awareness of the importance
of the Mexican gray wolf in the ecosystem and its role as an endemic
type of Mexico. The importance of these measures is that they not only
guarantee the survival of the Mexican gray wolf, but also protect other
species that share their habitat and promote the connection between
society and nature.

Jaguar: Habitat loss and illegal hunting are the main threats to the
Jaguar. To avoid extinction, conservation measures can be implemented
such as the creation of protected areas and wildlife corridors,
fragmented areas, education and awareness of the importance of the
jaguar in the ecosystem and the promotion of sustainable practices in
agriculture and live living spaces that minimize habitat loss, connect that
minimize habitat loss. The importance of these measures is that they not
only ensure the survival of the Jaguar, but also protect other species that
share its habitat and promote awareness of the importance of preserving
biological diversity to ensure a balance in the ecosystem and the survival
of the Jaguar to ensure humanity.

6. Write a conclusion about the research where you talk about the
learning achieved and the usefulness of it.

In conclusion, the importance of the bluefin tuna, the jaguar and the
Mexican gray wolf lies in their crucial role in ecosystems, as well as in
their cultural and historical value. It is important to take measures to
protect and conserve these species and their habitats to guarantee their
survival and ecological balance in the long term.
Oceana Europe. (2022b, septiembre 28). Reportaje: Atún rojo - Oceana

De Áreas Naturales Protegidas, C. N. (s. f.). El gran desafío del lobo mexicano .

De Proteccion Al Ambiente, P. F. (s. f.). Protección al felino más grande de América, el


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