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ˈˌskin ˈˌdēp 
adjective skin-deep

1. not deep or lasting; superficial.

superficial on the
surface surface external outward 
shallow empty artificial meaningle

re·veal rəˈvēl 
verb reveal 3rd person
present reveals past
tense revealed past
participle revealed gerund or
present participle revealing

1. make (previously unknown or

secret information) known to
cause or allow (something) to be

show display exhibit disclose unc
over expose to view allow to be
seen put on display put on
show put on
view bare uncloak unclothe unclo

make (something) known to

humans by divine or supernatural

divulge disclose tell let out let
slip let drop let fall give away give
the game/show away blurt
(out) babble give
out release leak betray open
up unveil bring out into the
open go public on/with make
known make public bring to public
notice/attention broadcast air publ
icize publish circulate disseminate 
on report declare post communica
te impart unfold vouchsafe confes
s admit lay bare let
on spill blab let the cat out of the
bag dish the dirt take/blow the lid
off blow wide open come clean
about cough blow the
gaff discover
noun reveal plural noun reveals

1. (in a movie or television show) a

final revelation of information that
has previously been kept from the
characters or viewers.

re·veal rəˈvēl 
noun reveal plural noun reveals

1. either side surface of an aperture

in a wall for a door or window.

de·vise dəˈvīz 
verb devise 3rd person
present devises past
tense devised past
participle devised gerund or
present participle devising

1. plan or invent (a complex

procedure, system, or
mechanism) by careful thought.

conceive think up come up
with dream up draw up work
out form formulate concoct design 
frame invent coin originate compo
se construct fabricate create prod
uce put together make
up develop evolve discover hit
on hatch cook up contrive

2. leave (real estate) to someone by

the terms of a will.

noun devise plural noun devises

1. a clause in a will leaving

something, especially real estate,
to someone.

ful·fill fo͝olˈfil 
verb fulfil

1. bring to completion or reality;

achieve or realize (something
desired, promised, or predicted).
gain happiness or satisfaction by
fully developing one's abilities or

in attain realize consummate satis
fy manage bring off bring
about carry off carry out carry
through bring to
fruition deliver pull something
off clinch

complete (a period of time or

piece of work).
2. carry out (a task, duty, or role) as
required, pledged, or expected.
satisfy or meet (a requirement or

comply with satisfy conform
to fill answer meet obey adhere
to respond to

(of a retailer) pack and dispatch (a

customer's order).

out accomplish achieve execute p
erform discharge implement effect 
effectuate conduct complete bring
completion finish conclude perfect 
honor be true to keep faith
with make good observe

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