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The introduction consists of the Background, Problem Statement, Research

Objectives, Scope and Limitation, Research Methodology and Thesis Outline.

1.1 Background

Eggs are basically a common food that can be consumed all over the world because they

contain many nutrients and various uses when cooked. The quality of the eggs can be

determined from many factors such as age and breed of chicken. One of the important things

about egg quality is the integrity of the shell. which can affect the nutritional content and

freshness of eggs.

Currently the process of selecting eggs is done manually by egg breeders as a result it

takes quite a long time, to overcome this problem the authors have analyzed and observed that

the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) technique has succeeded in showing promising

pictures especially in evaluating egg quality.

Therefore, in this project, the authors suggest a method for dividing turtles into healthy

and unhealthy categories based on the cracks of their shells using CNN. The author uses a

dataset of egg images collected from various sources on the internet, including Kaggle. The

author's goal is to develop a method that can be used efficiently for the assessment of egg

quality that has the potential and benefits for consumers and the food industry
1.2 Problem Statement

This project aims to develop a method that can be used efficiently for the assessment of

egg quality that has potential and benefits for consumers and the food industry. The author

implements the CNN algorithm to determine the health of an egg shell whether it is cracked or

not. This project also aims to help breeders and experts to choose eggs. Therefore, this project is

expected to help breeders find healthy eggs.

1.3 Research Objective

1.1.1 Scope

The scopes of this final project are:

 The app could detect the egg cracks.

 The app could show health and unhealth category.

 The app could show egg describtion.

1.1.2 Limitation

The limitations of this final project are:

 This project requires a dataset to determine the classification of eggshells to

be more accurate to produce more accurate predictions.

 This project requires more time and high-performance internet to fetch, and

define the resources required to create a system site, such as training dataset,

and create diagrams.

 This project requires a dataset to determine the classification of egg yolks to

be more accurate to produce more accurate predictions.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The algorithm used in this study is the Convolutional Neural Network algorithm.

Convolutional neural networks consist of several building blocks, such as convolution

layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers, and are designed to automatically and

adaptively learn spatial feature hierarchies through backpropagation algorithms.

1.5 Methodology

The author uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) software

development process model. RAD is a software development process model included

in a stepwise technique. RAD reduces planning time and prioritizes the delivery of

project prototype releases. Therefore, RAD ensures effective communication and easy


measurements to check for repairs and problems. In this model, the entire software

development process is divided into four main phases:

 Requirements Planning – requirements is in the planning stage. This phase is

shorter than other requirements planning phases in other software

development models. In this phase, everyone has the opportunity to define

expectations, goals, and issues that need to be addressed during project

development, as for the use of the RAD method to avoid miscommunication.

 User Design – The User Interface phase begins right after the requirements

planning process is complete. In the user design phase, the client evaluates

each prototype provided by the developer to ensure that requirements are met

at every step in the design process. This method provides an experience for

both users and developers to learn from their mistakes and reduce errors so

that no potential error slips through the cracks.

 Rapid Construction – In this phase, the software development team builds a

working model from the prototype created in the user design phase. to ensure

that everything runs smoothly and the result meets user expectations a

software development team consisting of programmers, coders, testers, and

developers work together during this stage. During this process, users can also

provide input until the end of development. Users can provide any ideas,

adjustments, and changes to help with any issues that arise.

 Cutover – The final stage of the RAD model is the implementation stage and

the program being developed is ready to be launched. In this phase,

developers and users will continue to find and solve any bugs that occur.
1.6 Thesis Outline

The thesis consists of seven chapters, which are:

1. Chapter I: Introduction

Introduction composed of Final Project Background, Problem Statement,

Research Objective, Scope and Limitation, Methodology, and Final

Project Outline.

2. Chapter II: Literature Study

Literature Study describes the theoretical basis of references and guidance

in the Final Project creation.

3. Chapter III: System Analysis

System Analysis chapter describes the analysis of the program – its

behavior and function. It composed of System Overview, Hardware and

Software Requirement, Use Case Diagram, Use Case Narrative, and

Activity Diagram.

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