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Chapter 1

My Schoolbag

A. Listen and Repeat

Pencil Case Sharperner Glue Scissors

Crayons Marker Drawing Book

B. Read loudly

This is a pencil case

This is a marker

That is a sharperner

That is a drawing book

That is a crayons

C. Conversation

What is it ?
It is a pencil case

What is it ?
It is a sharperner

D. Match them

 Drawing book

 marker

 glue

 crayons

 scissors

 Pencil case

 Sharperner

E. Vocabulary

Pencil case : kotak pensil

Sharperner : rautan
Glue : lem
Scissors : gunting
Crayons : pensil warna
Marker : spidol
Drawing book : buku gambar

Chapter 4

Food and Drink

A. Listen and Repeat

Bread Egg

Rice Ice cream

Fried Chicken Soup

Orange Juice 5 Milk

B. Read Loudly

Hello, I am Siti. I
am eating fried

Hello, I am Santi. I
am drinking juice.

Hello, I am Salsa.
I am drinking a cup
of milk.

C. Conversation practice

1. Siti : What is that?

Santi : That is bread.

2. Beni : What is that?

Edo : That is ..........

3. Lani : What is that?

Siska : That is ...........

4. Chika : What is that?

Rina : That is ...........

5. Budi : What is that?

Siska : That is ...........

6. Ayu : What is that?

Mika : That is ...........
D. Complete the table
Food and Drink

No. Food Drink

1. Bread Juice
2. .... ....
3. .... ....
4. .... ....
5. .... ....

E. Vocabulary

Bread : roti
Rice : nasi
Fried Chicken : ayam goreng
Juice : jus
Egg : telur
Ice Cream : es krim
Soup : sup
Milk : susu

Chapter 6

Things in My House

A. Listen and Repeat

Chair Table Sofa Bed

Television Carpet

B. Read Loudly

This is my chair

My table is brown

It is a sofa

This is a bed

The carpet is blue

I am watching television

C. Exercise

1. Tempat tidur

2. Meja

3. Karpet

4. Sofa

5. Kursi


Chair : kursi
Meja : table
Sofa : sofa
Bed : tempat tidur
Television : Televisi
Carpet : Karpet

Chapter 7

A. Listen And Repeat

Bicycle Car

Train Ship Aeroplane

B. Read Loudly

I go to school by bicycle.

She goes to the market by car

We go to Singapore by aeroplane.

My uncle goes to work by motorcycle

My family go to Medan by train

Mr. Ridwan goes to Bali by ship

C. Conversation

Teacher : “How do you go to school?”

Student : “I go to school by bicycle.”


Teacher : “How do you go to market?”

Student : “I go to market by car.”

D. Exercise

E. Vocabulary


Motorcycle : sepeda motor

Bicycle : sepeda

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