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A Journey of Trust & Total

Module 8 BOC School of Leadership

1. “Trusting Him and moving to the unknown is God’s way of bringing the

best in us.” Do you agree / disagree with this statement? Why?

 Yes, because God is sovereign, He knows what’s best for us.

2. “Covenant people are called to a life of faith.” What is your understanding

of this phrase?

 People who trust God’s promises that He is able and will fulfill it lives by


3. God’s manner in raising extraordinary leaders is unique and totally

different. Choose one of the biblical characters below and describe their

training in God’s hands?

 he was one who had the hardest training for me because his son’s life was

at stake. But knowing his God who was sovereign, Abraham fully trusted the


◎Abraham offered his only son Isaac as a sacrifice (Genesis 22)

◎Joseph was sold by his own brother and suffered in dungeon (Genesis

37:12-36, 39:19-23)

◎Joshua was instructed by the Lord to cross the flooded Jordan River

(Joshua 3)

◎Elijah fed by ravens (1 Kings 17:1-6)

◎Esther risk her life to save her people (Esther 4-5)

◎Nehemiah build the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days in the midst complex

internal conflict (Nehemiah 6:15)

◎Daniel did not complain in the Lion’s den (Daniel 6)

◎Shadrach Meshach and Abednego went inside the fiery furnace with

confidence (Daniel 3)
◎David has to deal with Goliath and King Saul who threatens to kill him at a

very young age (1Samuel 17, 19)

4 .How shall we live our lives based on this verse? “For my thoughts are not

thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the

heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and

my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

 We can never fully understand God because He is incomprehensible. We

are to trust Him fully because He is a sovereign God. He knows what He is


5. Dreams, visions and suffering remain to be God’s heavenly curriculum in

igniting the contagious fire to His chosen ones. Do you agree / disagree with

this statement? Why?

 Yes, because without visions the people perish that’s what the bible says.

And without suffering there is no trying of faith that will work patience.

6. Christian morality separates us from the rest of the world. Why is this so?

 Yes. Because God’s morality differs from Men.

7. Biblical teaching enables us to reach our fullest potential as human being.

How do you experience this reality in your life?

 When we practice what we preach and teach. We are cautious of what we

act or say because we are encourage to give glory to God in what ever we do.
8 .Rate yourself from the scale of one to ten (1 to 10). Ten is a perfect score.

How are you performing these Christian disciplines and godly practices?




9. How can we continually spur up one another to grow in our walk with God?

 By encouraging one another and to learn from their experiences on how

they continue to walk in the Lord.


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