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1. "The Congregationalists" by Leonard J. Trinterud

2. "The Presbyterians" by Randall Balmer and John R. Fitzmier

3. "The Presbyterian Experience in the United States: A Sourcebook" edited by

Louis B. Weeks

4. "Puritanism in America: The Seventeenth-Century" by Richard L. Greaves

5. "The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism" edited by John Coffey and Paul C. H.


6. "The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and Moderates"

by Bradley J. Longfield

7. "The Congregational Way of Life" by Howard Clark Kee

8. "The Faith of Our Fathers: A History of the United Church of Christ" by Milton E.

9. "American Presbyterianism: A Sermon Delivered Before the General Assembly

of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America" by Samuel Miller

10. "The History of Congregationalism in the United States" by Williston Walker.

11. "A History of Presbyterianism in Brazil: From Its Origins to the Present" by
Richard Shaull

12. "The Story of Brazilian Protestantism" by E. Bradford Burns

13. "The Congregational Churches in Brazil: A Study in Interdenominationalism" by

Franklin Parker

14. "Presbyterian Missionary Attitudes toward American Indians, 1837-1893" by

John A. Bickers

15. "The Planting of the Presbyterian Church in Brazil" by John W. Weymouth

16. "The Origins of the Presbyterian Church in Brazil" by Richard Shaull

17. "The Church in Brazil: The Politics of Religion" by Andrew Chesnut

18. "Presbyterian Pilgrims on the Way: A Brief History of the Presbyterian Church in
Brazil" by James A. De Jong

19. "From Puritan to Presbyterian: The Birth of English-speaking Evangelicalism in

Brazil" by Paulo Augusto Deiros

20. "A Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil: História, Doutrina e Vida" by Robinson


21. Mark Noll, "The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind"

22. David G. Hackett, "That Religion in Which All Men Agree": Freemasonry in
American Culture

23. Anthea Butler, "The Gospel According to Sarah Palin: Politics, Religion, and the
Tea Party"

24. Michael R. S. Teixeira, "Politics and Religious Expression in Brazil: Pentecostal

Mobilization and the Legacy of the Catholic Church"

25. Andrew Johnson, "The Social World of Pentecostalism in Brazil"


Mark Noll - an American historian who has written extensively on the relationship
between evangelicalism and politics in the United States, including his influential book
"The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind".

Anthea Butler - an American religious studies scholar who has written on the
intersection of religion and politics, including her book "Women in the Church of God
in Christ: Making a Sanctified World".

Michael R. S. Teixeira - a Brazilian political scientist who has written on the political
involvement of Brazilian evangelicals and the relationship between religion and
democracy in Brazil.

David G. Hackett - an American religious studies scholar who has written on the history
of religion in the United States, including his book "That Religion in Which All Men
Agree": Freemasonry in American Culture".

Andrew Johnson - an American sociologist who has written on Pentecostalism in

Brazil, including his book "The Social World of Pentecostalism in Brazil".

R. Andrew Chesnut - an American religious studies scholar who has written on the
growth of Pentecostalism in Brazil and its impact on Brazilian society and politics.

John W. De Gruchy - a South African theologian who has written on the intersection of
theology and politics, including his book "Reconciliation: Restoring Justice".

Harvey Cox - an American theologian who has written on the relationship between
religion and culture, including his book "The Secular City".


1. Robert Wuthnow, author of "The Restructuring of American Religion"

2. John Green, author of "The American Religious Landscape"
3. David Campbell, author of "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us"
4. Michael Lindsay, author of "Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the
American Elite"
5. Mark Noll, author of "The Civil War as a Theological Crisis" and "God and Race in
American Politics: A Short History"
6. Andrew Whitehead, author of "Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in
the United States"
7. Melissa Wilde, author of "Religious Politics in America: A Cultural Study"
8. Darren Dochuk, author of "From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots
Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism"
9. Randall Balmer, author of "Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the
Faith and Threatens America" and "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the
Evangelical Subculture in America"
10. Janelle Wong, author of "Immigrants, Evangelicals, and Politics in an Era of
Demographic Change"
11. Laura Olson, author of "Religion and Politics in America: Faith, Culture, and Strategic
12. Samuel Perry, author of "Growing God's Kingdom: How to Tap into the Great
Commission in the 21st Century"
13. Elaine Howard Ecklund, author of "Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think"
and "Failing Families, Failing Science: Work-Family Conflict in Academic Science"
14. John Schmalzbauer, author of "People of Faith: Religious Conviction in American
Journalism and Higher Education"
15. Ryan Burge, author of "The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and
Where They're Going"
16. Korie L. Edwards, author of "The Elusive Dream: The Power of Race in Interracial


1. Ronaldo Almeida, author of "O Evangelho segundo os Evangélicos"

2. Paul Freston, author of "Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America"
3. Cesar Romero Jacob, author of "O voto evangélico nas eleições brasileiras"
4. Christina Vital da Cunha, author of "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil: The Assemblies
of God Experience"
5. Magali do Nascimento Cunha, author of "Evangélicos na política brasileira: estudos de
caso e perspectivas"
6. Priscila Delgado de Carvalho, author of "Evangélicos na política brasileira:
participação, representação e valores"
7. Ana Carolina Evangelista, author of "A bancada evangélica: disputas, dilemas e
alianças na política brasileira"
8. Edin Sued Abumanssur, author of "Evangélicos na política brasileira: memória,
narrativa e experiência"
9. Ricardo Mariano, author of "Neopentecostais: sociologia do novo pentecostalismo no
10. Ruy Braga, author of "A Política do Precariado: Do Populismo à Hegemonia Lulista"
11. Renan William dos Santos, author of "Gênero e Política na Bancada Evangélica
12. Paul Freston, author of "Protestant Political Parties: A Global Survey"
13. Christina Vital da Cunha, author of "Evangélicos, política e violência: elementos para
análise do impacto político da religião na sociedade brasileira"
14. Renata Menezes, author of "Religião e poder no Brasil: o caso dos evangélicos na
cidade do Rio de Janeiro"
15. Marcelo Camurça, author of "A bancada evangélica na Constituinte: religião, moral e

Robert Wuthnow: A sociologist of religion, Wuthnow has written extensively on the

role of religion in American society and politics, including his book "The Restructuring
of American Religion: Society and Faith Since World War II". He has also conducted
research on the intersection of religion and politics in Brazil, including his book "God
and Mammon in Rio de Janeiro: The Faith of an Elite Evangelical Family".´

Anthea Butler: A historian of American religion, Butler has written on the intersections
of religion, politics, and race in the United States, including her book "Women in the
Church of God in Christ: Making a Sanctified World". She has also conducted research
on the political mobilization of evangelicals, including her recent book "White
Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America".

Magali do Nascimento Cunha: A political scientist, Cunha has conducted extensive

research on the political engagement of evangelicals in Brazil, including her book
"Evangélicos na Política Brasileira: Estudos de Caso e Perspectivas". Her work has shed
light on the ways in which evangelical politicians navigate the tension between
religious values and political pragmatism, as well as the ways in which evangelical
voters are mobilized and organized by their religious leaders.
 Ideias para novas investigações:

Based on the research of the scholars mentioned above, a potentially interesting

starting point for new research in the field of evangelicals and politics in the USA and
Brazil could be to examine the intersection of religion, race, and political polarization.
Specifically, the research could investigate how evangelicals in both countries are
responding to the changing demographics of their communities, and how this is
affecting their political behavior.

For example, in the United States, the population of white evangelicals is declining,
while the percentage of non-white evangelicals is increasing. At the same time,
political polarization has become more pronounced, with evangelicals aligning
themselves more strongly with the Republican Party. A new research could explore
how this changing demographic landscape is affecting the political attitudes and
behaviors of evangelicals in the United States.

In Brazil, evangelicalism has become a powerful political force, with evangelical

politicians gaining significant influence in Congress and evangelical voters making up a
growing share of the electorate. However, the racial and ethnic diversity of Brazilian
evangelicals is often overlooked, with many assuming that evangelicals in Brazil are
predominantly white. A new research could investigate the political attitudes and
behaviors of different ethnic and racial groups within the Brazilian evangelical
community, and how this diversity is affecting the political landscape in the country.

Overall, a new research could explore how the changing demographic and political
landscape is shaping the religious and political identities of evangelicals in both the
USA and Brazil, and how this is affecting their engagement with political institutions
and processes.


A comparative analysis can be a powerful methodology for investigating the intersection of

religion, race, and political polarization among evangelicals in the USA and Brazil. Here are
some steps that could be taken to apply this methodology:

o Define the research questions: The first step in a comparative analysis is to define the
research questions that will guide the investigation. These questions should be
designed to compare and contrast the experiences of evangelicals in the USA and
Brazil, and to identify similarities and differences in the ways in which religion, race,
and politics intersect in these two contexts.
o Select the sample: The next step is to select a sample of evangelicals from both
countries who will be included in the study. This sample should be representative of
the diversity of the evangelical community in each country, and should include
individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

o Gather data: Once the sample has been selected, data can be gathered using a variety
of methods, such as surveys, interviews, and ethnographic observation. It may be
necessary to adapt the data gathering methods to fit the cultural and linguistic context
of each country.
o Analyze the data: After the data has been gathered, it can be analyzed using both
qualitative and quantitative methods. The analysis should focus on identifying patterns
and themes that are common to both countries, as well as differences that may be
related to cultural or political factors.

o Compare the findings: The final step is to compare the findings from the two countries
and to identify similarities and differences in the ways in which religion, race, and
politics intersect among evangelicals in the USA and Brazil. This comparison can help to
highlight important trends and patterns, as well as potential areas for further research.

Some specific methods that could be used to facilitate the comparative analysis include:
Comparative case studies: Researchers could select a few case studies of evangelical
individuals or organizations from both the USA and Brazil, and use them as a basis for
comparison. This could help to identify similarities and differences in the ways in which
religion, race, and politics intersect in different contexts.

o Comparative surveys: Researchers could use a standardized survey instrument that has
been adapted for use in both the USA and Brazil, allowing for direct comparison of the
results across countries.

o Cross-cultural focus groups: Researchers could conduct focus groups with evangelicals
from both countries, bringing them together to discuss their experiences and
perspectives. This could help to identify cultural differences in the ways in which
evangelicals understand and engage with politics.

Overall, a comparative analysis can be a valuable methodology for investigating the

intersection of religion, race, and politics among evangelicals in the USA and Brazil. By
identifying similarities and differences in the experiences of evangelicals in these two
countries, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex ways in which religion
and politics interact in different cultural and political contexts.


Here are 20 important authors for research on the intersection of evangelicals and politics in
the USA and Brazil:

1. Robert Wuthnow - "The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America" (2018)
2. Michael Emerson - "Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in
America" (2000)
3. Anthea Butler - "White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America" (2021)
4. Mark Noll - "The Civil War as a Theological Crisis" (2006)
5. Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry - "Taking America Back for God: Christian
Nationalism in the United States" (2020)
6. David Swartz - "Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism" (2012)
7. Melani McAlister - "The Kingdom of God Has No Borders: A Global History of American
Evangelicals" (2018)
8. Paul Freston - "Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America" (2001)
9. Elizabeth Oldmixon - "The Political Influence of Evangelical Churches" (2016)
10. Perry Glanzer, et al. - "The State of American Evangelicalism: An Update on Research"
11. Landon Schnabel and Sean Bock - "The Persistent and Exceptional Intensity of
American Religion: A Response to Recent Research" (2017)
12. Ed Stetzer - "Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World
Is at Its Worst" (2018)
13. Janel Kragt Bakker - "Prophetic Evangelicals: Envisioning a Just and Peaceful Kingdom"
14. Cecília Mariz - "Brazilian Evangelicals and Politics in the Twentieth Century" (2018)
15. Renata Aquino Ribeiro - "Politics of Religion in Brazil: The Rise of Evangelicalism in the
21st Century" (2018)
16. Paul Freston and Alan Nichols - "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil: An Overview" (2004)
17. Sérgio Lima and Luiz Domingos Costa - "Brazil's New Evangelicals: A Political and Social
Analysis" (2018)
18. Joel Carpenter - "Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism"
19. Charles Marsh - "God's Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights" (1997)
20. Ruth Melkonian-Hoover - "Evangelicals and Democracy in America, Volume 2: Religion
and Politics" (2018)

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a selection of authors and works that provide valuable
insight into the intersection of evangelicals and politics in the USA and Brazil.
 Pesquisa extensiva de autores específicos:


Stoll, David (1990) - Is Latin America Turning Protestant? The Politics of Evangelical

Smith, Amy Erica (1998) - Religious Politics in Latin America, Pentecostal vs. Catholic

Cunha, Cristina Vital da () - Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil: The Assemblies of God

Andrew Johnson is a political scientist and professor at Texas A&M University. In his book, "If
We Can Win Here: The New Front Lines of the Labor Movement", Johnson examines the
political activism of the Brazilian trade union movement, with a particular focus on its
relationship with Evangelical Christianity. He analyzes the ways in which labor unions and
Evangelical churches have formed alliances to promote social and economic justice, and the
challenges that arise from their divergent views on social issues.

Robin Nagle is an anthropologist and professor at New York University. In her book, "Picking
Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City", Nagle
examines the religious beliefs and practices of Brazilian immigrant workers in New York City.
She analyzes the ways in which these workers draw on their Evangelical faith to cope with the
challenges of their work and to navigate the complexities of American society.

Jesse Curtis is a historian and professor at the University of California, Davis. In his book, "The
Making of Brazilian Evangelicalism", Curtis examines the historical roots of Evangelical
Christianity in Brazil, tracing its development from a small missionary movement to a major
social and political force. He analyzes the ways in which Evangelicalism has shaped Brazilian
culture and society, and the challenges that arise from its complex and multifaceted identity.

Ronaldo de Almeida is a sociologist and professor at the University of São Paulo. In his book,
"A nova era: os Evangélicos na América Latina", de Almeida examines the growth of Evangelical
Christianity in Latin America, with a particular focus on Brazil. He analyzes the ways in which
Evangelical churches have organized themselves politically, and the impact of their political
engagement on democracy and social justice in the region.


1. "The Political Differences and Similarities Between Evangelicals in Brazil and the United
States" by Andrew Johnson and Maria das Dores Campos Machado (2022)
2. "From Reagan to Bolsonaro: Conservative Christians and Politics in the United States
and Brazil" by Ronald J. Morgan and Paul Freston (2021)
3. "Evangelicals and Right-Wing Populism in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative
Analysis" by Karen Siegel (2021)
4. Between Anti-Communism and Populism: The Political Mobilization of Brazilian and
American Evangelicals" by Luiz Felipe de Cerqueira e Silva and Kathryn Lobstein (2021)
1. "The Politics of Religion in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Study" by
Tomaz Espósito Filho (2021)
2. "Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: Similarities and Differences in Political
Attitudes and Behaviors" by Fernando R. Tesón and Mariana Velasco Rivera (2020)
3. "Evangelicalism and the Crisis of Democracy: A Comparative Study of Brazil and the
United States" by Manoela Miklos and Timothy J. Steigenga (2020)
4. "Populism and the Rise of the Religious Right in Brazil and the United States" by David
Lehmann (2019)
5. "Religion, Politics, and Populism: A Comparative Analysis of Evangelicalism in Brazil and
the United States" by Thiago Rodrigues and Leila Lehnen (2019)
6. "The Politics of Evangelicalism in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative
Perspective" by Michael Wilkinson and Rodrigo Toniol (2019)
7. "Religion, Politics, and the Rise of the Evangelical Right in Brazil and the United States"
by Philip S. Gorski and Aline Helg (2018)
8. "Religious Institutions and the Political Mobilization of Evangelicals in Brazil and the
United States" by Amanda F. Klonsky (2018)
9. "The Political Role of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative
Analysis" by Marlene de Fáveri and David Smilde (2018)
10. "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Study" by
Marina Silva Carvalho and Joel Thompson (2018)
11. "The Religious Right and Politics in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative
Perspective" by Ricardo Mariano (2017)
12. "Evangelicals, Politics, and Democracy in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative
Analysis" by Eduardo L. G. Rios-Neto and Michael D. Lewis (2017)
13. "The Political Mobilization of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Perspective" by David A. Smilde and Rafael Ioris (2016)
14. "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Analysis" by
Silvia Fernandes and Robert Wuthnow (2016)
15. "The Religious Right in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Analysis" by
Alexandre Fortes and Kevin J. Christiano (2016)
16. "The Political Participation of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Study" by Kenneth L. Roberts and Fábio de Oliveira Barbosa (2015)


1. "The Political Influence of Pentecostalism: A Comparative Study of Brazil and the

United States" by Paul Freston (2001)
2. "Brazil and the United States: Two Paths of Evangelical Involvement in Politics" by
Kenneth P. Serbin (2018)
3. "Pentecostal Politics and Anti-Communism in Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Study" by Rhys H. Williams (2007)
4. "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil: a comparison with the United States" by James N.
Green (2018)
5. "The Political Participation of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Study" by Amanda Jane McVety (2007)
6. "Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: Similarities and Differences in Political
Attitudes and Behaviors" by Fernando R. Tesón and Mariana Velasco Rivera (2020)
7. "The Political Role of Religion: The Case of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States"
by Gustavo Morello (2014)
8. "The Rise of Pentecostalism and the Political Culture of Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Perspective" by Jeffrey K. Hadden and Anson Shupe (1989)
9. "Evangelicalism in Brazil and the United States: A Comparison" by Timothy K. Beal
10. "Political Activism and the Christian Right in Brazil and the United States" by Jean-
Germain Gros and Mark J. Rozell (1998)
11. "Religion, Politics and Human Rights in Brazil and the United States" by J. Bryan Hehir
12. "Evangelical Political Mobilization in Brazil and the United States" by Timothy J.
Steigenga (2001)
13. "The Politics of Evangelical Identity: Local Churches and Social Movements in Brazil and
the United States" by John Burdick (2008)
14. "The Culture War in Brazil and the United States: Similarities and Differences in the
Religious Right's Search for Political Power" by Michael Minkenberg (2007)
15. "Evangelicals and Politics in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Analysis" by
Robin D. G. Kelley and Tito Alencar (2021)
16. "Evangelicalism in Brazil and the United States: A Comparative Study" by Edward L.
Cleary (2001)
17. "From the Brazilian Jeitinho to the American Dream: Cultural and Religious
Convergence among Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States" by Andrew Johnson
18. "The Protestantization of the Brazilian Political Right: A Comparison with the US
Christian Right" by Giovanni Alves and Ramón Grosfoguel (2018)
19. "Comparative Evangelicalisms: The US and Brazil in Global Context" by W. David Hall
20. "The Political Mobilization of Evangelicals in Brazil and the United States: A
Comparative Perspective" by Timothy J. Steigenga (2000)


1. Political Theology
2. Critical Research on Religion
3. Journal of Religion in Africa
4. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
5. American Behavioral Scientist
6. Journal of Latin American Studies
7. Latin American Perspectives
8. Ethnic and Racial Studies
9. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
10. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

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