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“Democracy is the necessary to peace and to undermining the forces

of terrorism”
Democracy is mainly a Greek word which means people and their rules,
here peoples have the to select their own government as per their choice.
Greece was the first democratic country in the world. Pakistan is a
democratic country where people select their government of their own
choice, also people have the rights to do the work of their choice. There
are two types of democracy: direct and representative and hybrid or
semi-direct democracy. There are many decisions which are made under
democracies. People enjoy few rights which are very essential for human
beings to live happily. 
“Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers”
In a democracy, each person has equal rights to fight for development.
After the independence, Pakistan has adopted democracy, where the
people vote those who are above 18 years of age, but these votes do not
vary by any caste; people from every caste have equal rights to select
their government. Democracy, also called as a rule of the majority,
means whatever the majority of people decide, it has to be followed or
implemented, the representative winning with most number of votes will
have the power.
“Democracy needs support and the best support for democracy
comes from democracies”
Democracy is very important for human development. When people
have free will to live freely, they will be happier. Moreover, we have
seen how other forms of government have turned out to be. Citizens are
not that happy in monarchy or anarchy.
“the best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate
here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation”
Furthermore, democracy lets people have equal rights. This ensures that
equality prevails all over the country. Subsequently, it also gives them
duties. These duties make them better citizens and are also important for
their overall development. Allama Iqbal said:
“democracy is a system where people are counted not weighted”
Most importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government. So,
this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a chance
to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail efficiently as the
rules are made by people whom they have selected.
In addition, democracy allows people of various religions and cultures to
exist peacefully. It makes them live in harmony with one another. People
of democracy are more tolerant and accepting of each other’s
differences. This is very important for any country to be happy and
“a healthy democracy requires a decent society; it requires that we
are honorable, generous, tolerant and respectful”
Pakistan is a democratic country. After the rule of the British ended in
1947, Pakistan adopted democracy. In Pakistan, all citizens who are
above the age of 18 get the right to be vote. It does not discriminate on
the basis of caste, creed, gander, color, or more.
Pakistan constitutionally is a democratic parliamentary republic with its
political system based on an elected form of governance. Since the
establishment of the current system in 2003, Pakistan is one of the
youngest democracies in the world.
“Democracy is in the blood of Muslim, who look upon complete
equality of mankind believe in fraternity, equality and liberty”
The merits of democracy include better government forms because it is
more accountable and in the interest of the people. improves the quality
of decision making and enhances the dignity of the citizens. provide a
method to deal with differences and conflicts.
Pakistan is facing a lot of problems in case of democracy. Pakistan is
standing on 104th out of 167 countries in best democratic countries in the
world. This shows democracy in Pakistan needs a lot of working.
Iskander Mirza said:
“Democracy is hypocrisy without limitations”
Across the world, countries have tried rooting their constitution with the
principles of democracy. However, the reality is different. Even though
elections are conducted everywhere, mostly, they lack freedom of choice
and fairness. Even in the world’s greatest democracies, there are
challenges like political instability, suppression of dissent, corruption,
and power dynamics polluting the political sphere and making it unjust
for the citizens. Despite the consensus on democracy as the best form of
government, the journey to achieve true democracy is both painstaking
and tiresome. 
“democracy is the government of people, by the people and for the
here is a lot of room for improvement Pakistan which we must focus on.
The government must implement stringent laws to ensure no
discrimination takes place. In addition, awareness programs must be
held to make citizens aware of their rights and duties.

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