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Featuring: john Xina

You are all in the battle bus preparing for the ultimate epic battle royale. You have
two choices before you, go left or right. Right leads to a big red door with an
intercom speaker next to it. Left is a set of stairs that go down into the earth.
choose the big red door becuase red is suspernatural… right? You step through the
door and into a long hallway. You see doors lining the wall about 10 feet apart.
Each door has a small monitor next to it showing the inside of the room. You can
see into the rooms as if they were live-action windows. Each door has a number
showing what it is. Your room is #12. Dafu Senpai~ drink a bottle of vodka.
You order the room service. They bring in a bottle of vodka. You pour a glass and
drink it.
Wow! This is some good stuff! You drink two more glasses.
Vladimir putin cry. You then pass out.
kena balis driving tesla cybertruck while watching MLG Gaming with a loud bass
boosted + earraped song on high speed and smoke crack.
You wake up and look around. You have no idea what is going on. The first thing
you notice is that you are completely healed. The second thing you notice is all
wires hanging from the ceiling.
Dafu Senpai~ says "what in the balls happened here"
You stand up and see all the wires hanging from the ceiling. "The tesla cybertruck
is in the middle of the room," says Dafu Senpai.
Vladimir putin imma stick Vladimir putin's balls there (basket balles).
You walk over and look at the tesla cybertruck. Wow! It is really there! "How is
this possible?" you say. "You drank two more glasses of vodka!" kena balis
dragging Vladimir putin balls to the ceilling while driving tesla cybertruck.
You grab a hold of the side of the tesla cybertruck and start to drag it out of the
room. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" says Dafu Senpai.
Dafu Senpai~ break the bottle of vodka on vladimir putin.
You stop pulling the tesla cybertruck. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," says
Dafu Senpai. and then the cybertruck exploded like nuclear bomb. Then Dafu
Senpai and you both flew off into space. You wake up some time later and see
you are in a room of some sort. john xina woke you up, you are in china now, and
all the kids are dead. You get up and see the room is pretty barren, just a bed
and a table with two chairs.
Fucking says "be china"
You look around and you see a door. "China," you say. You open the door and a
little chinese lady pops out. "Whoa, what is this?" kena balis says "A bing chilling
my lady"
The little Chinese lady says "A bing chilling my lady" "What?" you ask. "A bing
chilling my lady," she says again, in chinese.
Dafu Senpai~ says "you know who else says bing chiling. MY MOM!!!"
The bing lady hugs you and says something else in chinese. "What did she say?"
you ask. "She said you should do a bong," says Dafu Senpai.
Fucking says "冰冷"
You go outside and look around. It is cold, very cold. Wow! It is -20 Fahrenheit or
-29 Celsius. You see a man standing a little ways away from you.
kena balis says "YOOOOOO Look it's Mao
Zedong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The man is tall, he is thin, and he is wearing a long grey overcoat with a hat on his
You say "Mao Zedong?" "Yes," he says,
Dafu Senpai~ sing the mao zedong song.
You start to sing "Mao Zedong". The man starts to laugh. "This is the future," he
says. He turns and walks away laughing.
Fucking says "stop do not laught mao zedong it will kill you"
No it won't, he says. He is walking away laughing. You are standing in front of a
monument. It is the Great Wall of China.
kena balis says "He's our true chinese (Sobbing while feeling proud)" you see a
line of Chinese tanks, they are approaching the monument. "What is
you ask. "Look," says the man, "The empire of the sun is at the gates of china."
Fucking says "为中国为统一战线"
You look up at the sky. The sun is very bright. It seems to be very close to the
earth. It is very hot. There are no clouds in the sky. Mao zedong fall from the sky
like god, he's blessing us with his great propaganda. His great war machine is
approaching the Great Wall of China. You run up to the tank driver. "What are you
doing?" you say. "I'm taking over the great chinese empire."
Dafu Senpai~ get on top of the tank and start singing super idol.
You climb up onto the back of the tank. Everyone on the tank is dead. You get on
top of the tank and start singing super idol to the dead people in the tank. the
morbius comes and say it is 起床时间 in china. The sun
is about to rise. It is a beautiful sight. It is the most beautiful sight in the
You see a beautiful sunrise and fall in love. Mao zedong really love us because he
feel that we are the true chinese man that can save his propaganda. You feel
you need to save the world from him. He is the bad guy here. Mao zedong is the
enemy of the earth. You are on top of an armored tank. it was such a sight,
shit his pants aggressively. Mao zedong got scared as he start running from the
tank. The tank started moving on the ground. He couldn't run as fast as he wanted.
Fucking says "MAO you may have shidded but i still love the sun setting.
You start singing my hero super idol. The sun is going down in china. It is the most
beautiful sight in the world. now peace being obtained, mao zedong rise to the
and disappear, until the end of the world china will still rulling the world. They
were great days, the days of china. The days of being a great power. The days of
being the great country. It was the zenith of china.
Dafu Senpai~ says "long live china, am i right boys"
Your tank stops in front of you. This is the end of the story.

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