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Liceo Cristiano Bilingüe

“Manantial de Vida”
Carmen Victoria Carranza Aguilar, Mariana Noemi Xiloj Salazar, Leonel
Alexander Cardona Machorro, Gerson Josué Girón Paz, Genesis María
Rebecca Evans Salazar, Mariam Marisel Sanabria Solís, Cynthia
Alexandra Moscoso Díaz, Emely Yuliana Pinto Deras, Dylan Odiar Paz
Navas, Joseph Franzua Barrera Mazariegos

Teachers: Ms. Olivia Picón, Bertha

Class: English

Project: English exposition.

Topic: Nourishment.
Date of deliver: 22/03/2023

Introduction: ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Nourishment ................................................................................................................................... 5
Is nutrition the same of nourishment? ........................................................................................... 5
What does nourishment mean to the body? .................................................................................. 5
What is a nourishing person?.......................................................................................................... 5
How does food nourish the body? .................................................................................................. 6
What is a balance nourishment?..................................................................................................... 6
What are the different types of nourishment? ............................................................................... 6
What is an example of nourishment? ............................................................................................. 6
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 7
reflections.............................................................................................................................. 8

Nutrition refers to the process of providing the body with
the nutrients it needs to function properly and stay healthy.
This includes a balanced and varied diet that contains all the
essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and
Nutrition is a crucial aspect of health, and consuming the correct
types and amounts of food is necessary for proper growth,
development, and maintenance of bodily functions. Proper nutrition
is particularly important during the growth, pregnancy and lactation
A diet low in essential nutrients can lead to malnutrition and various
health problems, including stunted growth, a weakened immune
system, and increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer.
A balanced and varied diet with a wide range of foods from different
food groups is essential for proper nutrition. In addition to a healthy
diet, regular exercise and adequate rest and sleep also contribute to
general healthand well-being.

The food or other substances necessary for growth health, and
good condition.
The action of nourishing some or something thy suck out the sap
and eliminate from it a sweet liquid for the nourishment of their
Is nutrition the same of nourishment?
When we talk about eating a diet of oats, corn, rice, carrots, beef, garlic, ginger
and other cold weather foods, that´s your nutrition. But when we talk about what
those foods do to your body, that´s nourishment.

Nourishment is also closely associated with food, and even its senses that don't
literally involve food are usually likened to the kind of nourishment that food
provides for the body. This is almost always positive: love and affection provide
emotional nourishment; learning provides mental nourishment.
It also involves how you treat yourself in every aspect of your life. It's taking
exquisite care of yourself. It's how you talk to yourself and about yourself to
It’s also how you take care of yourself at a very basic level.

What does nourishment mean to the body?

Every living needs certain nutrients in order to stay alive and in good health and
to develop normally. The process of absorbing these nutrients from food and
drink is nourishment.

What is a nourishing person?

Nourishing is an adjective that describes things that nourish- do or provide
what´s needed for someone or something to be healthy and to grow and develop.

How does food nourish the body?
Food helps us to repair muscle and build DNA
Protein helps to build and repair muscles and body organs and
tissues, like skin, hair and nails. Enzymes that control the major metabolic
processes related to digestion, breathing and fighting infection, are also made
from protein.

What is a balance nourishment?

This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and
consuming the right amounts of food and drink to achieve and maintain a
healthy body weight.

What are the different types of nourishment?

The nutrients include fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, dietary fibres
minerals and water. These elements offer nourishment to the body and protect
it from major diseases.

What is an example of nourishment?

Nourish and nourishment are most commonly used in relations to food. Healthy
food provides nourishment. Parents try to provide nourishment for their children
by feeding them healthy foods. Sometimes, food is said to nourish more than
the body, as in a warm, home-cooked meal is nourishment for the body and the

In conclusion, nourishment is essential for good health and wellbeing.
Consuming a balanced and varied diet that includes all essential nutrients is
critical for proper growth, development, and maintenance of the body's
functions. Adequate nourishment is especially important during periods of
growth, pregnancy, and lactation.
It is crucial to avoid nutrient deficiencies and consume a wide range of foods
from different food groups to ensure adequate nourishment.
Along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest and sleep are also
crucial for maintaining optimal health and wellbeing.
By prioritizing proper nourishment and leading a healthy lifestyle, individuals
can improve their quality of life, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and
promote overall health and wellbeing.

Working in groups can be challenging and sometimes can be a frustrating
experience due to various reasons. Some difficulties that we faced while
working in groups were.
Poor communication because it can lead to misunderstandings, and conflicts
Different opinions, at first our group had some trouble with the differences in
perspectives and opinions, which can lead to disagreements and conflicts that
can get in the middle of the progress. We also faced the lack of trust and
commitment, but as we learned before with good communication and knowing
how to manage everyone’s opinions we could pass this phase easily.

“Appeal to you, brothers and sisters,[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree
with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly
united in mind and thought
1 Corinthians 1:10

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