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How to Calculate Math


You may think that people who excel in
mathematics are more intelligent. The truth is that
they use strategies and methods that enable them
to make speedy mental calculations. Anyone can
learn to calculate math quickly by knowing a few
rules and tricks.
Find the sum of all even numbers from 2 to
a selected even number by first dividing
the selected number by 2 and then
multiplying this result by the next number.
As an example, use 10 as the selected
even number and divide it by 2 to get 5 as
a result. Now multiply 5 by 6 which is the
next number after 5. So 5 X 6= 30 is the
sum of all even numbers from 2 to 10.
Subtract a large number for 1,000 by using
this basic rule. Subtract all numbers from 9
except the last one which you then
subtract from 10. Apply this rule to 1000-
758 to get 9-7=2, 9-5=4 and 10-8=2. The
final answer is 242.
Learn to use the 11 rule to multiply two
digit numbers. Multiply 53 X 11 by taking
53 and placing a space between the first
and last digits 5 and 3 i.e. 5_3 then add 5
and 3 to get 8. Place 8 in the space to get
583. f the number in the middle adds up to
a two digit number then use the digit in the
ones place for the space and add 1 to the
first number.
Multiply a large number by 5 with this easy
trick. Take the large number and divide it
by 2. f the result is a whole number add
zero at the end but if there is a remainder
than add 5 at the end. As an example,
multiple 3,485 X 5 using this trick. First
divide 3,485 by 2 and you get the result
1742 with a remainder of 1. Using the rule,
17,425 is the answer to the multiplication.
Divide a large number by 5 by first
multiplying the large number by 2 and then
moving the decimal point one place to the
left of the last digit. Let's divide 89,221 by 5
using this technique. Multiply 89,221 by 2
to get 178,442, then placing the decimal
point to the left of 2 you have 17844.2 as
the answer to the division.
Know how to square numbers that end in 5
by using this technique. Multiply the first
digit by itself and add 1 and then place 25
at the end of this result. Use 75 X 75 to
demonstrate this technique. Multiply (7) X
(7+1) =56, then add 25 to this result and
get 5,625. So 75
= 5,625. Check the
result by squaring 75.
Estimate percents of any number by using
specific rules to calculate the math quickly
(see the Resources). Figure out a 15
percent tip of 53.55 by first rounding this to
the nearest whole number 54, and then
multiplying by 3 to get 162. Now divide this
result by 2 and get 81. Place a decimal
point one place to the left of 1. The answer
is 8.10.

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