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The topic of our research is body shaming among university students causes anxiety.

The body

shaming usually refers to the action or practice of mocking or stigmatizing someone by making

critical comments about the shape, size, or appearance of their body. And anxiety refers to a

sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event, in this era, getting

criticism and making criticism about someone body image or their physical appearance is such a

common practice that we no longer consider it as a wrongdoing. Almost everyone in this time

has at least made these kinds of remarks once in their life’s and if not then they must have faced

these impacting remarks in our lives. These remarks made one person think about their body and

appearance in a negative and in an overly critical manner. We cannot even imagine those little

remarks which we made on others in our daily lives have a enduring and a lasting impact on the

other person. And we decided to analyze our population for accessing the extent it causes

psychological issues to an individual. Next taking in consideration, our population we chose

university students because it is seen that the university brings a lot of competition no matter if it

is about the marks or about getting dressed up in a better way. Every student in the university

desires to look good and look impressive in front of other students but when these sorts of

remarks occur those victims lose their confidence and their self esteem get decreased drastically.

It is seen that in our early twenties which is the age span we selected for our research on body

shaming there are many hormonal issues which made a person gets acne, gaining excessive

weight, or getting weaker. University is such a place where is a huge exposure as compared to

the rest of the educational institutions as in those almost everyone is still growing up and they all

are almost from same sort of backgrounds, but in university it is different, a person has matured

enough in the sense of height, some individuals have a shorter height and some got a good height

but we still criticize the both. If one has a good height then they will comment on shorter
heighted students that look at them! Drink Complan! Or even go and stretch on swings and if one

has a shorter height then they will comment that listen! You look like a pole. We accessed an

average of 60 percent women and 30% men, because of the reason that women are known to be

more emotional, and they care a lot more as compared to men about how do they look or not, it is

also seen that the anxiety levels are higher in women and men as women get more triggered as

well as they start panicking and taking excessive stress when any ill situation occurs. One more

aspect to mention is that the women face significant outcomes such as they will develop eating

disorders, might develop low satisfaction about themselves as well as their self esteem will be

impacted. In our Pakistani culture, there is considered to be an perfection for everything even for

how a women or men will be considered as perfectly beautiful. In our culture, the levels of

discrimination and hatred at times depend on the looks or we can say a cover, the people will

judge the individuals in a same manner as we judge the books by their outer cover that whether

that cover or that individual seems appealing and attractive or not. And that perfect image

consists of a fair complexion, long black silky straight hair, slim with having a waist of

maximum 28 inches, long heighted but not very long heighted. And if there is anything except

for this then in our culture there is a high risk that they will be criticized when ever they get the

chance. There is no space for being chubby or having curly to wavy or having a dark complexion

for being considered as beautiful. These beauty standards which our society and culture has set

impacts the mental health and mental peace of almost every individual, no one respects the fact

that in this world everyone is perfect the way they are. And these standards are highly subjective

as it is all due to our personal opinion yet we try to make these criteria as objective.

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