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Screening and ranking framework for underground

hydrogen storage site selection in Poland

Joanna Lewandowska-Smierzchalska a
, Radosław Tarkowski b,
Barbara Uliasz-Misiak a,*
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas, Mickiewicza 30 Ave., 30-059 Krakow,
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Wybickiego 7, 31-261 Krakow, Poland

article info abstract

Article history: This paper proposes the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in order to select the
Received 30 November 2017 potential underground hydrogen storage sites. The preliminary selection and evaluation of
Received in revised form hydrogen storage sites may be considered as a multi-criteria decision-making process. The
11 January 2018 use of a decision model based on 5 (for aquifers) or 6 geological criteria (in the case of salt
Accepted 14 January 2018 and hydrocarbon deposits) has been proposed. A ranking of salt structures, aquifers, and
Available online 9 February 2018 crude oil and natural gas reservoirs, previously identified as the potential hydrogen storage
sites in Poland, has been presented. The obtained results have confirmed that the AHP-
Keywords: based approach can be useful for preliminary selection of potential underground
Hydrogen storage hydrogen storage sites. The proposed method enables one to objectively choose the most
Site selection satisfactory decision, from the point of view of the adopted decision-making criteria,
Analytic hierarchy process regarding the choice of the best structure.
Aquifer © 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrocarbon deposit

energy production and transport. Various methods of

Introduction hydrogen production and its energy processing are being
studied [9e13]. The most promising opportunities are identi-
Underground energy storage in the form of heat, compressed fied as the use of fuel cells for stationary and mobile appli-
air or hydrogen allows it to be stored in various amounts and cations [10,12,14].
time intervals [1e6]. Nowadays, energy storage is considered a The development of hydrogen economy is also focused on
key element of the energy supply chain. It contributes to using the energy from renewable sources for its production
improving the stability of energy grids, increasing the share of [7,8,15e17]. This will require the development and imple-
renewable energies, improving the efficiency of energy sys- mentation of new ways of hydrogen storage. Implementation
tems, fossil fuel resources conservation and reducing the of this technology will allow to regulate the supply and de-
environmental impact of energy generation [2,7,8]. mand for energy and regulate energy prices as well as gas
Most analyzes indicate that hydrogen will play an impor- sales to, refineries, transport etc. [18e23]. The use of this
tant role in solving technological and ecological problems of technology will also contribute to the decarbonisation of

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (J. Lewandowska-Smierzchalska), (R. Tarkowski), uliasz@agh. (B. Uliasz-Misiak).
0360-3199/© 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4402 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

energy, which is important in the case of countries such as should be based on the detailed geological analysis and
Poland, which economy is based on coal [24,25]. reservoir engineering. The most important parameters
Geological structures are used in different ways, depending include: geological structure (depth, area, thickness, tight-
on their depth of deposition and characteristics (e.g. the ness, reservoir pressure, reservoir properties - porosity and
storage of fuel, natural gas, hazardous or radioactive waste, permeability, geomechanical characteristics of rocks) and the
and, more recently, the storage of carbon dioxide) [26]. From a proper characteristics of the overburden rocks. The main cri-
geological point of view, the underground space is also suit- terion that must be met by the hydrogen storage site is
able for the storage of massive amounts of energy in the form geological tightness. In addition, technical, environmental,
of hydrogen [18,23,27,28]. In such a case, the largest possible legal, economic, and other criteria are also of great importance
amount of gas injected to the underground storage facility [18,20,38].
(artificial accumulation of gas in the subsurface) shall be Despite the fact that underground gas storage has been
withdrawn from the storage site without losses due to used since the beginning of the last century, and years of
leakages. experience in this field, there are few publications presenting
Underground hydrogen storage is increasingly popular, as the criteria used when selecting sites for the gas storage.
evidenced by numerous scientific publications. They relate to Depleted natural gas reservoirs, which are most often used
different aspects, some of which include: the use of under- for underground storage, are selected on the basis of a suf-
ground space for energy storage [2,19,26,29], hydrogen energy ficiently large volume of pore space, tightness, (preferably
storage technologies [7,8,20], technological aspects [23,30e33] high) permeability of reservoir rocks, the absence of gas
and the assessment of the potential and possibilities of large- admixtures such as hydrogen sulphide, or the possibility of
scale underground hydrogen storage in selected countries additional well drilling [39,40]. The situation is much better
[27,28,34,35]. when it comes to the studies on the selection of sites for
The three basic options (sites) for hydrogen underground underground storage of CO2; their findings may be useful in
storage (HUS) are considered: salt caverns, deep aquifers, and identifying similar sites for the storage of hydrogen. This is
depleted hydrocarbon deposits (crude oil and natural gas) done based on the geological, reservoir, and technical criteria
[18,20,34,36,37]. that must be met by a geological structure in order to be used
Salt caverns (artificial underground chambers in salt de- as a gas storage site, while taking into account the specific
posits) are suitable for storage of various substances, in properties of carbon dioxide. In the literature, there are no
particular high pressure gases. These chambers are used uniform criteria for selection of sites for underground stor-
worldwide for the storage of natural gas and petroleum age of carbon dioxide. In most methodologies, the criteria
products. Salt has physical properties which are suitable for used when choosing carbon dioxide storage sites include: the
underground hydrogen storage, guaranteeing long-term sta- depth of reservoir, their thickness, porosity, permeability,
bility and storage integrity. Salt cavern walls are substantially water mineralization, and thick, low permeable overburden
impermeable to this gas, and the plastic properties of salt rocks. These criteria allow for pre-selection of structures not
protect the cavern against the emergence and spread of cracks only of adequate capacity but also ensuring the safety of the
and thus the loss of tightness. Hydrogen is already success- storage process [41e49]. Some of the methods include addi-
fully stored in several salt caverns in the United Kingdom and tional (technical, environmental, or sociological) criteria
the United States; this technology does not differ significantly [44,49]. Different authors use different (positive, negative, or
from the underground storage of natural gas, practiced on a warning) indicators [41,42,47,48] points (0 e the worst, 1 e
large scale by the oil companies for about a hundred years, or the best) [46] or weights [49] assigned to the individual
underground storage of carbon dioxide [18,28]. criteria. In a few cases, structuring is based on workflow
The aquifers are made of porous and permeable rocks [43,45]. Some methodologies refer to the assessment and
containing the pore water of different mineralization. They classification of geological structures used for the storage of
are common in all sedimentary basins and can be an alter- carbon dioxide and breaking them down by country, sedi-
native to underground storage of hydrogen in the areas where mentation basin or storage site [45,46]. The latest method-
depleted hydrocarbon deposits or salt caverns are not avail- ology developed by the National Energy Technology
able. They have also been used for many years for natural gas Laboratory in 2017 [44] introduces algorithms for preliminary
storage. evaluation, selection, and characterization of geological
Natural gas and crude oil reservoirs occur in suitable structures for CO2 storage according to the CSA Z741 stan-
geological structures, where hydrocarbons are accumulated dard (2011). Llamas and Cienfuegos (2012) [50] proposed a
within the pore spaces between rock grains (e.g. sandstones) different approach to the problems related to the selection of
or in fractures and fissures (e.g. limestones). Accumulations CO2 storage sites. They propose the use of a multi-criteria
are sealed with low-permeable, compact and non-fractured decision-making system based on two groups of criteria:
rocks. The occurrence in the hydrocarbon deposit confirms technical criteria (geology, tectonics, hydrogeology, capacity,
the tightness of the geological structure. Depleted oil and gas and CO2 state) and socioeconomic criteria (quality and
reservoirs can be used to store hydrogen instead of hydro- quantity of geological data, CO2 sources, location, population
carbons. The geological properties of the depleted reservoirs density, and environmental aspects). The Analytic Network
are well known, while the existing production wells and sur- Process (ANP) method was used to select structures suitable
face equipment can be (at least partially) reused. for geological storage of CO2 in China [51]. A method using
Setting the requirements and conditions for choosing the fuzzy logic to select carbon dioxide storage sites has also
geological structure for the underground hydrogen storage been developed [52].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4 4403

From the point of view of the presented ranking of The decision-making process consists of several steps:
geological structures for underground hydrogen storage, the
results obtained during the HyUnder project [18] are especially ➢ the formulation of the main goal,
interesting. One of its goals was to identify those geological ➢ defining the selection criterion/criteria and the possible list
storage options that have the greatest potential for the prac- of constraints that cause some goals to be unreachable
tical implementation of hydrogen storage. A comparative (some decisions cannot be taken),
analysis of different hydrogen storage options (salt caverns, ➢ determining the value of the criteria that will affect the
hydrocarbon deposits, aquifers, lined rock caverns, unlined decision,
rock caverns, abandoned salt, limestone, and coal mines, tube ➢ the development of possible decision-making alternatives,
mills), using different criteria, has been performed. The first ➢ selection, by reference to the selected criteria, of the most
place in the ranking was taken by the option of storing favorable decision-making alternative, and obtaining the
hydrogen in salt caverns. The high integrity and tightness of ranking of alternatives.
salt rock, high flexibility in gas storage (reception) and the
relatively low investment and operating costs were high- In the presented methodology, the use of the Analytic Hi-
lighted. However, it was highlighted that the use of salt cav- erarchy Process (AHP) was proposed, while the analysis was
erns for storage requires the availability of appropriate salt conducted in four stages [55,56] (Fig. 1):
formations. The second place was taken by depleted gas res-
ervoirs, most commonly used for the underground storage of 1. The construction of a hierarchical model. Decomposition
natural gas. Finally, the third position in the ranking was of the decision problem and the construction of a hierarchy
taken by aquifers, which require numerous and expensive of criteria and alternatives affecting the solution to the
geological investigations, especially for determining the problem (boxes A, B and C e Fig. 1).
integrity of the deposit/structure [18]. 2. The evaluation by pairwise comparison. Collecting the
The presented paper proposes a methodology that allows comparison assessments with pairs of criteria and alter-
the classification of suitable geological structures (aquifers, natives, by applying the relative dominance scale adopted
hydrocarbon deposits, and salt structures) for hydrogen in the AHP method (boxes D and G e Fig. 1).
storage based on the decision support system. Choosing a 3. Setting global preferences and weight of each criterion.
geological structure for hydrogen storage involves the se- Define mutual priorities (significance) in relation to criteria
lection process and is aimed at selecting the best structure and alternatives (boxes E, F, H and I e Fig. 1).
from the decision maker point of view or the so-called the 4. Classification of decision alternatives - determining the
most preferred alternative. In order to choose the best order of decision-making alternatives taking into account
structure, two approaches were used. The first one, the so- their contribution to the achievement of the main goal (box
called qualitative ordering, is used when only the order of J e Fig. 1).
alternatives, i.e. the knowledge whether a given alternative
is more favorable than the others from the point of view of In the proposed methodology, the decomposition of the
the chosen criterion, is required. The second, quantitative decision-making problem is presented using a hierarchical
ordering, is used when additional information on to what decision-making structure where the selection of the best
extent a given alternative (option) it better than the other, is geological structure for the storage of hydrogen (the main
required. The developed methodology is implemented in objective), suitable geological structures, the main criteria
four stages: defining the problem, the evaluation based on for sites evaluation, and decision-making options are
the comparison of the selection criteria and the available determined. The main objective of the discussed decision-
options considered, the determination of global and local making process is to identify the most suitable geological
preferences, and the classification of decision-making al- structure for underground hydrogen storage (box A e Fig. 1).
ternatives. The use of this methodology allowed obtaining a The next step is to formulate the decision criteria used in
ranking of geological structures for hydrogen storage located the decision-making problem (box C Fig. 1). The geological
in Poland. The ranking of the best sites for hydrogen storage criteria characterizing the structure (salt structures, aqui-
was developed for three types of reservoirs present in most fers, and hydrocarbon deposits) are taken into account when
parts of Poland: salt deposits, aquifers and, hydrocarbon solving the decision-making problem. These criteria were
deposits. proposed based on the author's experience (expert experi-
ence) and the literature on the question of selecting
geological structures suitable for the underground gas stor-
The methodology of ranking structures age. They relate to the geological conditions of the analyzed
structures and are different for salt structures, aquifers, and
Decision support methods can be used when examining the hydrocarbon deposits. In the case of aquifers and hydro-
possibility of using geological structures [53,54] or when carbon reservoirs, the criteria were as follows: the volume of
selecting CO2 storage sites [50e52]. the reservoir, overburden lithology, tectonic activity, the
The proposed methodology for the selection of geological depth of occurrence, and the stage of exploration. In addi-
structures for hydrogen storage is based on the decision tion, in the case of hydrocarbon deposits and aquifers, the
support system. It is based on qualitative and quantitative mineral type and overburden thickness were also analyzed,
ordering, used when the order of alternatives, a quantitative respectively. For salt structures, in addition to the common
ranking using numerical values, is required. criteria adopted for hydrocarbon deposits and aquifers, the
4404 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

A Main goal indentification and definition

Development of decision-making alternatives

B a1,

C Defining of selection criteria c1,

Criteria evaluation
D using the comparison matrix

E Ranking of criteria c=(c1,

Determinig of prefernces beetwen

F each alternatives in refernce
to criteria based on geological data

Alternatives evaluation
G using the comparison matrix

a1 wm
Ranking of alternatives a1i i= 1, ....., n Ranking of alternatives ami
H for criterion c1
I for criterion cn
w1, ,i a1 wm,1, am

choosing of the best alternative

DECISION J Obtaining the final ranking of alternatives

Fig. 1 e Decision system scheme to selection potential underground hydrogen storage sites: w e weight, c e criterion, a e
alternative, 1, …m e number of alternative, 1, …n e number of criterion.

geothermal gradient and the form of salt deposit were also making criteria from the point of view of the main goal (that
taken into account. Alternatives, that are the analyzed is choosing the best structure for hydrogen storage). In the
geological structures, are the final element in the hierar- case of salt structures, the above mentioned criterion is the
chical decision-making structure (box B e Fig. 1). stage of exploration (Fig. 3). For aquifers this is tectonic ac-
In the next step, the comparison matrices for criteria were tivity (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the most important criterion
determined using pairwise comparisons of the individual for hydrocarbon deposits is the lithology of overburden rocks
criteria (box C e Fig. 1). They were made using the nine-step (Fig. 5) (box D e Fig. 1).
scale suggested by Saaty [57]. Their validity was determined The weight vectors were verified according to the AHP
on the basis of the expert opinion of the authors of this article. method. For this purpose, the consistency indexes of the
Determining the validity of individual elements follows the analyzed matrices were calculated (see Fig. 2). When the
principles of the pairwise comparison method by determining consistency indices are lower than the assumed threshold
the dominance of one over the other (Fig. 2). The comparison value of 0.1, the expert opinions collected in the comparison
matrices for criteria were made for salt structures, aquifers, matrices for decision-making criteria are consistent and the
and hydrocarbon reservoirs, respectively. resulting weight vectors can be used in further decision
For the adopted decision-making criteria, based on the analysis. If consistency indices are above 0.1, it means that
comparison matrices, the weight vectors were calculated. The rank values (indicated by experts) in the comparison matrix in
calculated priorities for criteria used for individual geological pairs outside this range do not make sense, because they are
structures allow indicating the most important decision- questionable in terms of “quality” and “consistency” of data.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4 4405

Fig. 2 e Relative weights of a set of criteria.

Fig. 3 e Ranking of criteria for salt deposits.

In this case, the assessments should be reviewed and all or different types of structures and criteria considered (box F e
some comparisons repeated to eliminate the non-conformity Fig. 1).
of the weight vectors. The specific values for the stage of exploration, depth of
The next step in the AHP method is to evaluate the indi- occurrence, and the volume of pore space were adopted for all
vidual alternatives, taking into account the adopted criteria structure types (Tables 1e3). The value of geothermal gradient
(box H, I e Fig. 1). For each criterion, all variants are evaluated. for salt structures has also been adopted. For the remaining
As a result, the priorities, representing the validity of indi- criteria, values on a scale from 1 to 9 were assigned. In the case
vidual alternatives (taking into account various criteria), are of the lithology of the overburden and tectonic activity, hy-
calculated on the basis of the comparison matrices (box G e drocarbon deposits and aquifers were assigned the same
Fig. 1). In order to determine the comparison matrices for in- values. In the case of lithology, the lowest value was attributed
dividual options, each criterion was assigned a score, based on to well-permeable rocks (sandstones, limestones, and dolo-
the predetermined range of numerical or verbal values of a mites), while the highest to rocks of low permeability (clay-
given criterion for each decision-making alternative. The in- stones, clay shales, Ca-sulphate rocks, and salt rocks). The
dividual criteria were assigned specific numerical values on a lowest value was assigned to structures containing faults,
scale from 1 to 9. The assumed values were different for the which pass into overburden rocks, while the highest to
4406 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

Fig. 4 e Ranking of criteria for structures in aquifers.

Fig. 5 e Ranking of criteria for hydrocarbon deposits.

structures without faults. The reservoir type criterion is of a and potash-magnesium salts, while the highest for rock salts
qualitative nature; oil reservoirs were assigned the lowest with a few anhydrite and potash-magnesium salts inserts. For
value, while the highest value was assigned to natural gas the “deposit form” criterion, values from 1 (for salt domes near
reservoirs. In the case of reservoir lithology, the lowest value the surface) to 9 (stratiform deposits of relatively low tectonic
was attributed for rock salts with a high content of anhydrite activity) were assigned.
Table 1 e Values assigned of criteria for salt deposits: for qualitative criteria - according to the rating scale from 1 to 9, for quantitative criteria - actual numerical values.
Parameter 1 3 5 7 9
Reservoir volume numerical values
Reservoir lithology rock salts with large rock salts with small rock salts with average share of rock salts with few inercalations rock salts without inercalations
share of anhydrites share of anhydrites anhydrites and/or potash-magnesium of anhydrites and/or potash-magnesium of anhydrites and/or

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4
and/or potash-magnesium and/or potash-magnesium salts salts potash-magnesium salts
salts salts
Depth numerical values
Geothermal gradient numerical values
Stage ofexploration numerical values
Type of salt deposit salt domes pierced Mezozoic salt domes non-pierced highly tectonised salt tectonised stratiform salt deposits Poorly tectonised stratiform
and Kenozoic deposits Mezozoic and deposits with small thickness salt deposits
Kenozoic deposits

Table 2 e Values assigned of criteria for structures in aquifers: for qualitative criteria - according to the rating scale from 1 to 9, for quantitative criteria - actual numerical
Parameters 1 3 5 7 9
Pore volume of reservoir numerical values
Overburden rocks lithology sandstones, limestones, clayey sandstones, limestones, sandstones with siltstones and mudstones and shales claystones, Ca-sulphate
dolomites dolomites; sandstones mudstones in similar proportions; rocks, salt rocks
(predominate) marls
with siltstones and mudstones
Tectonic activity faults in a reservoir go faults ending in a reservoir numerous faults in the basement Single faults in the basement without faults
into overburden
Depth numerical values
Stage of exploration numerical values

4408 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

After assigning specific numerical values using the adop-

Table 3 e Values assigned of criteria for hydrocarbon deposits:for qualitative criteria - according to the rating scale from 1 to 9, for quantitative criteria - actual numerical

Ca-sulphate rocks, salt rocks

ted scale, it was possible to determine the suitability of the
discussed alternatives from the decision maker's point of

claystones, clay shales,

view. According to the AHP method, the suitability of indi-
vidual alternatives for each criterion is determined by using

without faults
pairwise comparisons of the individual criteria and deter-

gas deposit
mining their dominance according to the Saaty scale. The
comparison of alternatives is based on the difference between
the criteria values. After calculating all the partial vectors of
suitability, it is possible to obtain the final aggregated prefer-
ence vector for the examined decision-making options, i.e. the
mudstones and

Single faults in

final ranking of alternatives (box J e Fig. 1).

the basement
mud shales

Results and discussion

Potential sites for underground storage of hydrogen in

mudstones in similar proportions; marls

numerous faults in the basement

Potential sites for underground storage of hydrogen in Poland

sandstones with siltstones and

and their preliminary characteristics were presented by Tar-

kowski (2017) [28]. In the case of rock salt deposits from the
Upper Permian and Neogene (Miocene) formations, the sug-

gested sites for underground storage included rock salt de-

posits in Leba, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Carpathian Foredeep,
and salt structures (salt domes) of the Polish Lowlands (19
locations). In deep aquifers of the Polish Lowlands, geological
structures (anticlinal structures) in the Lower Cretaceous and
Lower Jurassic formations, previously selected for under-
ground storage of carbon dioxide, were proposed (19 loca-
tions). In the case of depleted oil and natural gas reservoirs in
dolomites; sandstones (predominate)

the Polish Lowlands, the Carpathians, and the Carpathian

Foredeep, dozens of potential storage sites were selected (39
clayey sandstones, limestones,

with siltstones and mudstones

faults ending in a reservoir

The presented list was the basis for further detailed con-
siderations aimed at indicating, while taking into account the

adopted ranking criteria, the best and most appropriate sites

numerical values

numerical values
numerical values

for underground storage of hydrogen in Poland. For the pur-


pose of this publication, the above-mentioned storage sites

have been verified taking into account their location in rela-
tion to nature conservation areas and their current state of
development (gas and fuel underground storage sites, aban-
doned hydrocarbon deposits).
sandstones, limestones,

Taking into account the above assumption, 47 out of the

faults in a reservoir go

total of 77 structures (see Ref. [28]) were selected for further

consideration. These include:
into overburden

1. 11 salt deposits (Fig. 6):

oil deposit

B the Leba deposit,

B stratiform salt beds in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline,

Overburden rocks lithology
Pore volume of reservoir

Pore volume of reservoir

B salt domes in the Polish Lowlands,

B stratiform salt bed in the Carpathian Foredeep,

Tectonic activity

2. 14 tectonic structures in aquifers (Fig. 6): Bielsk-Bodzanow,

Deposit form

Byslaw, Chelmza, Sierpc, Strzelno, Turek, Tuszyn, Wart-


kowice, Chabowo, Jezow, Konary, Marianowo, Suliszewo,


and Trzebiez,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4 4409

Fig. 6 e Location of potential hydrogen storage sites in salt deposits (1e11) and in tectonic structures in aquifers in the Polish
Lowlands (12e25): 1 e Leb salt deposit, 2 e Gubin region, 3 e Nowa Rola region, 4 e Nowa Sol region, 5 e Gora region, 6 e
Rogozno salt dome, 7 e Damaslawek salt dome, 8 e Izbica Kujawska salt dome, 9 e Lubien salt dome, 10 e Lanieta salt
dome, 11 e Wojnicz salt deposit, 12 - Bielsko-Bodzanow, 13 e Byslaw, 14 e Chelmza, 15 e Sierpc, 16 e Strzelno, 17 e Turek,
18 e Tuszyn, 19 e Wartkowice, 20 e Chabowo, 21 e Jezow, 22 e Konary, 23 e Marianowo, 24 e Suliszewo, 25 e Trzebiez.

3. 22 hydrocarbon deposits (Fig. 7): Ranking of the hydrogen storage site

B 4 oil deposits: Brzezowka, Grobla, Jastrzabka Stara and The ranking of the best sites for hydrogen storage was
Plawowice, developed for three types of reservoirs: salt deposits, aquifers
and, hydrocarbon deposits. These structures are present in
B 18 natural gas deposits: Brzostowo, Wiewierz W, Wie- most parts of Poland (the Polish Lowlands, the Carpathian
wierz E, Wysocko, Zalecze, Zuchlow, Sanok-Zablotce, Foredeep, and the Carpathians).
Brzezowiec, Dabrowka, Grady Bochenskie, Jaroslaw, Fig. 8 shows the final ranking (the aggregated suitability
Kanczuga, Lubaczow, Mirocin, Przemysl, Tarnow vector for the analyzed alternatives) of salt structures. The
(Jurassic), Uszkowce, and Wygoda.
4410 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

Fig. 7 e Location of potential hydrogen storage sites in depleted hydrocarbon deposits (oil fields (1e4) and gas fields (5e22)):
1 e Brzezowka, 2 e Grobla, 3 e Jastrzabka Stara, 4 e Plawowice, 5 e Brzostowo, 6 e Wiewierz W, 7 e Wiewierz E, 8 e
Wysocko, 9 e Zalecze, 10 e Zuchlow, 11 e Sanok-Zablotce, 12 e Brzezowiec, 13 e Dabrowka, 14 e Grady Bochenskie, 15 e
Jaroslaw, 16 e Kanczuga, 17 e Lubaczow, 18 e Mirocin, 19 e Przemysl, 20 e Tarnow (Jurassic), 21 e Uszkowce, 22 e Wygoda.

Fig. 8 e Sorted weight vectors (final ranking) for salt deposits.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4 4411

vector of weights based on the AHP calculations has shown solutions (ranging from 0.0706 to 0.0624). These structures
that the Gora region, with a decisive advantage over the others have similar characteristics for tectonic activity and recogni-
(rank: 0.1904), is the best possible salt structure for hydrogen tion status (1 and 3 criteria in terms of importance, respec-
storage. The highest ranking of this reservoir is related to the tively). Their further position in the ranking results from
appropriate reservoir lithology (halite) and well established worse seal properties (criterion on item 2). The other alter-
structure (respectively the most important and the second natives were ranked low, with the lowest value of 0.0207 for
most important criterion for salt structures). The next three the Byslaw anticline. This demonstrates that certain criteria
positions in the ranking were taken by Nowa Sol, Gubin, and for these aquifers were ranked low due to weaker parameters
Leba, respectively, while the differences between the ranks in terms of hydrogen storage.
are relatively small. Due to the fact that the three structures Fig. 10 presents the ranking of hydrocarbon deposits. The
have similar geological characteristics, and the criteria have vector of weights based on the AHP calculations has shown
similar values. The other alternatives were ranked low, with that the Przemysl natural gas reservoir, with a decisive
the lowest value of 0.0346 for Izbica Kujawska. This demon- advantage over the others (rank: 0.0839), is the best possible
strates that some criteria (deposit form, pore volume of site for hydrogen storage. The highest position of this deposit
reservoir and stage of exploration) for these salt structures in the ranking results from a large volume of pore space and
were ranked low due to weaker parameters in terms of the type of deposit (gas field) as well as good assessments of
hydrogen storage. other criteria. The next three positions in the ranking were
Fig. 9 shows the final aggregated suitability vector for the taken by oil reservoir Grobla, natural gas reservoir Mirocin and
analyzed aquifers. In the case of deep aquifers, the vector of oil reservoir Plawowice, respectively, while the differences
weights based on the AHP calculations has shown the Cha- between the ranks were relatively small (ranging from 0.0722
bowo T as the best site for hydrogen storage (rank 0.1904). The to 0.0626). The high ranking of the Grobla and Plawowice oil
next place is taken by the Marianowo T anticline, while the deposits (a type of reservoir not suitable for hydrogen storage)
difference between the ranks is low (rank 0.0933). Both results from the large pore space in these deposits, good
structures are characterized by a lack of tectonic activity (the sealing and lack of tectonic activity. In the case of the Mirocin
most important criterion for aquifers) and a good seal (the reservoir, the third position in the ranking results from a good
second most important criterion). In the case of the next five sealing (criterion on item 1), lack of tectonic activity (criterion
places, the differences between the ranks are relatively small. on position 2) and the type of the deposit - natural gas reser-
These include the following structures: Marianowo J, Cha- voir (criterion on item 3). In the case of the next positions,
bowo J, Turek, Suliszewo, and Jezow T. The differences be- taken by 12 hydrocarbon deposits (7 natural gas reservoirs and
tween the ranks are relatively small also for alternative 5 crude oil reservoirs), the differences between the ranks are

Fig. 9 e Sorted weight vectors (final ranking) for structures in aquifers.

4412 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4

Fig. 10 e Sorted weight vectors (final ranking) for hydrocarbon deposits.

small. The differences between the ranks for these alternative and, secondly, the stage of exploration are among the most
solutions are also relatively small (ranging from 0.0536 to important features in the case of salt structures. Another
0.0404). The obtained results may indicate that criteria (over- criterion is the form of salt deposits. In the case of aquifers
burden rocks lithology and tectonic activity) for these hydro- and hydrocarbon reservoirs, the most important criteria,
carbon deposits were ranked low due to weaker parameters in determining the safety of hydrogen storage, are: tectonic ac-
terms of hydrogen storage. The remaining alternatives tivity and the overburden lithology; for aquifers and hydro-
received very low ranks, with the second lowest: 0.0273 for the carbon deposits, the most important are the stage of
Sanok-Zablotce oil reservoir and the lowest: 0.0175 for the exploration and the volume of the reservoir, respectively.
Wygoda oil reservoir. This may indicate that these structures The use of these criteria in the developed decision-making
have little potential (little possibility of using them for system allowed carrying out the ranking of individual types of
hydrogen storage). These deposits have: a weak seal, tectonic geological structures.
activity and a small volume of pore space. The decision maker (expert) assigned the highest prefer-
ence score to the salt structure in the Gora region. It has been
found the most satisfactory from the standpoint of all
Summary and conclusions decision-making criteria. In the case of deep aquifers and
hydrocarbon deposits, the decision maker assigned the high-
The criteria used when selecting sites for underground stor- est preference score to the Chabowo T and Przemysl natural
age of gas were analyzed for the pre-selected structures (salt gas fields.
deposits, aquifers, and oil and gas reservoirs). Some of the The developed system enables a combined analysis of
criteria were used for all the three types of structures (the measurable and non-measurable criteria, an aggregate eval-
volume of the reservoir, the depth of deposition, and the stage uation of alternatives, the analysis of the impact of individual
of exploration). In addition, in the case of aquifers and hy- values on the final decision, while mitigates the effects of bias
drocarbon reservoirs, the assumed criteria included the and the effects of manipulation on the decision-making pro-
overburden lithology and tectonic activity. In addition, in the cess. The system is universal and can be used to evaluate
case of hydrocarbon deposits and aquifers, the mineral type geological structures irrespective of their location. The ques-
and overburden thickness were also analyzed, respectively. tion of structures for hydrogen storage, formulated as a multi-
For salt deposits, in turn, the geothermal gradient and the criteria problem of ranking the alternatives, allows the in-
form of salt deposit were also taken into account. The ranking terests of many parties and various aspects of the problem to
of the criteria has shown that the lithology of the reservoir be taken into account.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 0 1 e4 4 1 4 4413

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