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Earthnt has always been a special place. People go out to walk if it is raining and stay at home
if it is sunny. But the most special thing is that if you are a citizen of Earthnt, on your twelve
birthday, you will discover your superpowers, and those will determine your future, like
studies or work.

This is the story about Calos, a kid from Earthnt. The night before his twelve birthday, he was
super excited thinking about his future superpowers. He spends all afternoon thinking about
which superpower he could have. What if he could fly or teleport himself? They would be
super fun abilities, but he would prefer super strength.

The next morning, Calos did not feel anything different. He went to the doctor who determines
the superpower. He was not nervous because he knew that some people needed more
medical tests to discover their superpower. But, after many hours, and many doctors trying to
discover his superpower they determined that he did not have a superpower. When he went
to sleep, he cried all night, feeling weird. Am I broken? Am I too weak? If I had been stronger, I
would have had my superpower? He asked himself.

After several days he did not want to go to school, but after a week without leaving the house,
his parents forced him to go. When he arrived, he was waiting for all the questions that
everyone would ask him about his superpower. He was nervous because he did not know how
to answer. But, surprisingly, no one talked about that. His friends did not use their
superpowers so that Calos could feel comfortable. They showed him an important life lesson.
Being different does not matter if good friends surround you.

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