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October 18, 2022


President of the Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang Palace
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel, Manila 1005

Dear Mr. President,

Given the following agents of erosion especially soil erosion, I would like to
suggest in our government to conduct a program every now and then in
different areas like planting trees especially those who resides near the slopes
or low-lying areas. Using trees are often considered to be the universal
answer to control soil erosion. Tree roost help prevent landslides on steep
slopes so I suggest to conduct a program like planting trees in our
government because it will help us to the different agents of soil erosion that
will affect our community. The government should implement evacuation
center for them to be safe when the disaster is near. The government will put
them in the safest area of evacuation.
Wishing for the success of this initiative so that we may assist other areas in
our nation in preventing these kind of natural phenomena.

Respectfully yours,
Ashley B. Bautista

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