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Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

Women Stereotype in K-pop Girl Group Songs

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, Nia Nafisah, S.S., M.Pd.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study is about women stereotypes in Korean pop music, specifically in girl
group songs. There are six songs as the data of this study, which are Itzy with “Dalla
Dalla” and “Icy,” CLC with "No“ and ‘Me,” and Mamamoo with “Yes I am” and
“HIP.” This present study aims to give a new perspective on how the issue of
women stereotype is implied in Korean girl groups’ songs’ lyrics. Since the issues
of gender stereotypes are still prevalent in our everyday life, people tend to take
gender issues for granted. The present study mainly analyzes how women are
constructed through the songs and determine whether the songs confirm or subvert
the stereotype. By using qualitative method, the study uses the theory of gender
stereotype traits by Evans and Davies (2000) and the theory of stereotypical gender
traits by Copenhaver (2002). The study reveals that women, especially in Korea,
are more aware of the beauty standards issue in society. They try to change
women’s way of thinking and not to be bound by the stereotypes through their
songs’ lyrics.
Keywords: Beauty Standards, Gender, Gender Stereotypes, Girl Group, K-pop

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

INTRODUCTION made them follow everything that is

happening in the industry, be it the way
There is a trend about Korea called
the entertainers act or how they look.
Korean Wave or Hallyu, which refers to
Since many Korean women liked K-pop,
the popularity of anything from Korean
they start to follow everything done by the
origin (Kim & Ryu, as cited in Choi,
idols from how they dress, the kind of
Meza, and Park, 2014). In many countries,
makeup they use and the extreme diet they
such as Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand
do. They feel that what K-pop idol does is
this trend ranges from the spread of
something that is accepted by Korean
Korean restaurants, Korean style or K-
society. K-pop plays an influential role in
fashion, and the most popular are Korean
Korean entertainment media and therefore
Drama and Korean Music. Hallyu makes
has an impact on society's perception
people more aware of Korea. People often
(Abrahamsson, 2017). The idol looks
watch Korean Drama in Television
indirectly represent what Korean beauty
Station or attend their favorite idols’
is. Korea has a standard of beauty for
concert. However, compared to Korean
women that has become a trend around the
TV dramas, Korean music (Korean Pop or
society. It is because “only beautiful
K-Pop) is a much better-planned industry
women receive better treatment in
that targeting international audiences from
society” (Woo, 2004). Therefore, Korean
its start (Kim, 2013). Especially in 2009,
Girl groups are also highly affected by it.
K-pop groups decided to promote their
Each member of the girl groups try so hard
music outside Korea to other countries
to fit in the standards and being accepted
such as South East Asia, Europe, and even
by the audiences.
America. Since K-pop is starting to know
In order to fully understand the
by the spread of Hallyu widely, K-pop
issue of women stereotypes in Korea, it is
music has to become a global trend
best if we understand the notion of gender
nowadays in the music industry. The
first as women are considered to be a type
growth of K-pop all around the world is
of gender. Gender is different from Sex.
fascinating as more and more people are
Gender is something that defines every
attracted to it in the present decade.
individual based on his or her social
The rapid development of
interaction with other human beings.
technology in Korea made Korean society
Lorber (1994) states that gender
easier to access everything in the
construction starts with an assignment to a
entertainment industry. This is indirectly

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

sex category based on what genitalia look of women working outside the house is
like at birth. A sex category becomes a increasing, women are still expected to
gender status through naming, dress, and fulfill their traditional responsibilities as
use of the gender markers (Lorber, 1994). wives, mothers, and daughters-in-law
A gender stereotype consists of beliefs (Choi 1985). Thus, the stereotype of
about the psychological traits and women prevails in Korean society
characteristics of, as well as the activities nowadays.
appropriate to men or women (Brannon, This study will analyze the data
2017). using the theory of stereotypical gender
Brannon (2017) further elaborates traits by Copenhaver (2002) and the
more about the notion of gender theory of gender stereotype traits by
stereotype. Gender stereotypes provide a Evans and Davies (2000). According to
system of classifying people that operates Copenhaver (2002), to describe the gender
throughout people’s lives; these influence roles of the characters, the division of
their expectations for self and others, as masculine and feminine characteristics
well as the judgments they form about was needed. This is closely related to the
people based on their gender-related issue where women are always seen as the
characteristics and behaviors (Brannon, opposite of men. Copenhaver’s separates
2017). Since there are expectations that the characteristics of the trait into four
attached to each gender, it creates areas, which are behavior characteristics,
confusion or judgment if one of the communication patterns, sources of
genders does not act or behave like what power, and physical appearance. First,
they are expected to be. Nam, Lee and behavior characteristics describe how men
Hwang (2010) give some insight into how and women are reflected to act in relation
gender stereotypes perceived in Korea. to each other. Second, communication
Gender stereotypes in Korea are patterns describe how men and women
established based on Confucian behave towards one another, towards
philosophy in the patriarchal system. members of the same sex, and towards the
Confucian philosophy or Confucianism world at large. Third, sources of power
argues women, in general, are expected to explain wherein women in the domestic
be obedient and submissive to their sphere, and men in the public sphere found
husbands and family (Nam, Lee, and their loci of control. Lastly, physical
Hwang, 2010). Even though the number appearance emphasizes how men and

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

women are viewed from a physical In another study, Nam, Lee, and
standpoint. Furthermore, Evans and Hwang (2010) use Goffman's (1979)
Davies (2000) (as cited in Kimsey, 2011) typology theory to analyze gender role
develop a list of traits characteristics stereotypes in Korean fashion magazines
representing eight masculine (aggressive, targeting adolescent girls. The result
adventurous, argumentative, assertive, shows that Korean women are
competitive, decisive, risk-taker, and self- stereotypically portrayed differently from
reliant) and eight feminine (affectionate, Western. Korean women more
emotionally expressive, impetuous, stereotypically portrayed than any other
nurturing, panicky, passive, tender, and group as smiling, pouting, and with a
understanding) traits of gender childlike or cute expression. However,
stereotypes. Both of the theories Western women more stereotypically
mentioned above are very suitable for portrayed than any other group in the
analyzing the data from this study which categories of licensed withdrawal and
brings up the issue of a gender stereotype, body display. In some categories, male
especially for women. models more female-stereotypically
There have been many previous portrayed than female models of a
studies that analyze the issue of gender particular race.
roles. Abrahamsson (2008) states that his Those studies discuss gender roles
study shows how women are portrayed in in K-pop constructed in Media. However,
Korean media, in order to give an example little is known about the content carried by
of how gender is constructed in media. K-pop groups. Therefore, this study
This study used Judith Butler’s theory in focuses more on lyrics song by ITZY with
Gender Trouble to analyze ten most "Dalla Dalla" and “Icy,” CLC with "No"
viewed music videos of the 5 most popular and “Me,” and Mamamoo with "Yes I
groups in South Korea. The result of this Am" and “HIP.” This research tried to
study revealed that there are two typical answer questions on how women are
ways of women's actions. They also either constructed through the songs and
behave in a cute or a sexy way, or even a determine whether the songs confirm or
mix between cute and sexy. They are also subvert the stereotype. Through their
concerned with their looks and their lyrics, the six songs bring out the issue of
primary interest is focused on men. stereotyping in Korea especially for
women. Since the issues of gender

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

stereotype are still prevalent in our observable behavior, or in this the lyrics
everyday life, this study attempts to give a of songs in the corpus.
new perspective about how gender
The data source of this study are
stereotype is brought through the songs.
songs from ITZY “Dalla Dalla” and “Icy,”
Moreover, this study aims to make people
CLC “No” and “Me,” and Mamamoo
aware that even in a song that we often
“Yes I Am” and “HIP.” The data then
listen to in our everyday life, there are
were analyzed using two frameworks. The
hidden issues implied. People tend to take
first framework is from Evans and
gender issues for granted, neglecting their
Davies's (2000) theory of gender
significant impact on society. Thus, this
stereotype, which is eight gender traits.
study can give new insight into how
The second framework is from
gender is actually an essential part of our
Copenhaver's (2002) theory of
life but is often underestimated.
stereotypical gender traits: behavior
characteristics, communication patterns,
source of power, and physical appearance.
This research uses the qualitative method, The data were analyzed following these
as its textual analysis in nature. For a steps. First, the songs’ lyrics that indicated
qualitative design, the method includes gender stereotypes were collected and
observation, surveys, interviews, and highlighted. After collected, the data then
content analysis of visual and textual were classified the lyrics into every eight
material. Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault traits of Evans and Davies’s theory of
(2015) state that in the broadest sense, gender stereotype traits. Then the lyrics
qualitative methodology refers to were classified into four categories of the
research that produces descriptive data – Copenhaver theory of stereotypical
people own written or spoken words and gender traits. Lastly, the findings of the
data were concluded and summarized.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION data were examined using two theories,

In analyzing the six songs from which are the theory of gender stereotype
ITZY, MAMAMOO, and CLC it is traits by Evans and Davies (2000) and the
obtained that most of the lyrics of the theory of stereotypical gender traits by
songs subvert women stereotypically. The Copenhaver (2002). The results of the

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

analysis show that the stereotype is Furthermore, Itzy’s other song’s

subverted through feminine traits, entitled “Icy” also shows how the speaker
behavior characteristics, communication subverts the stereotype attached to women
patterns, and physical appearance. through the lyrics as shown below:
Feminine Traits “I don't care what you think because
Most of the songs in the research I'm cool
subvert the woman stereotypes, and the Come on With confidence let it go (Here
subverting can be seen through the we go)”
feminine traits shown in the songs’ lyrics.
“Icy” by ITZY
According to Evans and Davies (2000),
there are eight traits considered as Itzy’s songs’ lyrics above show

feminine, which are: affectionate, how the speaker does not take others’

emotionally expressive, impetuous, thoughts or gossips spreading around

nurturing, panicky, passive, tender, and about her into considerations since the

understanding. However, the data of this speaker already feels comfortable with her

study only show the passiveness. Evans own self. The speaker is seen as being

and Davies (2000) statement about a passive towards others’ opinions of her.

woman is encouraged not to express their According to Evans and Davies

mind, but to follow what men command. (2000), women who have passive traits

However, the lyrics below show that Itzy will find it difficult to express their

subverted stereotypes: feelings to others. However, Mamamoo

“So what? I don’t care has a different idea about that:

I’m sorry I don’t care, don’t care, really “Yes I am, I’m very cheeky

don’t care” I won’t sugarcoat, I can’t hide it

“Dalla Dalla” by ITZY
I’m cheeky, I don’t care”
The lyrics above show that the speaker
“Yes I Am” by MAMAMOO
repeatedly said, ‘don’t care,’ which means
she does not really care what other people The excerpt above indicates that
say about her. It shows how expressive the speaker is a "cheeky" person. She will
they are as women. This means the excerpt not withhold anything because that who
above subvert the stereotype that women she is. In these lyrics, she dares to express
should be passive in certain ways. her feelings by emphasizing it through the
words of "Yes I am." From the textual

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

evidence above, it can be seen that women herself. She does not want others to
can also express their feelings directly and intervene and tells them to mind their own
not just bury them. business. It is clearly contrary to Evans
In the following lyrics excerpt and Davies’ statement that women tend to
from other Mamamoo’s song, entitled follow other people’s lead. Through their
“Hip,” it is also shown similar ideas in lyrics, CLC proves that women can also
term of subverting the stereotypes towards take control of their own life. In this case,
women: again, the lyrics of the song subverts the
“It becomes a controversy, my fashion stereotype.
I don’t care much, just action It can be implied from the excerpt
Keep on click me click me, like you’re of the five lyrics mentioned above, instead
possessed, zoom of being passive, the speakers concern
Close up close up close up” more about the way women express their
feeling. The ideas mentioned are by being
outspoken, saying what is currently on
The lyrics above show the their mind, and being oblivious to others’
speaker’s passiveness by actions. She perceptions.
dares to express her feeling by being care
less towards all of those people who Behavior Characteristics
constantly criticizing her fashion choices. Copenhaver (2002) proposes four
In fact, she can becomes stronger because categories that can be used to identify how
of the criticism she constantly receives. gender is stereotyped, but only three
Evans and Davies (2000) state that categories are visible from the six song’s
women tend to be passive because they lyrics in this study. The first category is
often follow another's lead. On the behavior characteristics which consist of:
contrary, CLC’s lyrics below imply excitable, subjective, non-competitive,
different ideas: illogical/irrational, sneaky, not self-
“What I do with “me” is my business confident, non-ambitious, neat, need
I can clutch it, release it, let it follow the security/stability, self-esteem from
wind” relationships, people-oriented, fearful,
“No” by CLC gentle and intuitive about others' feelings.
From the lyrics above, we can see Nevertheless, only not self-confident,
that the speaker can do anything by people-oriented, and fearful that can be

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

seen from the six songs analyze in this “Icy” by ITZY

From the lyrics above, the speaker
The first category from behavior
shows that she is one of the confident
characteristics is having no self-
women. She says even though she is a
confidence. Women seem to feel insecure
very cold person by using the word “Icy,”
with their appearance because of the
but also uses the word “Fire” to indicate
demands of the standard beauty from the
the confidence she has in herself. From the
society that requires women to be a certain
lyrics, “I do not want to be put in your
type. Itzy’s song “Dalla Dalla” subverts
box” we can see a similar idea like the
the stereotypes:
phrase in the lyrics of “Dalla Dalla” which
“Don’t measure me by your standards
is “Do not measure me by your standards
alone.” From these two excerpts, it can be
I love being myself, I’m nobody else”
interpreted that Itzy tries to give a message
“Dalla Dalla” by ITZY
that they do not want to be compared to
From the lyrics above, it can be
others, they have their own life, and do not
seen clearly that the speaker emphasizes
want to be measured by the standards. The
that she is a woman who is very confident
speaker also at the same time signifying
by saying that she loves being herself.
her wish to be different from the others.
Unlike the society who forces women to
Korean women often feel
fit into the beauty standard, the lyrics
unconfident because their appearance
above prove otherwise. The speaker, in
does not match with the beauty standards
this case, does not care about the standards
in South Korea. The standards require
from society. She also does not want to be
them to have fair skin, double eyelids, and
compared to other women.
V shaped-face. In order to fit in, Korean
Another Itzy song called "Icy" also
women are willing to undergo any kind of
shows that she is a confident woman by
plastic surgery so that they can be
refusing the stereotypes in the lyrics as
accepted by society because of South
shown below:
Korea's influence on the normalization of
“Icy but I’m a fire
cosmetic surgery (Davies and Han, 2011).
A dream inside me, I'm confident Meanwhile, Mamamoo ideas of
self-confidence can be seen from this
Look at me, I'm not a liar
I don't want to be put in your box” “I have chubby cheeks

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

I like my face which is more rounded who feel insecure with their appearances.
edges than V-line In fact Mamamoo is very proud of
themselves and does not feel afraid or
It’s my own, some special thing
ashamed to be their authentic selves from
Instead of my double eyelids, I like my head to toe. This indicates that they
mono eyelids” believe that their authenticity is already

“Yes I Am” by MAMAMOO cool or “Hip.”

Different from the previous two
In the excerpt above, instead of
groups, CLC is interested in loving
feeling discouraged, the lyrics show that
themselves as women:
the speaker feels fine with all the things
“I love me, I like it
that are considered as not beautiful.
Further, the subverting in the lyrics can be The lipstick that’ll look best on me
seen clearly as she continues by saying she I love me, walk like me
loves being considered in the category of
Try it if you want to”
not beautiful. This further indicates that
she breaks the stereotype. The speaker is “No” by CLC
very confident with her own look and she
Women should love themselves.
feels special not to be a part of the
The speaker feels confident in everything
she does and what she wears. It is very
Mamamoo has another idea about
different from the stereotype that women
how to subvert the stereotype through the
often do not have self-confident. She even
lyrics as below:
tries to ask other women to feel what they
“All I wanna be is cool
feel, which is having self-love and be self-
However I want, pick it, kick it confident.
In other CLC songs they also
Head, shoulders, knees, it’s all HIP”
express an interest in loving themselves as
“Hip” by MAMAMOO women through excerpt below:

The word "Hip" (used in the lyrics “From the day I was born, beautiful me
above) is used to indicate someone who yeah
has good and cool tastes. The word "Hip" Beautiful me, beautiful me, yeah
can also indicate that the speaker is very
Beauty, admit the beautiful me”
confident woman, unlike other women

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

“Me” by CLC Itzy refuses the stereotype and it is seen

from the following excerpt:
It can be seen from the lyrics
“Don’t care what people say, I know
above that CLC tries to give a message to
other people that they feel really confident
with their looks by repeating the words I’m making to myself, stay strong
"beautiful me" repeatedly. In addition, the
Keep your head up and go after your
speaker also says “from the day I was
born”, which indicates that she is
confident for as long as she lives even “Dalla Dalla” by ITZY

from when she was little. This situation is From the lyrics above, the women
different from some Korean women who are seen to not be fearful. Again, the
feel insecure constantly. From their song, speaker subverts the stereotypes. The
CLC tries to invite other women not to be lyrics state that as a woman, there is no
insecure and instead try to love their own need to fear what other people say because
selves and be confident. they are the only one who knows about
It can be concluded that from all of their own self. She sets aside the fact that
the lyrics above, the speakers are women should be afraid to pursue their
confident women. All of the lyrics dreams because we are all equal as human
concern more about how the speakers beings.
show their confidence as women by
In other Itzy’s song titled "Icy"
disregarding the standards that have been
they also refuse the stereotype that
inherent in society. This is how they say to
categorizes women as a fearful:
love themselves as women.
The second behavior characteristic “Everybody blah, blah
which subverts the song’s lyrics is
Talks a lot but I don't care
fearfulness. Besides woman are reflected
as a person who is not confident, Y'all can keep blah, blah

Copenhaver (2002) states that most They keep talkin', I keep walkin'”
women are categorized as fearful. Women
“Icy” by ITZY
are often known as someone who is afraid
to try new things and to tell the truth In the lyrics above, which is
because they are anxious about the another Itzy song, the speaker shows that
surrounding community. On the contrary, she is not afraid of other people's talk even

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

though people often say mean things on Mamamoo also has an idea of the
her. On the contrary, she thinks those stigma attached to women as fearful, and
gossips are just nonsense. She does not they are against the stereotypes, which is
need to care nor think about it in any way. shown through lyrics below:
It can be concluded from the lyrics above, “Thank you to everyone who provokes
no matter who she is and what she does, me
never be afraid of comments from people
Losers who stopped there, right back at
about women. All human deserve love and
respect even if those around you do not
appreciate you enough. Thanks to you, my mentality is strong

As stated before, women have I’m gonna go make the next album”
been labeled as fearful people. Women are
“Hip” by Mamamoo
known not only to be afraid to tell the
truth, but women are also often afraid to Mamammo, in reality, is a girl
believe in themselves because of group that does have some haters because
insecurities. Meanwhile, through the they are categorized as a group that does
evidence below, CLC refuses all the not follow the beauty standards in Korea.
stereotypes again: Mamamoo indeed often makes songs’
“I shine, I shine, I shine lyrics with allusions for the haters as
shown through the excerpt of the lyrics
Everyone come here, look here, look at
above. Mamamoo is not afraid neither do
they care what haters say to them. They
I’m pretty and cool, this crazy “me” that
silenced all the mean comments they
received with the achievement they have
“No” by CLC achieved.

The lyrics above clearly depicted The fourth of the songs’ lyrics

the idea of not being fearful since the concerned with how fearless they are as

speaaker seems to invite people to look at women. Itzy emphasizes that women

her. She is not afraid to be the center of should not be afraid to pursue their dreams

focus. The lyrics show how confident she because you are the only one who knows

is as a woman until she is not afraid of yourself and do not be afraid of other’s

other’s attention on her. opinion about you. CLC is more focused

on not letting your look stop them from

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

being the center of others’ attention. “You act like you’re worried about me,
Mamamoo, on the other hand, influences to tell me what to do
other women to instead try to overshadow
I don’t change myself for you, yah”
the mean comments from haters through
achievement, hence showing them who “No” by CLC

the real loser is. The lyrics above subvert the

The third behavior characteristic stereotypes that women have to be people-
which is subverted the stereotypes oriented. In this case, the speaker does not
depicted to women is people-oriented. In think about people's feelings and worries
regards to Copenhaver (2002), women are to herself about how people often try to
more categorized as people-oriented make her behave in a certain way, and she
compared to men. Women tend to think of does not want to change herself in the
others first rather than themselves. They slightest for others.
tend to think about others’ feelings first Contrary to the popular belief in
before their own. However, Itzy subverts which women think about others’ business
all the stereotypes: first, both of the lyrics emphasize on how
“There’s no time to care about what women should not concern themselves on
others think others’ business. The two groups take

I’m busy doing what I want to do” other people’s opinion and they put them
as a part of society. However, only
“Dalla Dalla” by ITZY
Mamamoo song lyrics are the only one
From the excerpt above, it can be that focuses more on their selves as an
seen that the speaker also rejects the individualist.
stereotypes. She put herself first than Communication Patterns
others. She does not pay attention to other The second pattern which is can be
people’s business and they do not matter seen through the song’s lyrics are the
at all for her. The lyrics portray how communication pattern which consists of:
women can also become someone who do not talk freely about sex, do not use
acts alone rather than considerate of harsh language, talkative, tactful, able to
others. express tender feelings, and use
However, CLC thinks about the talking/communication to build consensus
ideas of women as a people-oriented can and to hold people together. However,
be seen from this excerpt below:

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

only tactfulness which is subverting the argue and be polite to her or his older
stereotype. siblings or anyone older in general.
Copenhaver (2002) states that the On the other hand, Mamamoo and
category of communication patterns CLC’s songs seem to put less concern, or
referred to how women communicate and none at all, on this subject. However, Itzy
behave toward each other. Women tend to put her concern in this subject as shown
be someone who speaks very carefully through her song "Dalla Dalla" which is
with her choice and does not speak out against society’s expectation in this way
bluntly. Meanwhile, Itzy has different of communication. The speaker
thought from the excerpt below: emphasizes on women as less tactful,
“Eonnie tell me I still have a long way therefore defying the pattern. In this case,
to become mature the speaker is concerned with how she
speaks very bluntly toward others and
I am not planning on that, sorry”
responds to the statement sarcastically.
“Dalla Dalla” by ITZY Overall, the lyrics of Itzy’s songs are

It can be seen from the excerpt bolder than the others.

above the speaker refuses the stereotypes.

In this case, the stereotype is that women Physical Appearance
should not speak tactfully to someone Lastly, physical appearance

older. However, from this excerpt, it can consist of four traits, which are

be seen that the speaker speaks bluntly. In appearance oriented—"Barbie" figure,

the context of the lyrics, her eonni (refers smaller physical size and weaker physics,

to older female or sister) tells her that she beauty is a valuable asset, and aging is

has enough time to become mature, but something to be avoided. However, only

she answers the statement from her eonni two patterns or traits are visible in the six

sarcastically as if saying, “I’m sorry but I songs analyze in this study.

don’t want to be mature eonni.” The The first physical appearance

sarcastic notion here indicates that which is subverted in the three song’s

although she seems to apologize it is not lyrics is beauty is a valuable asset.

intended to be polite. Taking Korean According to Copenhaver (2002),

culture into consideration, in Korea, it is physical appearance emphasizes how

expected that the younger siblings not to women are viewed from a physical
standpoint. Beauty indeed has become an

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

asset for all women in the whole world. The excerpt above shows the
Woo (2004) states that most Korean speaker is willing to set aside the idea of
women’s decision to undergo surgery lies beauty, and instead put forward the idea of
in feelings of inferiority regarding their being their own self. They value their own
appearance as being beautiful has become self more than they value the society’s
a necessity to be accepted by society and beauty standard. The speaker is tired of
it allows women easy access to things they pursuing all those standards because they
want. However, Itzy subverts the think it will remove their authenticity by
stereotypes: burdening themselves with the standards
“I’m different from people constructed by others.
As stated before, being beautiful
Who are just pretty but unattractive”
makes it easier to get everything. In
“Dalla Dalla” by ITZY society nowadays, there are many

From the lyrics above, the speaker examples of women who fit into the

subverts the stereotypes by implying not beauty standard can get more special

only beauty is not essential, but also being treatment from society, such as easier

different from those people is something employment in some places. Unlike the

special. She keeps saying “I’m different, two groups, Mamamoo has a different

I’m different from other girls” because thought about physical appearance:

being a beautiful woman is not the main “I have chubby cheeks

standard of her life. She is not the girl that I like my face which is more rounded
follows what others dictate on her, and she edges than V-line
just wants to do what she wants.
It’s my own, some special thing
Women are expected to look the
best at all times and most people often try Instead of my double eyelids, I like my
to make women look in a certain way. We mono eyelids”
can see that CLC and Itzy discuss physical
“Yes I Am” by MAMAMOO
appearance more generally. In the excerpt
below, CLC has their own thought: For further note, one of the

“Forget ways to look more “beautiful” members of MAMAMOO who sings this
part of the lyrics has an appearance that is
So “I” can look more like “me”
not up to the beauty standard in Korea.
“No” by CLC She has chubby cheeks, mono eyelids, and

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

tanned skin. However, even with all her It can be implied from the excerpt
appearance that is not up to the Korean above that Itzy and CLC speak about
standard, many people accept her because physical appearance in a more general
of her talented singing skills. It can be way. These two groups respond using
seen that she subverts the stereotype that more adjectives that still related to
beauty is not the only asset for women. "beauty" such as: pretty, unattractive and
Other things can also be a valuable asset beautiful. Itzy emphasizes more how the
for women. speaker is different from the others, while
In the song "Hip" as well, CLC confident in herself that she has to be
Mamamoo has an idea of refusing the more confident with her look. Unlike the
stereotypes about physical appearance: two groups, Mamamoo has different
“T-shirt with snot on it, panties sticking thoughts reflected from the lyrics. The
out lyrics are more specific to reflect one of
the singer’s experiences in regards to
Greasy hair, it doesn’t matter to me”
physical appearance and looks.
“Hip” by MAMAMOO The second physical appearance

Firstly, the lyrics above are against which is subverted through the song’s

the stereotypes. In this case, just like lyrics is appearance oriented -- “Barbie”

previous Mamamoo’s song that one of the figure. Itzy also compares physical

members has been criticized because of appearance with Barbie-ness, it can be

her appearance. Hwasa (Mamamoo seen in the excerpt below:

members) has been commented on by “People look at me, and they tell me
some Koreans because her appearance at They look at my looks alone and say I’m
the airport really does not suit the standard a punk
of women as they should in Korea. Many
So what? I don’t care”
Korean people do not like the appearance,
especially women. However, Hwasa “Dalla Dalla” by ITZY
responds in a less caring way as shown
Aliyyah (2018) inferred from
through the lyrics. From the lyrics above,
Copenhaver’s (2002) research result that
we can draw the conclusion that women
Barbie's figure appearance means having
should dresses however they want and
a slim body, fair skin, bright eyes, and
never listens to the standards of people.
considered attractive by men. In the lyrics

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

above, some of the people are judging her self-confidence in terms of their
just by her appearance and how she looks. appearance and mindsets.
Punk appearance mentioned in the lyric is From the analysis that has been
an appearance of someone who has conducted, it is found that the six songs
tattoos, dyed hair and wears a mixture of portray how women do not behave
clothing like a rebel such as wearing blue according to the stereotype. It is
torn jeans Sklar & DeLong (2012). This contradicting with previous research done
song subverts all the stereotypes since she by Abrahamsson (2018) that states women
does not care about what people say about had been categorized as having to behave
her appearance. She often says, “do not as applied to the standards of the society.
judge me only by my appearance,” to The result of the study also shows how
explain that they are different than what women are only concerned with their
people think. looks and their main interest is focused on
men. It is again in contrast to the six songs
DISCUSSION analyze in the present study that found
Since the lyrics are in Korean, the how women show their confidence
six songs target the Korean girl’s besides their appearance only and do not
audiences that they shouldn’t stick to the focus on men, but they focus on
beauty standards. However, since Korean themselves.
Wave reaches out to many parts of the This study also contradicts another
world, many fans or audiences might get study. Nam, Lee, and Hwang (2010)
misinterpretation of the songs. If they do analyze gender stereotypes in Korean
not understand the lyrics well, they might fashion magazine which is targeting the
only focus on physical appearance. They Korean adolescent. The research revealed
may also think that Korean beauty is the that Korean women were stereotypically
standard for women in Korea, and many more likely to be depicted as submissive,
international fans might be following the passive, and dependent than any other
looks of the singers. If they understand the group. Korean women are also compared
lyrics, they will not get attracted only to to western women that western women are
the looks. They can find out what is more confident and independent. On the
delivered by the singers in the songs’ contrary, the lyrics of the six songs
lyrics were actually to raise awareness of express how Korean women nowadays are
more open and active in expressing their

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

aspirations and opinion, more oriented. In these behavioral

independent, and have more self- characteristics women have proven that
confidence. The lyrics also change the they have started to love themselves, are
view of Korean people that women are no not afraid to do many things, and women
longer bound to their stereotype. The can also think of themselves than others.
results of these findings are against both Third, stereotypes have been subverted
previous studies, and these findings also through communication patterns which
enrich other findings. assumes women are tactful. Women are
categorized as someone who often speaks
tactfully or wisely, but the study proves
This study aims to give a new
that women can also say anything bluntly
perspective about how gender stereotype
without being made up. Fourth, the
is raised Through the songs and make
stereotype has been subverted through
people aware of a song that we often listen
physical appearance which assumes
in our everyday life, there are hidden
beauty is only seen as a valuable asset, and
issues implied. Since the issues of gender
the only beauty worth a value is “Barbie”
stereotypes are still prevalent in our
figure beauty. At the present time women
everyday life. People tend to take gender
no longer want to enter the circle which
issues for granted, neglecting their
makes them insecure, and the song's lyrics
significant impact on society. All of these
above prove that women no longer want to
aims have been answered through
follow the beauty standards that have been
analytical texts, and have resulted in
dictated by the public.
women against the stereotype through
Based on the findings, it is shown
four things. First, the stereotype has been
that women these days, especially in
subverted through feminine traits which
Korea, have opened their minds more
are only seen in the passiveness traits. The
broadly about the issue of beauty
excerpt from the song’s lyrics above has
standards in Korea. In fact, these days we
proven that women have to express their
can see numerous song lyrics, issues
aspirations and thoughts. Second, the
related to a beauty standard and other
stereotype has been subverted through
social issues have been raised. In these six
three of the fifteen behavioral
songs, we can also see that the Korean girl
characteristics, which are: not self-
groups have voiced their desire to get rid
confident, fearfulness, and people-
of the social stigma attached to them by

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

society. K-pop girl groups nowadays have

a big influence on the music world and
society. They have the ambition to invite
and motivate Korean women and women
across the world not to be bound by the
stereotypes that are inherent to women
through their song lyrics.

Ambara Andanawari Muhammad, 2020
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia||



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