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MYP YEAR 8 Homeostasis Unit project

Names _____and______
Homeostasis Group/individual
Goal: In this project you will learn how homeostasis works, from a cell to a system level,
and why it is so important for living things to be able to maintain homeostasis.

You and your partner (groups no larger than 2- or you can work by yourself, and the
requirements will be fewer) will select a body system and research how the system
keeps homeostasis of a condition in the body. You will also research what happens when
a disease/disorder compromises the systems.

Possible system choices are: (these need to be divided up so ALL systems are covered)

Circulatory system Respiratory system

Excretory system (kidneys) Endocrine system (specifically sugar levels)
Muscle system (specifically temp. regulation)
Immune system (specifically regulating levels of disease organisms)

You will show your learning by making a poster with the following information on it. Check off
each box/circle when completed.
o 1. Title - Name the system you will research
o 2. Diagram of System and main structures:
Make/sketch a diagram (model) to represent the major organs/parts in the system and
explain the function of each organ/part (must have a minimum of 6). 10 points total
(for diagrams and function)
o 3. Function/job of system
Describe the job of the system and then explain HOW the system does its job. 3 points
o 4. Specialized cell in the system
Find a specialized type of cell that helps as a part of the system.
o a. Find a picture of the cell online, write your name on it and the cell type and
add it to your poster. 1pt
o b. Describe the shape/special features the specialized cell has (you will need to
look this up on the internet as well- don’t just use your visual description from
looking at the picture. 1pt
o c. Find out the job of the cell in the system and where the location of the cell is,
in the system. 1pt
5. Homeostasis
Explain how the system works to maintain homeostasis of a condition.

MYP YEAR 8 Homeostasis Unit project

a. Name the condition the system keeps at homeostasis 1pt

b. Use a negative feedback model to show HOW the system keeps homeostasis
of the condition you have selected- you can use the model below as your
guide Make a copy of the model and fill in the correct structure and jobs of
the structures for your system – you may need to modify the diagram as
pts MODEL:
needed. 5

o c. Explain how other systems help the system you are researching maintain
homeostasis of the condition you selected. For example: the kidneys keep the
right levels of salt in the blood, and they rely on the circulatory system (heart and
blood) to deliver the blood to the kidneys, and pump the “cleaned” blood away
from the kidney). 2pt

Data Interpretation of a disease that affects one of your systems.

6. Imbalances in homeostasis-
Obtain the hypothetical data online for the system you are researching. Look
through the data and … .
a. make a data table AND a graph showing the data on your poster. Label the x
and y axis, units used, and title your graph and table (use graph paper and
glue to poster). 4pts
b. Find out (on the internet) the normal ranges for the condition your data
represents and determine if the patient is within the normal range .
1pt 7. Disease and the system
a. Find a disease is that could be causing this imbalance in the condition 1pt
b. List the typical symptoms of the disease. 2pts
c. Explain what a doctor could do to help the patient maintain homeostasis of
the condition and survive. 1pt
8. Make sure your poster is neat, complete, organized and visually pleasing! 4pts
Project points: 37pts Group members are graded individually, depending on
9. Self and group evaluation of participation in project- identify who did each part of
the project 2pts
10. Presentations to class-everyone in group has a role. 0- 3 pts If you work by
yourself- you have the choice of presenting.
MYP YEAR 8 Homeostasis Unit project

Rubric for homeostasis project Names ______________________

Task Who student Teacher feedback

did this feedback
#2. Diagram to represent the Bobby NO /10pts
6 major organs/structures in
_____ system 5 points
Explanation the function of Bobby
each organ. 5 points
#3. Explain job and HOW Bobby NO /3pts
system works to do its job.
3 points
#4. Specialized Cell Bobby NO
Picture 1pt /3pts
Description of cell 1pt
Job of cell 1pt
#5. Homeostasis- Name the Bobby NO /1pt
condition kept at
homeostasis 1pt
#5. Negative feedback model Bobby NO /5pts
to show HOW the systems
keep homeostasis of the
condition 5pts
#5. Explain how other /2pts
systems help the system
#6. data table AND a graph of Bobby NO /4pts
condition in patient. 4pts
#6 Normal ranges for the Bobby NO /1pt
condition and determine if
the patient is within the
normal range. 1pt
Disease, typical symptoms of Bobby NO /4pts
the disease, and what a
doctor could do 4pts
neat, complete, organized Bobby NO /4pts
and visually pleasing

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